This type is the worst match for an INFJ

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My moom is ESFJ and im INFJ. Very true what you said. A lot of conversations and small talks that drains me, and she pushes her way because she doesnt have a need for solitude. A lot of conversations are superficial and every time I tried to have some meaningfull conversations she gets off topic and start to talk about some stupid unimportant topic


My mum was an ESFJ and she was lovely. I had a friend who was an ESFJ and when our friendship died he was very backstabbing and we grew to hate each other. Other types I can struggle with are ISTJ and ISFJ. Even ISFP are not good imo for a close relationship with an INFJ - they are too touchy and self centred for me, and too Se. Only sensor I could get ion is the ISTP. ESTP are often bullies. ESFP are attention seeking and dramatic - never even been close to one of those.


My driving instructor was an ESTP and it was really nice to interact with him, if only for max two hours per occasion, lol!


Good friendship, but yeah, would not marry my ESFJ bestie.


I think I just got fired by an ESFJ :(

your explanation about how they expect you to be a part of the convo and will find ways to punish you if you're too reticent really resonated with my experience.


In aiming for clarity I believe it is beneficial to qualify what exactly “good” compatibility is. For instance, that which is most unlike a natural predisposition, will inevitably be cause for discomfort- albeit with an open mind- room for growth as well. That being said, all variables equal it is often the case that ESFJs feel threatened by INFJs. Perhaps not in the traditional sense of the word, but, as a simple example, the ESFJs main goal is to maintain group harmony. However their perspective of what this looks like has much more energy than the INFJs idea of “harmony”. So a lack of participation is perceived as a direct blow to the “vibe”. There are of course many other examples as to why the ESFJ INFJ relationship goes on in this way.


I am an INFJ and the type that I have more incompatibility is the ISTJ.


The conformity point seems to apply more to themself than others from my experience. They enjoy sharing their favorite things and advertising it for others to adopt but I've never felt pressured by them. Any deep conversation is non existent though so I do agree there is little common ground. The meme of the consoomer that is always on the look out to consume the next piece of media or follows a group or franchise devoutly seems to embody many aspects of this type.


I’m INTJ, and ESFJs are definitely my least favorite out of that group. I feel like I can get along great with ESTPs (I love their spirit and joie de vivre) ESFPs (I love their unabashed authenticity) and ESTJs (I love their no nonsense, get things done nature). ESFJs just feel suffocating to me.


I was gonna say ESTP lol but im not surprised the answer is ESFJ


I tend to have great chemistry with ESTPs. My mother in law is an ESFJ and yes the conformity piece really grates me, especially at big family events.


True Ren, I fell for an ESFJ once, it would never have worked. I saw it then 'eventually' and I sure see it now...


I've not even started to entertain your thoughts because I feel the worst match for me, as an infj (I detest saying it pridefully), is human beings. 😂😂😂


That was interesting, I’m terrible at typing people still but I know who I like and who I don’t. I’m sure type has a lot to do with it.


ESFJ's have Si as their second function, not Se. 😊


Absolutely not, It's ESTP. And then ENFJ. Dating within quadra being anything other than trash should debunk any MBTI compatibility theory.

The best types on the other hand are ENFP and ENTP depending on if you want to have a natural challenge, grow to your peak (TP) or be enabled and loved deeply (FP). Ne heroes are the natural romance partner of INFJ


My dad is an ESFJ ugh we clash everytime we see eachother. But we care but hes annoying so much like a boomer


But what if the INFJ is an LII and the ESFJ is an ESE in Socionics? Then they are duals and are the best match for each other. So, be careful to generalize!


ESxJs are both terrible. Any intuitive is better than any sensor
