Unleashing the Power of Serverless Computing in Kubernetes with Knati... Whitney Lee & Viktor Farcic

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Unleashing the Power of Serverless Computing in Kubernetes with Knative, Crossplane & Dapr - Whitney Lee, VMware Tanzu & Viktor Farcic, Upbound

In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud native computing, serverless computing has emerged as a transformative force, offering a paradigm shift in application development and deployment. This talk delves into the world of serverless computing within the Kubernetes ecosystem, showcasing how open-source projects like Knative, Crossplane, Dapr, KEDA, Shipwright, and others empower developers to harness the power of serverless on top of Kubernetes. This is a hands-on talk, where we will build a serverless application (including infrastructure) from scratch. We will then explore how to extend the application with additional serverless capabilities, such as eventing, messaging, and state management. We will also explore how to leverage the power of Kubernetes operators to extend the Kubernetes API with custom resources and controllers, and how to use these operators to provision and manage serverless applications.
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