Verbs with Prepositions

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Learn how to use correctly the prepositions about, on, to, in, for, from, of, at and with after verbs. You have plenty of examples in this video, which will help you learn their use.
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- I know I can always count on (rely on) you two to be creative.
- Since I believe in the power of teamwork.
- Thank you for trusting us with this client.
- I was excited to participate in this project at first.
- But I’m afraid we might not have succeeded in (manage) working well together.
- I can’t speak to (talk about) how much time Doug spent on this project.
- But I have fully committed myself to it (dedicated myself).
- Let me see what you both came up with (produce).
- We may need to make some changes to it to adapt to (to work properly with) this new client’s perspective.
- Did you help with this, Doug?
- As soon as I glanced at the logo (give a quick look), I knew what changes needed to be made.
- I talked to Mira and told her how to improve it.
- She took my advice and it resulted in that logo.
- You have no right to boast about (speak proudly of) the logo!
- I worked hard on it (spend time producing), and then I had to deal with your criticism.
- Let me explain to you both what teamwork and cooperation mean.
- Because I think you’re confusing them with competition.
- I can sympathize with (understand her) Mira about not wanting to be criticized.
- I want to hear about what you both did.
- But I also want you to talk about something positive the other person did.
- This is what I came up with.
- I know we might need to add to it (improve).
- Since she doesn’t specialize in (be trained in) copywriting, I didn’t listen to her.
- I want to apologize for not taking your comment seriously.
- I want to apologize to you for being so critical.
- We can work on (spend time improving something) it together and see if it leads to (result in) us creating a better one.
- We can forget about (disregard) our argument and move on.
- I want to congratulate you on working together.
- When you work together, you need to understand where the other person is coming from (someone’s ideas, intentions or feelings).
- I encourage you to get better acquainted with (familiar) each other.
- Figure out how you can borrow from each other.
- The success of this project depends on solid teamwork.


Legends are watching this before one day Or in exam 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤪


- Did you look at my suggestions for our client’s company logo?
- Yes, I worked on the logo last night.
- I stayed up (go to bed late than usual) late to make sure it was perfect.
- You can’t be serious. We can’t show it to out boss.
- I thought we agreed on (share the same opinion) using a light green color.
- I thought I could rely on (trust someone) you to make this by yourself.
- I don’t want to hear about it!
- All you do is complain about my work.
- You always disagree with everything I do.
- After we talked about the logo yesterday, I thought you would make it differently.
- You know our boss insist on (keep doing something) us doing everything perfectly!
- I don’t know how we’ll recover from (become successful again after having problems) this mistake.
- We have to meet with our boss in half an hour.
- I care about our client enough to put in extra time and energy.
- But you only concern yourself with (pay attention to) looking good in front of our boss.
- Let me see the work that you prepared for (get something ready) today.
- Let’s see how it compares with mine.
- Ok. Listen to this slogan.
- Sip our seltzer (mineral water) and escape from (get free from) you problems into a tropical paradise.
- I can’t believe that’s what you prepared for today!
- That’s not what the company is about.
- Maybe I could concentrate on getting the slogan right if I weren’t busy worrying about the logo!
- Don’t blame this on me!
- You only have ten more minutes to spend on this project.
- Let’s try to think about a solution before the meeting.
- Yes. Let’s deal with (take action in order to solve a problem) this problem quickly.
- So how do you feel about it now?
- Can you thing of (produce a new idea) a better slogan?
- You just reacted to (respond in a particular way) it because I objected to (express one’s disagreement) the color of your logo.
- That’s the only reason you disapprove of (refuse to accept) it.
- We don’t have time to argue about (quarrel) it.
- I’m excited to see what you’ve come up with (devise or produce).


I am glad to see new lesson. That's great indeed.


Great video to memorize the correct use of the verbs with prepositions! Thanks!


This is another great lesson as usual!! Thanks a lot .. studying English is easer thank you all the staff 😊


Thank you for sharing and another amazing video, that means a lot to me and greetings from Colombia.


This lesson is so useful our daily life I am very glad


Very good channel 👍 Thank you ❤ Jesus Christ is proud of you and with you ❤ God loves you❤😍 Thank you for amazing help to learn English 👍


This is the best way to learn new expressions... with a history, a context and a dialogue


Outstanding piece of work.. that phrases best compiled in a single video…
Keep it up


Excelente. El mejor canal de enseñanza


Thank you so much for uploading new lesson. Thanks a million


Hello, thank you for watching!Greets from Azerbaijan!


Easy to learn English. Perfect and clear. 👌


I dont know why i find your videos ve
So relaxing


Thanks, you are really amazing. Every day I am watching your videos.


I know I can always count on (rely on) you two to be creative.
- Since I believe in the power of teamwork.
- Thank you for trusting us with this client.
- I was excited to participate in this project at first.
- But I’m afraid we might not have succeeded in (manage) working well together.
- I can’t speak to (talk about) how much time Doug spent on this project.
- But I have fully committed myself to it (dedicated myself).
- Let me see what you both came up with (produce).
- We may need to make some changes to it to adapt to (to work properly with) this new client’s perspective.
- Did you help with this, Doug?
- As soon as I glanced at the logo (give a quick look), I knew what changes needed to be made.
- I talked to Mira and told her how to improve it.
- She took my advice and it resulted in that logo.
- You have no right to boast about (speak proudly of) the logo!
- I worked hard on it (spend time producing), and then I had to deal with your criticism.
- Let me explain to you both what teamwork and cooperation mean.
- Because I think you’re confusing them with competition.
- I can sympathize with (understand her) Mira about not wanting to be criticized.
- I want to hear about what you both did.
- But I also want you to talk about something positive the other person did.
- This is what I came up with.
- I know we might need to add to it (improve).
- Since she doesn’t specialize in (be trained in) copywriting, I didn’t listen to her.
- I want to apologize for not taking your comment seriously.
- I want to apologize to you for being so critical.
- We can work on (spend time improving something) it together and see if it leads to (result in) us creating a better one.
- We can forget about (disregard) our argument and move on.
- I want to congratulate you on working together.
- When you work together, you need to understand where the other person is coming from (someone’s ideas, intentions or feelings).
- I encourage you to get better acquainted with (familiar) each other.
- Figure out how you can borrow from each other.
- The success of this project depends on solid teamwork.


Thank you so much! Aaaa it helped me in my doubts about verbs with prepositions😭💛


I think you should have your own podcast on Spotify, Gaana, etc... It truly helps a lot... ❤️❤️
