The Bio Revolution: Innovations transforming economies, societies, and our lives

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A Bio Revolution is underway that combines breakthroughs in biological sciences and advances in computing, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. As these innovations move from the lab into the marketplace, they could transform economies and our societies, from health and agriculture to consumer goods and energy.

From cell engineering with tools like CRISPR and gene editing to bioengineering and human-machine interfaces, these new capabilities offer large opportunities for businesses across sectors. They will disrupt value chains, shift profit pools, and encourage new business models and players. These capabilities can also accelerate the response to global challenges. Indeed, many of the advances are being applied to respond to COVID-19.

But capturing the enormous benefits will require a serious and sustained conversation about the profound risks and how to manage them.

The report is the result of a year-long research project that catalogs and analyzes a pipeline of about 400 visible use cases in multiple industries, almost all scientifically feasible today.

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