LogiTalks- De veranderingen in het hybride onderwijs
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LogiTalks zijn series gesprekken met experts uit het veld om de toekomst van de werkomgeving te bespreken. We praten over onderwijs, gezondheid en business verticals. In deze LogiTalks-sessie praten we samen met Jocelyn Manderveld, Academic Director van het EDUiLAB bij universiteit Tilburg, en Barend Last, Specialist blended learning bij Universiteit Maastricht, over de ontwikkelingen binnen het hybride onderwijs. Hierbij kijken we naar de grootste veranderingen, kansen en zwaktes van een hybride educatie-omgeving. Er wordt bediscussieerd of hybride onderwijs de toekomst is en waarom dit wel of niet het geval is. Hiernaast wordt er ook gesproken over de uitdagingen die docenten ervaren bij het geven van online en hybride onderwijs en hoe we die uitdagingen kunnen aanpakken.
LogiTalks are series of conversations with experts in the field, to discuss the future of the work environment. We talk about education, health and business verticals. In this LogiTalks session, we talk about developments in hybrid education together with Jocelyn Manderveld, Academic Director of the EDUiLAB at Tilburg University, and Barend Last, Specialist blended learning at Maastricht University. We will look at the biggest changes, opportunities and weaknesses of a hybrid education environment. It is being discussed whether hybrid education is the future and why this is or is not the case. In addition, we also discuss the challenges that teachers experience when providing online and hybrid education and how we can tackle those challenges.
LogiTalks are series of conversations with experts in the field, to discuss the future of the work environment. We talk about education, health and business verticals. In this LogiTalks session, we talk about developments in hybrid education together with Jocelyn Manderveld, Academic Director of the EDUiLAB at Tilburg University, and Barend Last, Specialist blended learning at Maastricht University. We will look at the biggest changes, opportunities and weaknesses of a hybrid education environment. It is being discussed whether hybrid education is the future and why this is or is not the case. In addition, we also discuss the challenges that teachers experience when providing online and hybrid education and how we can tackle those challenges.