Is Ordinary Lash Serum Safe? Eye Doctor Explains

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You guys requested it so here it is! The Ordinary lash serum - is it safe for your eyes? In this video, Dr. Rupa Wong, an ophthalmologist and eye surgeon, explains all about the ingredients and her overall professional opinion of the product. 😁👍

00:00 : Is Ordinary lash serum safe for your eyes?

00:27 : What is in Ordinary lash serum and do ophthalmologists recommend it?

02:41 : Are peptides actually helpful for lash growth?

05:02 : Does The Ordinary lash serum have prostaglandins?

06:07 : Why is there caffeine in beauty products?

08:04 : Are there parabens, phthalates, or sulfates in The Ordinary lash serum?

08:22: Does The Ordinary lash serum cause permanent change?

09:14 : Conclusion - Are you going to try The Ordinary lash serum?

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Would you consider using the ordinary lash serum? If you have already used it, what did you think? 👯


what's in it?
- water - highest %
- Glycerin - great emolliant...
- Butylene glycol - same
- Peptides - 4 types, and more proteins... based on families with ++ lashes that have a lot of these peptides...not proven
no prostaglandin analogs!
- panthenol - for growth

Bunch of stuff that is ok

Cafein... does work on hair growth, so maybe on lashes, can make telogene phase longer, lash will fall when stopped.


I was surprised because it doesn’t have prostaglandins, but it works for me. I also use on my eyebrows and am seeing excellent results.


You are such a pleasant person. I’m sure the people around you enjoy being in your presence.


I'm so happy to have found your channel! I have sensitive dry eyes so it's really awesome seeing makeup and serums from a eye-health perspective.. of course I do research, but its nice to see someone else do it for me hahahaha


Thank you! I was looking for a serum without the side effects mentioned, and I had assumed the ordinary serum would have them too!


I opted for this lash serum because others are too expensive and have lot of cons, even if it doesn’t end up doing anything its worth a shot


This is such a fantastic video. I love the emphasis on research!!


This serum dried out my eyelids to the point where they were bleeding. It was not a fun experience


I've used it for maybe two months consistently (morning and night) and have seen slow and steady results.
At first it did sting my eyelids but over time that feeling stopped. It will primarily make your lashes thicker and denser over length but I have seen some change in length. It works great for the eyebrows too! It filled in the holes I have in my brows. Plan to keep using this!


This was SO helpful and answered all of my questions around safety of The Ordinary's lash serum ingredients! Thank you sharing your expertise with us.


Thank you for these eyelash serum videos! I was wondering if you could look over the Benton Honest eyelash serum and the Gemsho Eyelash serum as well! They're very popular in the Korean beauty community!


I’ve been using it awhile now, and I believe it’s giving me hollow under eyes so I’ve been using it twice a week to prevent it


Dr.Rupa don’t care about users have problems!


I have sparse, thin, straight lashes and have tried a number of serums such as Rapid Lash, Lash Sensational, and a number of others, without a whole lot of success, despite applying them religiously morning and night. I've just started using the Ordinary one and was surprised to find it burns my eyes. I don't have particularly sensitive eyes and don't have any problems with eyeliners or even false eyelash glue. I though I would use it for a full week to see if my eyes would adjust to the product and stop burning. Nope, still burning. Additionally just today I noticed an increase in puffiness and lines around my eyes. Needless to say, this isn't an acceptable trade off for slightly longer lashes. I'll stop using it and finish using the rest up on my eyebrows. I'm an avid and experienced user of the Ordinary brand products, so this is a disappointment.


I used this serum for about a week and my eyelids looked puffy/sunken in and my eyes were also dry and itchy


You're so LOVELY. happy thanksgiving!


This is very useful thank you so much, I bought this serum but I was scared of side effects like eye color change, phew!


Hey, thanks for this video. It was very clear! I recently started using this serum and I realised that my eyelid developed an acne looking spot like an early stage of chalazion. I didn't think that the serum may have caused it because I had had a surgery because of chalazion a couple of years ago (I was using another serum). Then today, I noticed another spot on my other eye 😩 So, I don't wanna blame the product(s) for this since my eye lashes are already quite thick and my skin is almost oily... However, the timing makes me consider a correlation between them. Perhaps, the eyelash serums are not everyone 😅


This maybe annoying but I was wondering if L’Oréal clinically proven lash serum is safe to use. I’ve checked ingredients and it says it’s “eye safety approved” but I’m still unsure if it’s ok to use. Great videos btw May use this my self
