heartbreaking Adrien Brody in 'The Fear of 13'

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I also saw a new play with such a sincere and heartbreaking Adrien Brody. "The Fear of 13" is about justice, the judicial system, little people "acting exactly according to instructions and in accordance with processes", unwilling to delve into the essence of the matter, because this requires courage, you need the risk of having your own opinion, you need courage. it's easier to pass by - I'm not guilty of anything, this is how processes and rules are built, they need to be respected and honored. When people forget why rules and processes were invented - and lose the meaning and content behind the form. When the "man in the case" replaces the essence with details. When behind general official phrases and synthetic emulation of decency and mimicry as an "exemplary citizen of society" - indifference and cynicism are hidden.

since I was still impressed by Navalny's book "Patriot" and meeting his widow Yulia - this performance resonated with me very much with its position: "The final battle between good and neutrality." There is nothing worse than indifferent people - aggressors at least take responsibility for who they are, why and what they do. But non-intervention, impartiality, (hypocritical) objectivity - often speak more about mimicry and simulation of "decency", indifference, cowardice to have one's own position and opinion, the desire to hide behind the backs of conditional "everyone and the system", "established rules and conditions"... I remember this very well from my own childhood and school - I was not so angry with hooligans and gopniks as with teachers and adults who did not care, closed their eyes and turned away. Silent inaction and complicity of "decent people acting from the best of intentions."

one thing pleases (besides the fact that they stage performances on such important topics and the incredible Adrien Brody takes your soul away for a while to dry-clean responsibility and morality of virtue) - for some reason, it was at this show that there were many schoolchildren. The most ordinary, not yet formatted by "rules and processes" teenagers. They cried at the end - others enthusiastically argued that the teachers asked them to go home. So there is hope that these or some other children, after this performance or Navalny's book "Patriot", will not be like their parents. And they will be - human, again. Not indifferent.
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