Delphin BLOKZ

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Unique, exceptional, unmissable - this is exactly the modular Delphin BLOKZ backpack in the popular CARPATH design.

→ The 30l backpack itself is complemented by 3 separate 5l pockets with clips, thanks to which you will get a respectable volume of 45l of the backpack. The backpack is equipped with universal straps with clips on the sides, to which it is possible to attach two more BLOKZ pockets, which can be purchased separately, and with which you will increase the total volume to 55 l!
→ The backpack has up to 3 full-fledged entrances, ensuring perfect access to every part! In addition, there is a detachable compartment inside the backpack, which allows, if necessary, to divide the interior space into two parts - top and bottom, which you will certainly appreciate at the separate e.g. food and clothing from fishing tackle.
→ Each BLOKZ pocket has an adjustable / removable compartment inside, thanks to which you will have a greater overview and order in your belongings.

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Zaujímavý batoh s dostatkom miesta. Z fotky si človek nevie predstaviť koľko sa tam zmestí, no teraz to už viem.
