FAO Farmers’ Field School empowered Kawkab to become a community leader

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FAO’s Farmer Field Schools, implemented under the Smallholder Support Programme (SSP) and funded by the European Union, has turned Kawkab’s ‘mooneh- homemade processed food’ small project into a profitable enterprise.

Her entrepreneurial initiative in rural Homs has been a lifeline for her neighbours. The mother of three from west Al-Farhaniyah, rural Homs, is making use of her knowledge to manage a production network of processed food, and has successfully used this initiative to create up to 14 jobs for women in her village.

FAO’s Farmer Field Schools encourage farmers to adapt a better agricultural, production, and marketing practices, aiming to shift their mindsets towards profitable thinking. The organization implemented 150 schools in four governorates across Syria, reaching more than 2 600 beneficiaries, almost 75 percent of whom were female. The schools successfully aided the beneficiaries in reducing the cost of inputs by 35 percent and ultimately achieved a remarkable difference in their net results, which helped them turn their losses into net profits, and directly affected the improvement of their lives and their communities.

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