Amazon Puffer Fish Freshwater Care Colomesus asellus. South American puffer fish

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‎ Amazon puffers (Colomesus Asellus) get to ~4 inches and can live in planted tanks with other fish.




At Aquarium Co-Op, we focus on your aquariums. We specialize in freshwater tropical fish, aquatic plants, and the overall betterment of the freshwater fish keeping hobby. Our goal is to help you with your first pet fish and graduate you to an advanced aquarium hobbyist. If you'd like to take it to the next level, subscribe to Aquarium Co-Op and check out our weekly videos.

Cory McElroy is employed by Aquarium Co-Op LLC. He also owns Aquarium Co-Op LLC. Therefore, all content is sponsored by Aquarium Co-Op.

0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Amazon puffer fish care
4:45 - Outro

#Aquariumcoop #Aquariumfish #Fishtank
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I like how you care for the fish before you sell them. great job and store.


I've watched this 10 times and always come back to it j just to make sure I'm not missing something lol I love my Amazon puffer the most out of all my fish! I love them all but these by far are my favorite!


idk why but ive been in a puffer mood! thinking between Pea and Amazon, kinda liking the Amazon more. Nice to know they are community fish :3


Cory, can you sometime do a more in depth video about caring for these puffers? I was thinking a heavily planted tank 40-55gallons with maybe dwarf Gourami's or various barbs, and possibly tetras. What's a great reliable source for snails and other foods for the Amazon puffers? Could a person possibly start a live snail colony in a puffer tank that was heavily planted.


Good info thanks. I know this video is 2yrs old but I want to get some Amazon Puffers so I been doing as much research as I can & found this video. Had to watch!!


I got an Amazon Puffer 2 weeks ago. He is in a 10gal quarantine tank with a few plastic plants and a fake hollow rock, i did general cure to de worm, water tests out all good temp is 77 and i cant get him to eat... i dont have access to live bloodworms so got him a bowl that put new frozen ones in every day, he has a bunch of pond snails in the tank of varying sizes, i crushed a large snail and put that in his bowl he doesnt pay any interest. His 20 gallon tank is cycled and stable it has 3 small pepper corys and a small ghost shrimp in it and i intended to add 5 ember tetras and give it a week before i put him in but now im thinking i should get him in and add other fish later...


I love the pufferfish, I wish I had waited to set up my tank, this is the fish I want! I


Hi I know this is an old video. But I was hoping you would answer my question. I was wondering if that was dead live rock in the puffer tank? I ask because I have some nice old dead live rock that I have been saving and wondering if I could use it in a freshwater tank. Thank you and always I do enjoy all your videos.


I went to aquarium co op 2 days ago … i was so impressed!!!
P.s. amazon puffer is now$35 .. but its so healthy compared to the other ones i bought from a different storw


Im fairly knowledgeable about fish (including some common brackish puffers) and I learned no less than 5 quality tips in this 5 minute video. Thanks!


Can you do a video on how you get the puffers to eat snails?


Cory, great tip about building the tank around any puffer species. I got 2 pea puffers to start. Now have 5 pea puffers and 3 amazon puffers. If they even get remotely hungry, the amazons start praying on guppies (which i removed), cherry shrimp (most removed) and they even horas my cory's paleatus and bristlenose. I could only get frozen crill but they also steal the pallets from the cory's. Snails are on the menu from time to time, as I am starting up snail breeding in another tank. I like them a lot, so it was no problem to move almost all the other fish to another tank (which was only growing plants anyways). Curious how they will develop. They are getting pretty fat from the heavy feeding, but they are still very small in length. Thanks for the words of advice and sharing valuable information about puffer fish as, like you said, there is not a lot of info around and even quality fish stores will give poor advice.


I have a few species only puffer tanks but I have always been interesting in Amazons due to their generally calm temperament when compared to other puffers. I was able to obtain them once at an LFS but they just did not do well at all for me unfortunately. They ended up getting ick extremely badly while in quarantine and ultimately passing despite my best efforts. Hopefully one day we’ll be able to get puffers that are not only wild caught.


This was very helpful I’ve got a tiny little one and he is so gorgeous. I use frozen food at the moment.... but as he gets bigger I have a snail tank for him... thank you 😊


I ordered an amazon puffer and I'm just waiting now. I cant wait for my first puffer.


I love puffers please do more if you get the time


Thank you Cory! I've been looking for a puffer video, I'm really interested. If it's okay can you do a guide to setting up a puffer tank? I love your channel! Thank you:)


Great info on the puffers. I was looking for a talk you gave on summer tubbing, I'm guessing to your local club, that I remember seeing but can't find again and was wondering if you could link it to your channel. Thanks.


would you recommend a amazon puffer with a betta, 5-8 guppy’s, 2 albino corycats, an 3 kuhli loaches? upgrading to a 55 an always wanted a puffer but dont wanna have to dedicate a tank to just one fish, like the community tanks more


If I didn't have inverts I cared about in my planted tank, one of these would be an immediate buy.
