Nightcore - Superhero - (Lyrics)

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▻ This song tells you that you reap what you sow. No one will come and save you from the mess you have made yourself. Even if the superheroes want to save you, they can't if you won't let them.

• Song: Superhero by Hard
• Anime/Game/VN: Your Lie In April

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• Art by: ???
Tags: #superhero #hayd
Lyrics (Also included in the video):

superman will never save you
spiderman will never catch you
the flash will never run to you
like I would, When I was with you

you know you’ve reaped what you have sown
you know you’re the reason you’re alone
you said I was your superhero
but sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone

iron man will never heal you
the Hulk will never hold you
another man will never love you
like I did, Like I still do

you know you’ve reaped what you have sown
you know you’re the reason you’re alone
you said I was your superhero
but sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone

i had to let go
and watch you fall
and I could’ve saved you
but you didn’t want me to

so I let you go
and I watched you fall
and I could’ve saved you
but you didn’t want me to

so I let you go
and I watched you fall
and I could’ve saved you
but you didn’t want me to

you know you’ve reaped what you have sown
you know you’re the reason you’re alone
you said I was your superhero
but sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone
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*You know, you’re the reason you’re alone.*

That went straight to my heart.


"Love is like giving someone a gun, having them point it at your heart. And trust them to never pull the trigger."


This song breaks my heart😥 💔 *Sometimes superheros can't save everyone*


My girlfriend called me her Superman. I told her that I will always be there for her, no matter what. Then one week before our anniversary, she broke up with me. All most 4 years together, she ended it because of her father. I asked her if maybe I can change his mind about me even though he never met me, she said she didn't want to risk it. I asked her if we could still be friends. A month later, she stopped talking to me. She has now left me for good, and the sad part. I can't feel anything but a dagger in my heart. All I do is keep smiling to make sure my family doesn't worry. All I can say is that I hope she is happy with whoever she had me replaced with. I still love her but I care about her happiness than my own. That is all.


“Mr.Stark we did it we won”
“I love you 3000”
This is the reason why I no longer a soul when peter faded it tore my mind apart when tony snapped his fingers that broke my heart and those lines right there is the reason I no longer have a soul and don’t you dare say iron man isn’t real because he is in my broken heart and so is every other superhero


"Superman will never save you. Spiderman will never catch you. The flash will never run to you.... Like I will."

Had us in the first half not gonna lie


This song really touched me, two years ago I fell in love with a girl, she was beautiful and funny and smart and everything I could ever want. But I was the nice guy when all she ever dated were assholes who thought they could treat her like shit, because of that I was never anything more than a friend, someone she could run to and vent. But I drowned in myself because I love her but I could never have her. I want to tell her how I feel about her but I’m scared out of mind. After she started hurting herself I was like her knight in shining armor but I still couldn’t save her, all I could do was listen because that’s all she would let me do. I want to let her go but I can’t. I love her, and this song depicts perfectly how I feel.

Edit: holy shit this exploded. Long story short, I confessed and she dumped that asshole, we’ve been dating for 9ish months and we’re talking about moving in together, we’re not entirely sure though. We don’t wanna rush things but I’m more happy then I’ve ever been.


When you are happy

You enjoy the song

When you are lonely

You understand the lyrics

this song just hit differently=(


_~ You want me to be a superhero, _
_~ But sometimes superheroes cannot save you, _
_~ So only I can love and protect you, _
_~ And I'm just want to be a man who loves you, _

_~ Although I'm not a superhero, _
_~ I still protect and save you, _
_~ Although I'm just a human, _
_~ I still give you faith in me, _

*_~ So I will still be your superhero in your mind, _*
*_~ A superhero makes you feel loved._*



Little do you know,
The brightest smiles hide the deepest secrets
The most gorgeous eyes have cried the most
The wisest people have felt the most pain
The bravest people have the darkest past
The perfect people are made of insecurities and flaws
The most loving people have seen the most deaths
The kindest people are the most lonely
That underneath all those of perfect features lies a locked hole of flaws, insecurities, darkness, mistakes, fears, tears,
memories... just because they are scared that someone might open their hole of suffering...
Spread This Message


My BFF : " Your my superhero! "

*Years passed*

My BFF : " I found someone else to be my superhero. "
Me : " Okay... *I still love you though..* "

EDIT (2/16/21) : Thank you for all of ya'll care. And for those who is tired of fake smiling, its okay to cry.. Showing emotions is not a weakness. *VIRTUAL HUG* We're all here for you. Cry all you want.. We all *LOVE* you. 😔❤️


Me: I'll listen to some relaxing music before bed
YouTube: nah let's make her cry


I love the Background its from

Your lie in April😁


"But sometimes Superheroes cannot save everyone"

I started crying af


*May you Rest In Peace, Stan Lee...*

*Edit: I’m sure I wasn’t the only fan of his work?*


"But sometimes superheroes cannot save everyone."

That phrase made me realize that we can't please everyone like the superheroes can't save everyone at once. It takes time.


“And i couldve saved you but you dont want me to”

Thats really deep bruh


"Iron man will never heal you."
Me, in tears: THAT'S BECAUSE HE''S DEAD *Ugly sobbing *


This song brings back so many memories for me-
I remember my best friend was thinking suicidal thoughts. I went to school the next day thinking he was dead.
It turns out his mom caught him in the act and stopped him. We're still good friends to the day. But even still listening to this makes me feel so sad like I did that day.

I felt guilty because when he told me, I didn't stop him at first, hence the line "So I let you go and watched you fall and I could've saved you... but you didn't want me to-"
