What if Asajj Ventress BECAME a JEDI Knight

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What If Asajj Ventress Became a Jedi Knight? Let's explore the depths of this scenario in the

Ventress looks up at the corpse of her master, Hal'Sted as the war rages around them. She hears a group of raiders appear.

To her surprise, they run past her while a few fire at something behind them. The figure moves like a blur, swinging something in his hands that looks little more than a green arc. With each swing, he cuts down the pirates and chases after them.

As he notices Ventress, Jedi Ky Narec raises his lightsaber to defend against the attacks of one raider. She shakes her head and thrusts her hands out, unleashing a powerful gust that sends the pirate flying.

Ky Narec sees this and lowers his lightsaber. He walks over to the girl and bends down to face her.

Ky Narec: You are strong with the Force little one.

He picks her up and begins carrying her away. When he learns that Ventress has no parents, he offers to teach her how to use her abilities.

Ventress readily agrees and the two begin training. With nowhere else to go, Ky decides to train her on Rattatak. He begins teaching her how to channel the Force. The young Dathomirian proves to be skilled with the Force and quickly earns her lightsaber and none too soon.

While on the planet, Ky spends his time, helping the people in any way he can, fighting off pirates, defending villages, and defeating warlords.

The two become folk heroes, earning the love of the commoners who see them as defenders of the world. However, Ky realizes that the only way they can truly help these people is by sending a message to the Republic.

While traveling across the planet, Ky searches for a way to get them off-world and contact the Republic. During one mission, they manage to apprehend a group of pirates who are smuggling weapons for the warlords. Rather than arrest them, Ky offers them a proposition. He will let them go if they take him to Coruscant.

The pirates agree and Ky prepares to depart. However, he understands the danger of his plan and decides to go alone while Ventress remains on the planet and waits for him.
He hands her a holodisk and says he will contact him when he returns. With that, Ky disappears into the ship as it flies off. However, his disappearance doesn't go unnoticed as the planet's warlords try to regain their influence.

Though Ventress tries to continue their mission, she struggles to beat back the countless criminals and brigands. The worst of them has to be Osika Kirske, a powerful warlord. Seeing that Ventress is alone, he decides to capture her and remove the Jedi threat once and for all.

He captures a nearby village and demands that Ventress surrender to him or he will execute its inhabitants. The young Jedi knows she can't defeat Osika's army on her own and accepts his demands.

The warlord takes his new captive back to his capital where she is a gladiator. With her Force abilities and lightsaber skills, Ventress becomes the top fighter. She overpowers any foe the warlord sends against her and is starved and beaten when she refuses to fight.

She remains in these conditions for several months until one day, during a fight, commotion breaks out in Osika's private booth. Ventress leaps back from her opponent's clumsy slash and Force pushes him against the wall to see what's happening.

To her surprise, she sees Ky standing before the warlord, his lightsaber pressing against his throat. Ventress heart soars at the sight of her master. She raises her vibrosword high, but her relief is short-lived as Osika sends a secret command through his wrist com. His guards come running out and point spears and blasters at her.

The warlord chuckles and tells Ky that it was foolish for him to come back alone.

To his surprise, the Jedi simply smiles. Suddenly, two more figures leap out from the roofs and land in front of Ventress, unleashing a Force shockwave that throws the guards aside and ignites their lightsabers. The younger Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi smiles and holds out Ventress's lightsaber.

Obi-Wan: I believe you lost this.

Ventress: Thank you.

The trio stands back to back and fights off the remaining guards. Against two Jedi, the warlords are already struggling to deal with them. But with four, they stand no chance. The guards fall before Ventress, Obi-Wan, and Qui Gon's lightsabers while Osika duels with Ky, but the warlord has no chance and as he tries to lift his axe to defend himself, the Jedi's lightsaber cuts through him and slashes across his chest.

With Osika dead, the city falls under their control and a Republic task force lands on the planet to restore order, but these Jedi return home to determine what to do with Ventress. Although she didn't go through the normal process of Jedi training, Master Ky's training and her accomplishments on Rattatak are enough to convince the council to make her a Jedi.

It is from the Jedi that she learns more about her people, the Night Sistister
Рекомендации по теме

You know, ventress actually seems like someone you could chill out with when she doesnt have that venomous tone in her voice


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Dude, that "nope" made me spit water lmao


There's a part 2 waiting in the wings. With ventress still a fugitive and the full truth of palpatine being sidious. His relationship with count dooku and the CIS council allowing him to play both sides against each other. Also dooku's still alive at this point. So there's multiple possibilities to explore. Should the jedi learn that the CIS have exceptionally large reserves of ships and droids that they have held back. How would they counter this revelation.


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I don't think that Talzin would act like that. She cares about her people.


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Darth Theorist is Killing it 🔥

He is the only star wars fan fiction channel thats worth following in my opinion.


Interesting scenario, and voice work as well. Becoming a fan of your videos.


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What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


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Qui-gon wouldn't have killed all those people. He would have picked the guard's up and throw them aside, give the leader a firm warning and departed. Killing to kill is not the way of the Force, nor would it be it's will.
Minus that, a very good video.


What if darth vader went to darthomir to learn. New suit or perhaps more unique powers.
Resurrect talzin maybe.
what if Vokara Che became a mentor to anakin as anakin was being treated for bullying and trauma from being a slave.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara unduli, serra keto or bultar swan.
What if anakin was taught by agen kolar or sasee tin or adi gallia.


What if anakin spirit in the world between worlds saved padme by making her a force ghost or new mother if the ones. She could make him help ben solo and others saying you got to help people who are suffering from your past actions.
What if anakin was piloting before attack of the clones and sensed ventress fall to the darkside as her master died and took his ship to the planet to investigate. Perhaps starting a romance as they are very similar in their stories.
Also what if ahsoka taught ben skywalker as she saw him as history repeating itself.
What if anakin was a jedi watchmen or wayfinder.
What if anakin went with kenobi to face maul and savage instead of adi gallia.
What if anakin fell in love with luminara or your own version of aayla secura romance.

What if oppo rancis trained anakin.
What if anakin met and fell in love with ventress just before the clone wars just after her masters death.
What if anakin became a jedi sentinel like a watchmen or one of those who find younglings.
What if evan piel became a mentor or second master to anakin.
Or anakin became a healer either before or after his mother death could be related to his friendship with offee or alternatively what if he was trained by tra sa who taught windu and actually did not forbid attachment as shown by her relationship with tholme, they could become like a pseudo parents to anakin and train him away from the temple in azati martial arts and from trasa the living force as she is a plant lady so imagine anakin controlling plant life.


What if Yaddle becomes a republic force sensitive smaller grievous because she is found to not be brain dead but she can't remember much right away but she starts to remember after many force meditations with the jedi council and going on her own journey to jedi temples across the galaxy and meditating in them. She finds the Bendu and then remembers much more.
