How much does the UN cost? | United Nations

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How much does it cost to run the United Nations? UN Spokesperson Farhan Haq answers common questions about the UN’s budget, including how the UN gets its money, how it prevents fraud and waste, what is spent on humanitarian operations, and how the cost of peace compares to the price of war.

On 24 December 2023, the General Assembly approved a $3.59 billion budget for the United Nations for 2024, including the establishment of a special account to finance the Organization’s peacebuilding fund. The 193-member General Assembly also adopted nearly $50 million in additional funding for decisions taken by the Human Rights Council, the UN’s primary forum on human rights matters.

Episode 1
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I want to choose the bag of chips, even if I have to pay a little extra. At least it does its job and it's not disappointing me.


Ok how much does it cost the citizens of western nations and USA that finances it the most?


When you divide that amongst the countries paying the lions share it’s not 1.25. The UN is primarily funded by the US and Europe. The cost is not evenly paid out by member states. The US provides roughly a quarter of the UN operational budget, and is the largest contributor for most of the fundraising by other agencies. Germany individually and the EU usually follow the number 2 and 3 spot in terms of contributions. So it’s way more than a bag of chips if you divide it by country population and share of contributions. This is misleading.


Our planet needs world government in matters of global survival such as climate change, control of borders and conflict resolution. The UN plays a critical role in the orderly management of our 193 countries.


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دل کو وحشت ہو تو ہو کم بخت سودائی تو ہے


Pls no more charity theme wearing suit, opening gala for million poor people, top up other poor people


I don't give consent to keep such useless garbage running


Is this clown trying to convince 4 year Olds.? STILL wouldn't work !
