How To Get 850+ More Carry Weight! - Fallout 76

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Hey Guys! Today I'm Going To Show You How You Can Maximize Your Carry Weight Capacity All The Way Up To 887+ This Is No Joke You Can Actually Get Your Characters Carry Capacity Up So Much You Can Almost Hold Your Entire Stash!!! Beneath is The Timestamps, The Brackets Show You Where The Carry Capacity Is At During That Time!

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Youtube: UCjdAH5p_fZqIaIYHtI_IJaw

00:00 Intro (155)
00:35 S.P.E.C.I.A.L (225)
01:30 Legendary Perk (250)
01:58 Strong Back (290)
02:27 Radicool (315)
02:55 Unyielding Armor (390)
03:47 Armor Mods (440)
04:18 Backpack (560)
05:47 Marsupial (580)
06:25 Herd Mentality (590)
07:03 Strange In Numbers (600)
07:31 Under armor (610)
08:10 Bobblehead (620)
08:34 Fully Fed (625)
08:53 Weight Bench (635)
09:15 Carry Weight Booster (685)
09:37 Carnivore (722)
10:06 Pepperoni Roll (797)
10:24 Solar Powered (812)
10:45 Party Boy/Girl (842)
11:12 Bufftats (857)
11:25 Outro (887)
Рекомендации по теме

You forgot the magazine. I think it's Live & Love 3 that doubles the effects of food. You should be able to break 900 with it. Also add a melee weapon that gives +1 Strength, something like a 1lb knife works well.

Oh, also the base carry weight is 150. That's what 0 strength would be, but you're always forced to have at least 1 of every stat. It makes the math work out easier thinking of it as 150.


Great tutorial only thing i'd add is instead of the Resistant underarmor use Shielded underarmor, it give + 4 Strength.


You can also equip a meelee weapon that has +1 strangth.


That's absurd!
But very much doable, thanks to this video


Wait, did I hear you right? Herd mentality and all you did was create your own group and your carry went up? Without another teammate nearby??😮


The shielded lining for SS under armor give you plus 4 strength


Another trick is using Nuka cola dark and using the perk card that buffs cola products as it stacks with food. Plus weight reduction perks help.


Secreat service underarmour gives +4, and smoked mirelike fillts with carnivore also gives +75 if i'm notmistaken. Thanks though, I forgot about alcohol and exercise (busy with mule setup)


When you want your character to be a portable stash box


now you can start with backpack from the beginning with a new character, check it out. 👍


Great video, the shielded mod for secret service under armour gives +4 strength, so 2 more than the protective you put on

I get that you are talking purely about strength and naked carry weight, but I have found Perk Cards and weapons weight reduction armour to be far better at managing my carry weight. When fully fed, in a team, I start each session with 185 / 516 carry weight, carry all of the below

Build and Cards
* Bloodied build with a mix of heavy gun and commando and my set up is as follows
* 15 in Strength
* Full set of Unyielding, Secret Service Armour, legs have deep pockets and all pieces have weapons weight reduction

* Shielded Secret Service Under Armour
* High capacity backpack
* Full Thru Hiker, Travelling Pharmacy, Bandolier and Batteries Not Included

Weapons & Ammo
* Handmade + 1525 ammo
* Railway Rifle + 1240 Ammo
* Holy Fire + 3150 fuel
* LMG + 2175 ammo
* Gauss mini gun + 4000 ammo
* Mini Gun + 20500 ammo
(Yes I am THAT specific with the ammo I start with haha)

* 50+ purified water
* 50+ dog food
* 50+ various nuka cola flavours
* Various bits of Scorch Beast for buffs
* 10+ Stingwing Stew
* 10+ Tasty Squirrel Stew

* 120+ Stim Packs
* 150+ Berry Mentats
* 100+ Diluted Radaway
* 20+ Radshield

I also have a Power armour frame with full weapons weight reduction, Union Power Armour

I get that the WWR armour can take ages to roll, I was very lucky and managed it all in about 3 weeks, but it is worth the grind. I can come out of Eviction Notice on public servers and not be over encumbered. In the regular team I play with, I am always first to go again after events like Eviction Notice and Moonshine Jamboree


can you please make the same video but for full health builds? I have been trying to increase my carry capacity, some pointers would be great.


Is most of his carry weight only good for an hour, because of the buffs?


Wait, the backpack from the airport gives you +60? Isnt that backback from the completion of the order of the tadpole? The one at the airport is only +10 or something or did they change that now. Thanks for all the info. I definitely missed some. Great for starting a different character.


Plus Rad ant lager is another +50 carry weight


I have a character that has 5 pieces of weapon Weight reduction and is currently carrying over 2000 guns.😂😂😂


I find it better to do weight reduction perks and mods if a ribeye weighs 1.50lbs with the grocers backpack it ways .10 which allows you to carry thousands of lbs vegetables that weigh .50 lbs weigh .003 then use traveling pharmacy and super Stimson weigh 1.50 now weigh .08 so by getting the the grocers backpack and 3pounts in strength for a maxed out traveling pharmacy so will be able to carry way more with less weight and wasted cards and buffs that only last a minute or two c'mon guy get with it!


So i usally run around with 635 with my build with just deathclaw stake and pepperoni rolls i farm the deathclaws i set my camp up at a spawn point


The the Unyielding armor pieces have to match?


Carry booster is also in the raiders for gold
