10 Tips To Survive Preceptorship

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Greetings my fellow nurses who are about to precept new grads or just a fellow nurse who wants to learn how to survive their preceptorship from their seasoned nurses.

1. Punctuality: Don’t arrive at work on time, but arrive at work 20-30 min early before you clock in.

2. Preparedness: Plan in Advanced and be organized with all of your nursing supplies, pens, stethoscope, trauma scissors, etc.

3. CarePlan: know each patients own customized plan of care for each of their own different diagnoses.

4. Nutrition: Brain needs fuel, so get your caloric intake every 2-3 hrs to stay functioning properly.

5. Time Managenemt: Triage all of your patients accordingly via, Airway, Breathing, Circulation.

6. Critical thinking scenarios: Utilizing the Nursing Process because we will ask you scenarios so we can see how much you already know.

7. Testing Your Comfort Zone: We will analyze how comfortable you are if you’re heading to all the codes to assist.

8. Focus Assessment: We want all of you guys to initiate the first head to toe Assessment before we do as preceptors so we can compare notes.

9. Great Attitude: You can always teach skills, but you can’t teach a great attitude, so attitude is everything. We look for professionalism, being personable and a strong-minded nurse.

10. Treats/Coffee: Surprise all of your preceptors with a small treat. We are suckers for small treats. Lol
Hope all of these help? If there’s any other tips anyone would like to share below please do
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I’ve precepted so many nursing students in the ER- hopefully I taught them well


Thank you for the tips! I start my preceptorship this coming month in the CVICU. Looking forward to learning more and being challenged.


Number 1: Come in early would never be a possibility for me. Single mother here with no other support, so daycare opened at 6am, which I was usually at the door waiting for them to open, then head onto the hospital. Bu the time I got there was time to clock in and get report. So... Unfortunately this may not be a possibility for all. But all the pointers are great.


So happy to see you back with a new video! Always good information and amazing video as always man.


liked these, good tips to hear before i start my new job. thanks


Thanks Nurse Mendoza! As an experienced SNF LPN transitioning into hospital work I feel like I’m starting over again. Definitely some helpful tips!


Thank you for the advice! I will definitely bring the snacks!


New subscriber, 20 year RN Working as a case manager in a hospital, I’ve done SNF / hospice/ md office as well. I’m ready to take the leap of faith but haven’t worked med/ surg, ever . Do u recommend I work on the floor for a bit before taking the leap or are there sufficient jobs in nursing homes/ case management for travelers ? Thoughts? Thank you
