The Physics Behind Opening Beer Bottles | Rad Experiments

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In this series of videos, Rad Yeo tests out physics phenomena she’s seen on the internet. If you have a question you'd like tested, write it in the comments below.

#ABCScience #OpenBottleChallenge

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I normally have a hard time focusing on science shows because I struggle to follow along. But this was really well presented and delivered in a way that was easy to understand- massive props to everyone involved!


I saw this on TikTok! I thought it was breaking due to the pressure of the beer. Huh.


The bottom of the bottle breaks because of a phenomenon called cavitation which creates bubbles with nothing in them and when these bubbles rupture they create a pressure which breaks the bottom
This is the same phenomenon which caused damage in fans behind ships in olden days


Actually the first method you can safely drink from the one that removes the top


Truly amazing - thousands of years of Western thought and science dating from the ancient Greeks attempting to understand our universe. If it hasn't developed a theory of and for Everything, it's nice that it can explain how to open a beer.


The reason why it didn't work with the tomato sauce is because you still had the lid on it! When they bottle tomato sauce, it's still hot and when something is hot, it's in an expanded state from all the energy it has absorbed from being cooked. Once it is bottled and the lid is placed, the sauce in the bottle begins to evaporate it's stored energy and begins to shrink causing a vacuum to form inside the bottle. So, when you hit the bottle from the top, the vacuum inside the bottle can absorb the initial shock from the hammer. But once you opened the bottle and replaced the sauce with water, all that changed is the difference in pressure, I bet that the sauce would react the same as the water if you equalise the pressure by simply letting in some air.


OK, I accept the challenge I just saw you make on telly. I have two plastic icecube trays exactly the same, nothing special. I fill them, I put them one on top of the other in the freezer. With the top one, the ice cubes always come out easy, just by twisting the tray about its longest axis. With the bottom one it's always a fight and I end up running water over the bottom to free them. Why is that? <3


Please use proper safety equipment for experiments. You might get injured.


Looks cool on some of the pop or beer bottles. But I prefer a bottle opener to feeling stupid when it doesn't work !


Fold a normal piece of paper till its a firm lever


You should borrow a camera from the Slo Mo Guys.


Is not can very strong. You pushing thats not very much, is broken. No test in thats very strong


Well I thought it was interesting. Some stuff I didn't know
