Presidential Firsts from Washington to Biden

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List of the various presidential firsts. This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers a unique and interesting fact about each President of the United States from George Washington to Joe Biden.

In the course of more then two centuries some of these presidential firsts truly show the progression of time. This includes technological accomplishments such as who was the first president to be photographed during their time in office, who was to ride in an automobile or who was the first president to send an email.

It also covers some historical and cultural questions such as who was the first president to not be a slaveholder, who was the first president to establish a national park and who was the first president to president to nominate an African American Judge to the Supreme Court.

All 45 presidents are mentioned in this list.

For your entertainment.
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3:09 James K. Polk died 3 months after the end of his term, not 2 months
4:55 Joe Biden assumed the office in 2021, not 2020
7:25 The inventor's name was F. O. Stanley, not O. F. Stanley


George Washington was the first president not to blame the nation's problems on the previous president.


Getting shot, asking the police to have mercy with his attacker, and still delivering his speech, before seeking a medical attention. Roosevelt is a certified baller.


Fun fact about Jimmy Carter, he's the first President to be born in a hospital. Thought that was crazy with how recent of a president he was


Biden is also the first president to serve while being at least 80 years old


Fact: Calvin Coolidge was first sworn in by his father. The second time, he was sworn in by William Howard Taft. Taft also sworn in Herbert Hoover as Supreme Court Justice.


I absolutely love the fact that this just jumps in, no 5 minute intro talking about the history of presidents or whatever, just going straight to what we came for.


No intro, no annoying music, no sponsorship, no dumb theatrics. My friend, you're a great video maker. Keep it up


Ah yes, Barack Obama, the historic first president to have his portrait taken with a digital camera. Truly a great and modest pioneer.


Truman may have been the first president to visit a country called Germany, but John Quincy Adams visited Berlin in the 1790s when his father made him ambassador to Prussia — which is essentially the 18th century version of Germany, with Berlin as its capital.


People who listened to the 1960 debate on the radio, Many thought Nixon won.
People who watched the debate, many thought Kennedy won


As someone who absolutely loves history, reading about the history of the United States proves that Theodore Roosevelt was an absolute chad


Here's some things you missed:
Trump was the first and only president who has ever stepped foot in a WWE ring and receive the Stone Cold Stunner.
Joe Biden was the first president to ever say "Corn Pop was a bad dude".


More presidential firsts for Teddy: He was the first President and first American in general to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize which he got in 1906 for resolving the Russo-Japanese War. He was the first to fly in an airplane in 1910 (which wasn't planned as he was in Missouri to help the state's GOP but saw the Wright Brothers' air show in St. Louis and wanted to join on the fly...pun intended). He was the first (and only) president to have earned the Medal of Honor which he got for serving in Cuba, however it took all the way until 2001 for this to happen. He was also the first to go down and pilot a submarine, which he did on the Plunger in August 1905 in the Long Island Sound.


Another for Eisenhower, he was the first to smile in his official portrait.


Another first for William Henry Harrison: He was the first President to die in office. He died exactly a month after his inauguration (his inauguration was March 4, 1841; his death was April 4). He was physically worn down from his social schedule, so he enjoyed taking walks to get things off his mind. On March 24, 1841, he didn't wear a coat nor hat. He was caught in a storm, but he didn't care and didn't bother to change his clothes when he returned to the White House. He got ill with cold-like symptoms and took medication for fatigue as well as a laxative.

None on the medication he took worked and he got severe pain on his side, leading doctors to confirm he got right lower lobe pneumonia. On the evening of April 3, he said his last words to his doctor to tell John Tyler, "Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of the government. I wish them carried out. I ask nothing more". He would die thirty minutes after midnight on April 4 at age 68.


Also, John Adams and John Quincy were the first father-son pair to be President. Great video.


Ah, yes. A digital camera. That's what people know Obama's big first is.


Calvin Coolidge was the first president to be recorded on film with actual audio way back in 1924. Incredibly that footage survives, and a copy has been uploaded to YouTube.


JQA served in the House of Reps after his Presidency, making him (I believe) the only then-former President to have ever done so. As you said, Johnson is the only then-former President to have served in the Senate, so the two form a natural pair.
