RoboCup 2024 - SPL - Field D - Competition Day #2
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Game States:
Initial is the state when all robots are initially booted and set on the fieldlines. In this state the robots are not allowed to be moving besides initially standing up.
In this state, the robots walk-in and position themselves in their own half, strategically.
The robots are waiting for the referee to call the whistle and are not allowed to move their legs or locomote in any fashion in this state. Robots that failed to reach their side or are otherwise positioned illegally, will be penalized with the "Illegal Positioning".
In the playing state, the robots are playing soccer.
The finish marks the end of a half or the game.
➤Kick In:
After the ball left the field on the sidelines the other team gets 30 seconds to perform a kick in.
➤Corner Kick:
After the ball left the field on the baseline and the own team was the last on the ball, the other team gets 30 seconds to perform a corner kick.
➤Goal Kick:
After the ball left the field on the baseline the goalie gets 30 seconds to perform a goal free kick.
➤Pushing Free Kick:
After a foul, the other team has 30 seconds to perform a free kick
➤Penalty Kick:
After a foul in the penalty box, the other team has 30 seconds to position themselves for the penalty kick and then the whistle is blown to start the penalty kick.
Following penalties can be called during the game by the head referee and result in different kind of punishment for the robots or appropriate counter action.
➤Playing with Hands:
Playing with arms/hands occurs when a field player or a goal keeper outside its own goal box moves its arms/hands to touch the ball (except during a fall or get-up) and is forbidden.
Pushing is a forceful contact with another robot, i.e., enough to destabilize it, and is not allowed.
A pushing penalty awarded near the ball will lead to a free kick.
➤Motion in Set:
Robots that move their feet or locomote during the "Set" state will be called for "Motion in Set" and penalized in place on the field.
A robot is called "Fallen/Inactive" if it is unable to stand up on its own or stopped responding.
➤Leaving the Field:
Robots are not allowed to significantly leave the field.
➤Request for Pickup:
Either team may request that one of their players be picked up (called "Request for Pick-up"). Players in the "Playing" or "Ready" state may only be picked up for hardware failures. Players in all other states may be picked up for any reason.
➤Local/Global Game Stuck:
If one robot is preventing the game from proceeding — perhaps by circling the ball repeatedly without kicking the ball — it is recommended to improve progress by removing this one robot and the head referee should call a “Local Game Stuck” for this robot. If this does not resolve the situation a Global Game Stuck is called.
➤Illegal Positioning:
If a robot is not inside its own half at the time the "Set" state starts, it will be penalized and removed for 45 seconds. The center line does not count as part of the own half for this penalty, although the goal box does.
Also only three players are allowed to be within a team’s penalty area at the same time. The "Illegal Positioning" penalty is also applied to defensive players that enter the center circle after a kick-off before the ball is in play.