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Please note: the lashes do not come with glue.

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Risa, I'm 56 and have always been envious of ladies with long lashes since mine are blonde and very short. I tried falsies once years ago and had no clue what I was doing and never tried again. I ordered your Martini set a few days ago and can't wait for them to arrive and try them. I am so far from a "glam" style but I truly enjoy your videos and tips. Sending wishes for a great launch and much success!


I just love how good your momma felt after applying the lashes. Every woman deserves to feel pretty.


OMG, your mom’s beaming smile after she put the lashes on totally made me tear up. ❤


Risa, I am so happy for you!! No one deserves this more than you. I am 54 and the last 5 years has been a complete 360 degree whirlwind in my life I did not see coming. Anyway I found your channel about that time and it sounds so silly, but that and a couple of other things got me through some horrible stuff. Anyway, I told my daughter 2 weeks ago, I wanted to try some false lashes, never tried them before. And wham!! Your announcement. Needless to say, I started with the corner lashes. Didn't mean to rattle on. Hope your back is better and so happy for you. Love you girl.. Enjoy!!!!


Thank you so much! I am 55 years old and have never worn false lashes. My husband of 33 years passed away in 2021. My love for him will never die, but I am recently considering my future self and how I want to present myself to the world. Your tutorials are giving me confidence to try to get out into the world again, and present a fresh face.


The tip about waiting for the glue to set is the THE ONE most important thing. You can hold it in front of your magnifying mirror and watch for the glue to change from wet looking to matte texture. Then just plop them down and they will grab. Practice at a time when you aren't going out and you have time to practice. I wear my Kiss Wispy lashes every day. They are so pretty and natural looking. Thanks for this great video!❤


Day Club!!! Absolutely the most beautiful, flirty false lashes I have ever seen!!! Risa, you did such an amazing job creating this line.

And, as I have said before, you are a GREAT teacher!!!!


As proud as you are of your mom trying your new lashes, I bet her pride for you is making her chest explode and not only because of this most recent successful endeavor! All of us viewers are so proud of you, your enticing channel, and your ability to build us all up whether we’re full glam or not! Keep up the good work and sincere ✨CONGRATULATIONS✨to you (and BK for having the smarts to partner with you)! 🥂🍾 💕


My 86 year young Mom has been saying for years that she wants to buy false lashes but was too afraid...I just showed her this video and she cannot believe it...ordering and watching again 😊 Congratulations!! and thank you!!


Finally a TRUE Masterclass in false lashes. Really appreciate the attention to detail you gave this for beginners, Risa. AND many thanks for including your mom! It gives me a little more confidence to try! Thanks again. You're the best instructor out there!❤


I loved seeing your mom smiling so beautifully after applying her lashes and you almost in tears being so proud of her. It took me 3 months of daily (literally) of practice applying false lashes where i felt confident I nailed it. I wished I watched your video at the onset, oh what aggravation it would have saved me. You are the best! ❤


Your mom is so pretty. It was impossible not to celebrate with her when she was so proud and clearly felt glamorous ❤


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I just turned 52 and have never been able to wear false eyelashes. My daughter is getting married in two weeks and the makeup artist wants to charge me $160 to do my makeup for the day. I'm sorry but that seems outrageous to me so I found your videos and have been watching them over the last few days. Today I went out and bought a bunch of the products you recommend and just now I did a full practice run including the false eyelashes and I'm so happy! You look amazing in all of your videos and I only wish I would have found you sooner! Thanks again!


I have been wearing lashes for 40 plus years. 5 days at least a week. I have never had anyone describe in this detail what to do. You are such a great trainer. I can wait to get mine in!!!❤❤❤❤❤


I just got a set of your lashes. Being 61 and never wearing false lashes I appreciate your mom’s footage. 🙏❤️


Such a good job teaching us newbies on how to apply lashes! I love how you broke it down for us. I have never wore false lashes and I am 62. This video makes me think that I can do this! Thank you so much.


I had to come back and make another comment once the video was over, your mama is beautiful and did such a good job! She definitely made it look so easy.
Thank you so much for making this video soooo informative! I have all the tools to be good at this, just need the practice! Excited for my lashes to arrive.


I needed this detailed tutorial. Thank you so much, Risa! I'm 73 (hello, Risa's Mom ☺️You looked beautiful!) and am trying to use a little less eye shadow but still want my eyes to pop! I've never put lashes on myself with glue. I've used the magnetic ones and new press on little fill-ins. I've applied a lot of lashes with glue on my daughter during her years of dance competitions though. I ordered Martini and Day Club. So happy there's a clear glue and you give it your seal of approval for sensitive eyes. That's one big reason why I've shied away from glue ons! Can't wait to get my lashes! 🫶


The tip about cutting the lashes so they’re not too close to the inner corner was the best tip for me! I’m going to wear them now at 46!


Risa, I appreciate this thoughtful and detailed review!
I’m looking forward to receiving my lashes so I can begin my new lash journey.
At the fabulous age of 50, and as a professional executive, I’ve been disenchanted with the lash market.

Your mother is lovely and watching her apply the lashes provided me with renewed inspiration.
I’ve paid every price point, and brand, only to be disappointed and discouraged.

The 10x mirror tip may be the distinguishing factor. Yay! Thank you for your expertise.

Melanie from Maryland ☺️
