Shaving My Head (What I Learned) #haircut

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Shaving my head what I learned. I shaved my head a month ago and it took a few weeks to process how I feel about it. In this video I'm discussing;
- why I shaved my head
- How short hair impacts my sensory needs as an autistic person
- short hair and my gender identity
- female beauty standards and short hair
- how appearance is connected to autistic masking

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Thank you for sharing your story.
I cut my hair off about 3 months ago and I love it. I feel free and comfortable with my hair for the first time in my 42 years on this earth. 😊👌🏽♥️


When I had my headbuzz and shaved my head for the first time, I looked in the mirror and actually saw my face - just my face, my whole face - for the first time. That's when I finally understood what they mean when talking about "seeing all the details but missing the big picture" . I had seen parts of my face before, obviously, but I have always had to look part by part, if that makes sense. Since the shave I just saw myself everytime I looked in the mirror - all at once, as one being, not just as "parts" - and I loved that much.
The sensation got less strong over time, but i still remember that first look at myself. <3 love the headbuzz.
Glad you like yours as well, Ella, have fun with it!


Just my opinion, but I think your hair looks amazing and really brings out your pretty eyes. Congrats Purple Ella ! 🎉


It feels exceptionally freeing. Also THE SENSORY STIMMING OF RUBBING YOUR HAIR WHEN ITS SHORT. I AGREE!!! It’s freaking amazing. People who misunderstand gender identity due to hair length really need to think about their priorities. I will however say that the feeling of feeling like a youthful young guy is absolute pure joy, and I’m a girl. To me though that feeling isn’t linked to my gender, it’s just a blissful happy youthful feeling that fills me with energy. I am cis female, but most days I identify as alien. I have chin length hair right now, but after getting married I think I will cut it short again.


Thank you for sharing your hair journey ❤!! My AuDHD 5 year old just told me she wanted me to cut her hair because it’s bothering her and I just did it. No questions asked. (But plenty of internalized doubts and concerns about how it took so long to grow and every one thinks her long hair is so cute and what if I cut it and she hates it…which she didn’t). Then she said “ahhh that’s better”. And then I went into the bathroom and cut my own hair because I’ve been ignoring how much it bothers me. 😂 😭 so many emotions.


This is so relatable. I cut my hair off 2 years ago and I haven't looked back since. I feel so much more ME than I did when I had very long hair. In my culture, it's not really acceptable to cut your hair because your hair is considered your life force and cutting it is like cutting off your connection to your spirit and your ancestors but I just HAD to do it regardless of that. I just felt compelled to do a big chop and after I did it, I literally ran around the house jumping and flapping my arms because I was so happy lol My dad (a barber) even did the big chop for me do my family, despite our cultural beliefs, was really supportive of my decision and that really helped me to not feel guilty about the sensory/gender euphoria I experienced from cutting all my hair off 😂


I just shaved mine a week ago after seeing you cut yours! I had been thinking about it for a while and seeing you was my sign to go for it! My hair was as long as it's ever been in my life but it was so incredibly overwhelming. I already feel so much better.


Thank you for sharing this! I'm 43 and just in the past year or so really becoming comfortable with the fashion style that makes me feel most confident and like ME because my style is so unconventional and makes me stand out everywhere I go. I started small and only recently realize "there's no need to "dress down" if I'm just casually meeting a friend for dinner. I can dress however I want, whenever I want, no matter where I'm going. It doesn't matter what others think." That was a hugely freeing realization!

I also had long hair all my life and cut it short about 10 years ago and I can't imagine ever going back to long hair! Short hair feels much better - not least because I can spend 5 minutes and make it look great lol


You look radiant, your new hair style really suits you. ❤


You look younger, more fresh, and very pretty 😃 I love it!


I think you look amazing with the short hair and the purple looks fantastic :) It really suits you!


I have been wishing I could shave my head for years!! Thank you for having the courage to do it!!!🎉


I loved your video today, Ella! Great job. I’m 54 & have had very short hair for a long time, with my most recent haircut making it the shortest ever. But I love it. I’m keeping it uber-short/pixie-like indefinitely. Two weeks ago, I got my nose pierced on the right side. It was something I thought I’d never, EVER do, especially worrying about fidgeting with the nose ring. I’m so glad I did it, because it pushed me beyond my comfort zone, I look great, & it further adds to the unique & awesome woman that I am. And!! I don’t play with the nose ring stud! 🌻


Hooray for you Ella! I felt the same way when I shaved my head too! I shaved my head for sensory reasons and then was shocked at how much better my dysphoria got too. I'm non binary too.


At 2:56 when you said “there you are” I felt that ❤ I’ve been recently dressing more how I feel more comfortable - when I look in the mirror I think the exact same thought. It’s really me now


You look great with shaved head. I couldnt do it, it's the ONE thing ppl always cumpliment about me, the only think i've barely been bullied about


I am autistic too a number of years ago I started shaving my head and have never looked be . It feels so good sensorially and it feels so much better for me .


Shaved mine at Christmas and immediately felt like Id found my true self. Been so much more confident and comfortable and happy with it gone. Doubt Ill ever grow it back out.


Firstly, you look fantastic, secondly, you look very "you" and more grounded than ever. Kudos to you


I do this every few years and it is so freeing! It feels great to not have to deal with my hair, plan how to wear it, wash it, etc. It is a huge relief to get rid of it.
