The List Every Runescape Player Needs!

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In this video we go over in my opinion the most important list for your Runescape 3 account and progress.

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Let me know below ⬇ What is on your Runescape Bucket List?


I’m max runescore. If I can do it then you can too. PS the total achievement count includes feats/collection logs and isn’t required for max runescore


It’s so sad how mini games are just dust in the wind. I’m happy to go back to os and just blow away my time with the minigames. They were so fun


My current goal is trim, and then after that I'll go for ultimate slayer and master max cape :D


My bucketlist huh... I didn't really thought about it but, if I had to make one...

-Complete the loot log, in slayer, bossing AND clue scrolls.
-Get all the achievements in the game as well.
-Obtained one hero item
-Get 200m xp in divination. Don't ask me why, I love this skill.
-Reach a very high world in the Shattered Worlds.


I like the idea for title/collection logs for minigames and I think also maybe implementing charge/degradable rewards to minigames, maybe something scaled even, so anyone of any level can use them, and make them items that are useful in comparison to other good gear, or even be items that enhance those relevant weapons or armor. Something has to be done if minigames are ever going to be relevant unfortunately :(

Also I wasn't expecting one of your goals to crossover one of my Wildy locked goals. I too aim to get the revenant dragon pet lol.

My Bucket List:
1. Completionist Cape on Main
2. Complete my list of goals and eventually max my Wilderness Locked Ironman account (The revenant dragon pet is a part of these)
3. Re-obtain a Partyhat (I sold mine in 2009, then again in 2018, and now they're way out of reach for me D: )
4. Get a skill pet (I have four accounts with a combined total xp of over 2B, and not a one has RNG is disabled)
5. Master Quest Cape on Main


I'm a quester, so the quest cape has been my top priority, but that one is already gotten. Other things I am aiming for are the master quest cape and comp cape. But currently I'm only skilling archaeology, because I just love it.


Good goals to have man. Good luck to you.


I appreciate your content, as I just got back into RuneScape. It’s been over a decade since I’ve played. I’m so confused about rs3. Trying to catch up


My 2 main bucket list items right now are: ultimate slayer & profound.
I'm ripper demon pet off ult slay, so that's within reach. But I've hardly started on the profound grind.


My bucket list:
1. Completing easy, medium, and hard clues collections.
2. Getting at least t90 magic gear (dual wield, cryptbloom, and an additional eof).
3. Unlocking greater abilities: greater sunshine and deathswiftness, gchain, and t99 prayers.
4. 120 archeology.
5. 200M xp in invention
6. 120 herblore
7. Getting the Quest(M) cape.
8. Getting the completionist cape.
9. Completing slayer collection log.


I’m in the process of iron manning my own spiked trimmed masterwork. That’s my ultimate bucket list.


Ill probably unlock memories on the older folks here

Remember writing your RS stats and goals on the back of a notebook during class? yeah, those were the days


I’ve started playing again after getting hacked and cleared. Opened the prizes from Meg for the quest rewards and got an ice dye. Wiped all the pain of being hacked :),


My goal is bis gear in every style, and learning every boss in the game. Also comp cape, still need some of the 120s


Just beat Zuk and got my first Igneous cape, so thats one task off the bucket list! 😄

For PvM, I want to slay Raksha cause hes been sitting at my reaper portal for months.
For skilling, I want to reach 112 farming for the Corbicula Rex melee perk. (102 so far)
One day, I want to complete the Reaper Crew achievement.

Good luck everyone ✌


1. All 120s
2. T92 barrow dyed armors
3. Keeping my comp cape
4. Not killing myself learning how to tank solak


I personally want to comp my main, Max my ironman and do the full clue scroll log


I've been wanting the Revenant Dragon pet for years, but I've took a 1, 5 - 2 year break & when I do play I get demotivated on that specific one quite easily...
I do like 5 hours in a week of Revenants and then lose interest and do something else.

At least it's a lot easier now with no PKers & no Threat level...


My main 2 bucket list items are tavias rod and hsr
