primes are lowkey goated in any situation where composing numbers is the vibe

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Do you ever think about how 12 and water have basically the same vibe?

Water is H2O, right? Water is a molecule built from more fundamental, basically indivisible objects we call atoms. The atoms come in certain flavors we call elements, and water specifically combines two of the hydrogen atoms with one oxygen.

Similarly, 12 is a composite number built from more fundamental, basically indivisible numbers we call primes. The primes also come in certain flavors, and 12 is built from two twos and a three.

In the same way that we have a periodic table of elements, we can imagine a periodic table of prime numbers, from which we compose the "molecules" of all the composite numbers.

As an extension, what sorts of properties would a period table of the primes have? What would be the best choice for "period"? What would be some characteristics of the primes that you would highlight?
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This could make an interesting generating function. If you consider an arbitrary set of elements, each assigned a unique prime number, you can generate polynomials/composite number from molecular formulae. I have absolutely no idea what that would be good for, but it is an interesting mathematical thought. I know you can use matrices to balance chemical equations. Could these generated polynomials/composite numbers be used in a similar way? Could a generated polynomial describe some useful time-evolution property of a molecule?


hi sir, do you have any tips/resources for learning math intuitively from the ground up? Thanks


Hi Sir check this verse in the Quran 2:60

It will take you maybe a minute, but I see what you are saying even though I am not mathematician I understand how 12 and water have the same flavours.

Anyway what has 2:60 or 2/6/0 or 2*6*0 or maybe however else you could think of have got to do with water?


Not that this couldnt work for like any other number.
