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Zizaran shares a simple way to make sure you never fail your blights again.
This strategy works for both in-zone maps as well as Blighted Maps in the endgame of Path of Exile.
Blight-Ravaged maps are a completely different beast and not covered in this video.

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if you support your lvl 3 seismic tower with a lvl 3 support tower the mobs will get perma stunned, incase they are immune to seismic you just place chilling tower (not fully upgraded!) with the ring anoint "Your Chilling Towers freeze enemies for 0.2 seconds while they are affected by chilling beams" and these mobs will get perma stunned aswell


I do Blight every season to get my cash flow rolling. A couple of notes - Burning ground from meteors is OP. Even if a monster is immune to flame towers, the burning ground still wrecks them. I go for 25% increased effect of empowering towers as my other anoint. If you're just starting out, start with two amber and one sepia. Once you have built up some Oils. Switch to 2 Amber and 1 Azure or 1 Crimson to increase rewards. This alone, even with a crappy build will allow you to take in T13+ blighted maps with relative ease. Once you have a decent build you can do whatever you want and really rake in the currency. It's not really worth it to alch or corrupt maps. Just run them blue. Watch for "Cannot be Stunned" like Ziz said. Also, cannot be slowed below base value is kind of annoying as well.
Ravaged maps are not worth it unless you absolutely know what you're doing. Just sell them for 15c a pop or what they are (they're typically 15c, regardless of tier).
The offscreen not killing monsters is still lame. There will be some maps that, unless you have a really good build, they are impossible. I think it's Silo that is the worst for this. It almost always starts with a line in one direction with towers far away from the pump and then immediately starts a line in the opposite direction with towers far away as well. It's awful. Similar to what Ziz showed here, the best layouts are the ones that would be shitty to run a normal map in. The cramped/maze-like maps.


a few more pointers for anyone who happens to read this and cares for blight -

1. monsters action speed cannot be modified below base value map modifier bricks chilling towers similarly to how stun immunity bricks stun towers.
2. meteor tower burning ground damages fire immune portal units too, thats why that anoint is extra valuable, it generally makes it the best dps tower even if there are a lot of fire immume portals. they dont stack incredibly well though, so sometimes having an arc tower or a scout tower might be more valuable dps wise alongside a meteor in a cluster.
3. empowering towers are incredibly strong and i recommend everyone to either get empowering range or empowering effect anoints alongside the meteor.
4. always build in clusters, build around your empowering towers, if there are even 20 lanes and they need to go through a cluster of empower + chilling + stun + meteor, they will never go through.
5. if you have a bad layout, always prioritize CC over damage.
6. if you can afford it, always have a glacial cage tower as well as a sentinel tower somewhere on top/close to the pipe, its a nice stop gap to any stragglers that got through your defenses somehow, probably when you werent in range for a moment.


The fact that the screen limit thing with towers hasn't been changed/fixed in all these years - it's the most infuriating thing about this mechanic and almost completely invalidates 99% of the "Tower" nodes that spawn.


I love that you give us tacit permission to struggle and maybe fail. Other streamers say things like, "there's never a reason to fail a blight map" and then when you do, it feels bad


Wow. Didn't realise the tower stoped working when you move far away. I lost countless blights because of this. I was investing heavily on one side and moved to the other side thinking I got it covered... And if the blight is indoor, I always put a frozen prison near a door, usually nothing gets past that


I love Blight. It's such a chillout experience.


I use to struggle with blight maps, then i watched a video on it where they said to build green towers to level 3 and stun towers to level 3, and it perma stuns everything, then add a few meteor towers to damage everything that is stunned and if they are immune to stun, then freeze towers work and the cages are pretty good too. Now i can finish blight maps!


Thanks so much for all of your guides 🙏 Blight has always been fun but scary, so I'm glad to get some good info so I can run some myself 💜


@Zizaran you forgot to mention that the burning ground is op because it still damages monsters immune to fire towers so with that enchant the towers will be able to damage all monsters


Thank you, this really helped. I had no idea that towers off the screen weren't helping which is what I was having issues with. Now with what I learned here I can beat this super easy even when I get crappy tower positions.


Most people may not agree with me here but fun-wise the blight encounters/maps are my favourive game mechanic because is it the only mechanic which you can effectively do with your friends playing together. All the other stuff is more like a single player game except for blight.


I used to hate blight until I learned the burning ground+boosting tower method a couple years ago (from tripolar I think?). Now blight is one of the mechanics I always go full into because it just solves your currency issues and it can be done no matter the gear I got.


Thank you! I could never finish a blight map 😂, now i know that I don't have to turn on all of the towers.


Zizaran: "Now you'll see that if I move far away the boss will get right through my stun tower."
Boss: 🤡


'Your Chilling Towers freeze enemies for 0.2 seconds while they are affected by chilling beams' anoint is absolutely busted with the meteor burning ground anoint.
It's relatively expensive (opal/silver) but you'll never fail


Ty for this Z. I recently found ur Poe vids on YT. I played harvest on PC. Just returned to the game on PS and blight maps have been a struggle for my poison BV


THANK YOU! I finally know what to deal with this mechanic and dont have to avoid or even block it in the atlas tree. I now know that you can and i now know how to annoint rings and the most important thing is the perma stun tactic. Ive realised i was making huge mistakes when i kept upgrading my towers to the highest lvl. I thought that the higher lvl of the tower the better. Sooo many blight runs lost and just as many times saying that its the last time im doing that. Again, thank you. This video was a much needed help!


i wanna be honest i am not a pro poe player nor have i much knowledge about it and mostly learn stuff on this channel....blight is one of my most fun things to do in poe (along with exploration) just that i really sucked at it and failed so many maps last season that i just rage quit....and i wanted to dodge this new poe season because i have the feeling that poe is prob not made for me and im more of a diablo casual...but watching this and how easy blighted maps can be gives me the motivation to just get into it again after the client finished downloading...thanks alot for those videos 100% helps to keep me motivated to actually play the game


TL:DR shock->seismic for perma stun, chill for slow, empower if it'll hit any of the above, and then meteor last but not least if there's space. Close to pump is best
