The ONLY Way to Escape the Friendzone

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Alright guys here's the real advice you need. Make romantic intent clear from the beginning. If she she doesn't show interest dont waste your time.


99% of the time, once you’ve made those improvements, you don’t even want that person anymore


If a woman wants to be with you she will move a mountain. If she doesnt she will place a mountain in front of you. It is that simple.


Another tip: don't waste years of your life chasing one girl.


I had a crush on this girl since highschool, she's in my circle of friends. Tried my best to get noticed by her, there were times I thought this is it, we're so close together that even our friends started teasing us, I was really close telling her how I felt, til she said, "what! No! He's just a friend, I like someone else. Lmao." As if I was a bug.

Well, that really killed me inside, and at the same time a switch suddenly clicked inside. After that, I ignored her all throughout highschool, responding only if asked, I didn't initiate conversations, she didn't even noticed I'm ignoring her. Lmao, talk about lame.

College was the turning point for me, I was far away from home, it's the time where I could start fresh. I started living for myself, committing to my studies and doing my part time jobs it all kept me busy to think of stupid stuff and slowly forget about her, and eventually I just basically turned into someone many of you can relate, a mature working adult.

Well 6 years down the line we met at a wedding of one of our friends, all of my friends from highschool were all there including her, it was like a mini highschool reunion after 10 years, as soon as she saw me at the reception she started flirting with me, some of her girlfriends were teasing and cheering for her saying, "Oh how cute" "you look good together" "it's nice to see you both are finally together" etc., and all, well, I just smiled and remained composed, til the mc called for me to say something, I was the bestman after all, I got up gone to the stage to congratulate and give my blessings to the newlyweds and also announced my own upcoming wedding next month... I didn't saw her again after that...


Never let yourself get friendzoned. Date or walk away no inbetween.
EDIT: most of you get it, but being friends with a woman you are NOT romantically interested in is not the "friend zone".


Make a move and if she rejects you, move on.


That's good advice. Once I get "friend-zoned" I keep the girl has a friend myself and immediately move on to look for better. That's the one thing I've learned after all these years. You may think you've found the best, but I promise you, there's Always better. Just keep moving on until you find someone that likes you as much as you like them and that you're content at being with. After all, why would ever want someone that doesn't want you?


That emotional support animal line got me.


Fuck the friendzone. You can't have every girl. However having female friends makes you more attraktive to other women. Keep that one as a friend and try it with other girls. In case you have enough female friends make your intentions clear from the beginning and don't accept a friendship you don't want 😌🤝🏻


“Emotional support animal”
Spot on description of what I JUST left.


Building yourself up for just one woman sort of just reinforces the point. The fact that you did all of that for her, tells her you have no self-respect.
Do it for yourself, or it won't matter.

Edit: Y'all reading way too much into my comment. I'm just a person with opinions, you do you and I'll cheer for you all the way! 🙂


Fellas, once you are in the Friend Zone, you can't get out. Frankly, don't try to get out. It is a fruitless endeavor. Focus on women who find you attractive.


Translation: Too late, you've failed, find another woman!


There is another more detailed way. But it does involve the risk of not seeing the person again. You tell her straight out that you realize that somehow you’ve entered the friends zone and you never meant to be there. You always had a romantic intention with her, but you were trying to be too nice and you realize it’s backfired. You’re making your intentions clear that you are romantically inclined towards her and that if she does not have any desire in that direction, you’ll be seeing her later… goodbye. And you leave. if she lets you… keep going. She may need to mull it over for a while.
I have had women call me back within minutes, hours, and days, but they almost always call back because they like strength and confidence, if they are actually interested physically, they now feel it. The rest can go swim in the sea because there are plenty of fish out there brothers.
You always have to be willing to walk away from a deal to close it in life …
Listen to an old man .


This is top advice. I never escaped the friend zone. I focused on myself and walked out of her life. 2 years later I'm dating a girl that is more than what I wished for. Don't waste your time on that 1 person who doesn't share the same feelings. There are better options, even when you think there aren't


If you need to trick her so she can see the quality guy you are, you will have to play those games the rest of your life.


I'm glad someone finally gave that advice.


Once I am in the friend zone, its instant equality, she now pays for everything her self.


When you're given the "friendzone" offer tell them "I'm not interested in being friends" - then walk away and go no contact!
