23 habits that will ruin your life

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The camera gear I used to make this video:

0:00 1. Be Dirty
0:20 2. Stay Seated
0:41 3. Drink Starbucks Daily
1:16 4. Wait For Motivation
1:37 5. Compare Yourself To Images On A Screen
2:03 6. Believe People Are Looking At You
2:27 7. Avoid Less-Than-Perfect Experiences
2:48 8. Use Filler Words (and raise your...)
3:15 9. Only Consume Non-Fiction
3:38 10. Search For Meaning On The Internet
3:57 11. Play With Your Wiener Too Much
4:13 12. Subscribe To Things That Add Zero Value
4:36 12.5 Don't Subscribe To Things That Add Value
5:54 13. Stay Up-To-Date On GPUs
6:12 14. Focus On Getting Things Instead Of Being Someone
6:29 15. Reject Your Own Love
6:39 16. Assume Your Opinion Is Not Welcome
7:02 17. Assume Your Opinion Is Welcome
7:28 18. Don't Participate In The Wave
7:54 19. Don't Pick Up Your Dog's Poop
8:12 20. Have A High Consumption : Production Ratio
8:36 21. Expect Perfection
8:59 22. Ignore Basic Financial Principles (in order to...)
9:27 23. Never Take Risks

This is a video about 23 habits that will ruin your life. It's a self-improvement video that utilizes reverse psychology in order to, hopefully, help you be more productive and improve your life.
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Since you went on a break I stopped having Better Ideas and only had Worse Ideas. Glad you're back.


1. Be dirty
2. Stay seated
3. Drink Starbucks daily
4. Wait for motivation
5. Compare yourself to images on a screen
6. Believe people are looking at you
7. Avoid less than perfect experiences
8. Use filler words
9. Only consume non-fiction
10. Search for meaning on the internet
11. Play with your wiener too much
12. Subscribe to things that add zero value to your life
13. Stay up-to-date on GPU’s
14. Focus on getting things instead of being somebody
15. Reject your own love
16. Assume your opinion is not welcome
17. Assume your opinion is (always) welcome
18. Don’t participate in the wave (don’t step out of your comfort zone)
19. Don’t pick up your dogs poop
20. Have a high consumption to production ratio
21. Expect perfection
22. Ignore basic financial principles
23. Never take risks

(Extra) Don’t subscribe to things that do add value (gym)


Thank you! After several years of being successful and just crushing life in general, I'm finally taking my first step in ruining my life today. No more procrastination. No more excuses. Wish me luck!


0:03 love how quickly the intro ended, no blabbering about unrelated topics, no introduction to the channel or anything, just straight to the point.


Here are 23 personal attacks...
(Great video as always!)


4 simple things that made a whole world of difference for me (and I actually started enjoying life):
1. I stopped blaming others for my failures and mistakes
2. I read all books on Mind-bloomery, and I implemented all their lessons into my daily life. Never knew books could have such an impact
3. I started prioritizing self-respect over people pleasing
4. I picked up The Joy Equation by Eleanore Blake and learned how to enjoy life without guilt while still pushing for success. Huge shift in mindset.


#9 is so rare from a self improvement channel but SO valuable


Always love when Joey comes back just to bully me


Just taking a moment to appreciate the PERFECT pacing of this video


The cinematic style is off the charts with this one.


The musical cues at 3:50 and 6:30. Chef's kiss


Recently I checked your channel and you did not post video for almost 2 months and I thought that what happened to you and now you post it. Don't stop posting such videos on your channel. I've learned so much from you.


The satire conveys the message far more effectively than it would if he said all this the other way around. Awesome way to go about this! I enjoy your videos!


You do such a good job at scaring me into being a better person haha, great video as always!


#15 made me chuckle super hard. I hope a lot of people recognize it.


Number 7 seems to be really common with gamers and how often they toss around the word "mid" to describe perfectly enjoyable games, no wonder they're always miserable


Quitting habit 5 has been incredibly transforming.
I can say I succesfully ditched instagram, and I couldn't be happier about it.


good wake up call on a few of these for myself, been letting myself get into a bit of a rut after a good few months. 4am here going to wake up tomorrow and get things back in order


The part about how if your job requires sitting all day, the best way to ruin your cardiovascular fitness is to continue to sit even when you're no longer working, was great information.


The right image on your thumbnail has meme potential
