GOING BACK TO WHERE MY SON DIED #infantloss #shorts

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This is a SOLID friend right here. The fact that you’d tackle such a huge step so you could visit your friend her new baby boy, in the same hospital where you lost yours just months ago?? Like, otherworldly courage to even make it to the parking lot. You’re clearly a tremendous friend, the definition of bravery & resilience. Your sweet son would be so proud 🤍


So sorry for your loss 🕊. Praying for your Strength.


I did that too, I delivered my screaming very much alive baby boy via c section at the same hospital I delivered my dead son at via c section the year before. The trauma and emotional toll is still pretty drop to this day and it was a crazy experience to be back there doing the same thing again yet I at least got to leave with my baby this round as the previous year I was discharged on mother days of all days and obviously left with nothing while my son was left to sit in the morgue.


Sooo proud of you. Your story is very touching. 😢😢😢


I walked this journey with my 3 month old son who would of been 6 this year 😢 i feel your pain condolences mama


You have to grieve....cry when you feel it coming. Dealing with the hurt will make it better over time. Keep pushing forward mama, you're doing amazing!


It’s ok honey. This is what you call grief. Do not rush it. This was your most beautiful and precious Baby Boy, Carson. You are such an amazing Mom. Love to you and your family. May God Bless You and Your Family. Such lovely memories and Thank You For Sharing Them. Joy comes in the morning. Peace and comfort be with you. Love Melissa


Oh my. I can imagine the emotions. I don’t know you but I’m proud of you. One day at a time and one foot in front of the other. You’re a great friend and I know she’s thankful for you. 💜


It took me years to feel I could see the hospital where my friend passed. I can’t imagine how hard it would be after losing a child. Well, I can imagine, but I just know I don’t know how bad it feels. I lost my childhood friend and later my husband (Children’s’ father). Nothing like what you’ve had to overcome. I’ve been a widow and single mother of 3 since I was only 25. It’s been 25 & 15 years since I lost these men and it still feels like I’m dying when I cry for them. You are beyond strong for this. You are not a victim. You are a survivor. Stay strong for your babies, all 3. 🖤


Omg you poor thing!! I’m not going to pretend to know how you feel, but you are a trooper for being there for your friend. God knows they would’ve understood if you couldn’t. ❤ you are so strong


My heartfelt condolences to you for the loss of your son but look at the beautiful thing you’re doing for yourself and his honor and the gift of new baby of your friend…. Blessings and hugs


Carson is giving you the strength to be strong enough to go in, because he knows its important to you to support your “new Mumma” friend 🥰 You are more amazing and stronger than you know xoxo


so proud of you! you are such a good friend. you go into somewhere where you have some trauma. you are such a good person, sending strength!


You are strong young momma...and a very, very good friend. I cannot imagine your pain. Sending you love.


😢😢😢I'm so so sorry for your loss 😭 what a nightmare💔


I'm so sorry for your loss, Mama. You go and sit in that parking lot of that hospital when you feel you need to grieve your precious son. You may need to do this for years to come. You deserve your space and time to grieve because you may never stop grieving till you draw your last breath, and you're reunited with Carson again, and that is perfectly OK. You do what you have to do for your health, mental and physical. You are a strong and glorious woman for going and being with your friend. ❤🫂❤️


I cried with you sweetheart, I keep ending up on videos about children that have passed away and I have no idea why 😢😢😢😢😢 but I love you and hope you push through for your baby girls. They love you and their brother


Bless you. Don’t force yourself. But know that you will never NOT feel those emotions . It’s been 10 years for me… Bless you, Momma! 🖤


You are amazing!! Hugging your momma heart for taking that HUGE step!! What an amazing friend and person you are ❤


You’ve got this, it must be so hard just having a baby and him passing😔 Now he is in Jesus’s hands, it must be so hard no one deserves to go through this but unfortunately it is just a part of life that some people in this world have to go through. Wishing you the best 🕊️
