Do NOT Look Away

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The past few days have been full of heartbreak for Israel. I've shown you footage captured by Hamas, that is being celebrated by Palestinians. This is an atrocity. Do not look away, but look evil in the eyes, and pray for Israel.

From contributing supplies to Israeli troops to assisting Israel’s medical response teams, here are 5 ways you can play a part in helping Israel through this tragic time:


This video includes information, descriptions, video, and images which are included in order to give important context to the viewer through accurate portrayals of the subject matter of Ben Shapiro's overlaid commentary, criticism, and analysis, with the dual purposes of: (i) educating viewers; and (ii) documenting newsworthy events. While graphic representations have been included, this context is necessary in order to serve the public's interest in the matter. This podcast seeks to: (a) identify who is involved in the content being presented; (b) describe when and where the content was captured; (c) clearly articulate condemnation and criticism of the subject behavior, while including an opposing view; and (d) to discourage viewers from engaging in the subject behavior.

#BenShapiro #TheBenShapiroShow #News #Politics #DailyWire #Israel #Palestine #Hamas #Israeli #Palestinian #Bombings #Rockets #Terrorism #Terrorist #Shabbat
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From contributing supplies to Israeli troops to assisting Israel’s medical response teams, here are 5 ways you can play a part in helping Israel through this tragic time:


I'm not Jewish, but I am a follower of Jesus Christ I appreciate you and the message you give us. Thank you brother.


"The myth that everyone is a westerner underneath has to end or the west is going to end" Wow. That is so frighteningly true. ty


If someone loves death like others love life, it's hard not to see them as Satanic. They are declaring it.


As a Muslim I am truly shocked and disgusted at hamas. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. This is sick omg


I am absolutely horrified by this blatant evil. As a Christian, I pray for the families and friends of the ones lost to these savages.


When I was in the military, an Intel officer gave me almost this exact same lecture. It was eye-opening to me, and 100% on target.


As a flyer in the military, I went to a lot of third world backwaters, and I learned a long time ago that when you leave the civilized Western countries, life is cheap as dirt. That is what alarms me most about the laissez faire way the government treats the border. The enemy is at the gates, and no one is guarding them, or even bothering to close them.


1000% to everything you said. The passion and veracity with which seemingly logical people are minimizing Hamas' unspeakable actions is disgusting. Well said Ben. I wish every single person had to watch this video.


I’m disgusted by what is happening in Sydney. The fact that the NSW police will not arrest the Hamas supporters chanting “Gas the Jews” on the steps of the Opera House. The fact that the the Australian Jewish Association has to recommend that Jewish kids stay home from school instead of the NSW police keeping them safe is despicable.

I shudder to think what these supporters in not just Australia, but the rest of the world will do on the Global Jihad declared by Hamas for Friday Oct 13.


You make an excellent point Ben. We do not have a clue about the reality of the violence of the Middle East.


You're right Ben. It's brutal and disgusting but people HAVE to wake up to the reality of what they are!


No one is ever forced to do such things. No matter how much one hates someone, and for whatever reason, one should never do such evil things under any circumstances.


The distinction between good and evil has never been clearer…


I’m sending you hugs and prayers, Ben. That people can be so evil is so incomprehensible.


As an African Christian, I have been in prayer for Jewish people. God bless you all. We are all created equal by the one true God. Praying and grieving for Israel. Prayer is powerful.


“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” - Malcolm X


The problem is that most people believe human beings are basically good when, in fact, they are basically evil.
"A person who is not inwardly prepared for the use of violence against him is always weaker than the person committing the violence." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1973).


You are right in that there is a big difference in cultural beliefs, which is why we need appropriate coverage on this situation as ugly as it may be. Thank you Ben for showing us things for what they are as many people are sympathetic to a cause that is not present here, wars are fought between Soldiers. Invading villages to kill women and children is terrorism


Ben we stand with you. You don't have to be sorry.
