HSK 3.0 - LEVEL 1 - 500 Vocabulary with Sentence Examples | 1 to 100 - Think in Chinese - HSK 1

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This is Video #1 covering 1 to 100 vocabulary words with sentence examples. In addition, learn to Think in Chinese with the methods used in this video.

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生词表 (Vocab list w/ timestamps) 大家加油!!
1. 2:13 爱 ài (to love)
2. 2:47 爱好 àihào (hobby)
3. 3:23 八 bā (eight)
4. 4:00 爸爸/爸 bàba/bà (father (formal) / dad (informal))
5. 4:37 吧 ba (suggestion particle, can be used at the end of a statement to suggest, request, or put forth a small command)
6. 5:19 白 bái (white)
7. 5:54 白天 báitiān (daytime, during the day)
8. 6:43 百 bǎi (100)
9. 7:22 班 bān (class)
10. 8:00 半 bàn (half)
11. 8:41 半年 bànnián (half a year)
12. 9:19 半天 bàntiān (half a day)
13. 9:52 帮 bāng (to help)
14. 10:31 帮忙 bāngmáng (to do a favor (for somebody)
15. 11:07 包 bāo (bag)
16. 11:43 包子 bāozi (steamed bun)
17. 12:18 杯 bēi (measure word for cups or glasses)
18. 12:53 杯子 bēizi (cup, glass (noun))
19. 13:33 北 běi (north (usually has another character attached to it))
20. 14:08 北边 běibian (north (cardinal direction))
21. 14:46 北京 běijīng (Beijing, the capital of China)
22. 15:20 本 běn (measure word for books)
23. 15:56 本子 běnzi (notebook)
24. 16:30 比 bǐ (comparison particle, can be used to express "than" or "compared to")
25. 17:07 别 bié (don't; this can also mean "other" in the context of certain words like 别人 ("other people", "everyone else")
26. 17:40 别的 biéde (another)
27. 18:33 别人 biěrén (another person, other people)
28. 19:10 病 bìng (to be sick)
29. 19:51 病人 bìngrén (patient, a sick person)
30. 20:37 不大 búdà (not very, not often)
31. 21:17 不对 búduì (incorrect, wrong)
32. 21:51 不客气 búkèqi (don't mention it, you're welcome; this is NOT the same as "no problem", which is 没问题)
33. 22:24 不用 búyòng (need not (to do something))
34. 23:07 不 bù (negation particle, not, no)
35. 23:44 菜 cài (type of cuisine, dish)
36. 24:19 茶 chá (tea)
37. 24:57 差 chà (poor, bad)
38. 25:33 常 cháng (often)
39. 26:05 常常 chángcháng (often, you'll see this used more often than singular 常; 常常 means "often" while 不常 means "not often". Also note that in some Mandarin dialects, the second 常 is sometimes pronounced as a neutral tone)
40. 26:46 唱 chàng (to sing)
41. 27:17 唱歌 chànggē (to sing (a song))
42. 28:00 车 chē (car (this can also be used as a suffix to denote any sort of wagon/wheeled contraption like 自行车 (bicycle) and 火车 (train))
43. 28:34 车票 chēpiào (ticket (for bus, train, subway, etc.)
44. 29:21 车上 chēshang (in the car)
45: 30:00 车站 chēzhàn (railway/train station, bus stop)
46. 30:37 吃 chī (to eat)
47. 31:22 吃饭 chīfàn (to eat, to have a meal)
48. 32:01 出 chū (to go out, to come out, to emerge)
49. 32:37 出来 chūlái (to come out)
50. 33:27 出去 chūqù (to go out)
51. 34:01 穿 chuān (to wear, to put on (clothing))
52. 34:41 床 chuáng (bed)
53. 35:15 次 cì (measure word for "how many times")
54. 35:58 从 cóng (a prepositional particle that means "from" a certain location or time period)
55. 36:46 错 cuò (wrong)
56. 37:22 打 dǎ (to hit, to beat (among many other meanings))
57. 37:54 打车 dǎchē (to take a taxi)
58. 38:35 打电话 dǎdiànhuà (to make a phone call)
59. 39:13 打开 dǎkāi (to open, to turn on (something))
60. 39:45 打球 dǎqiú (to play ball (this refers to any sort of ball sports like basketball, football, volleyball, etc.)
61. 40:25 大 dà (big)
62. 40:58 大学 dàxué (university)
63. 41:35 大学生 dàxuéshēng (university student)
64. 42:24 到 dào (to arrive)
65. 42:53 得到 dédào (to get, to obtain)
66. 43:33 地 de (adverbial particle, similar to that of English "-ly", for example 慢慢地 (slowly). Be careful not to confuse its other reading of 地 "di", which means "floor, ground")
67. 44:10 的 de (possessive particle)
68. 44:42 等 děng (to wait)
69. 45:21 地 dì (floor, ground)
70. 45:59 地点 dìdiǎn (location)
71. 46:51 地方 dìfang (location, place)
72. 47:25 地上 dìshang (on the ground, on the floor)
73. 48:05 地图 dìtú (map)
74. 48:45 弟弟 dìdi (younger brother)
75. 49:28 第 dì (cardinal number, used to express the "#" symbol, like 第二个 "#2")
76. 50:04 点 diǎn (o'clock (among many others))
77. 50:42 电 diàn (electricity)
78. 51:14 电话 diànhuà (telephone)
79. 52:00 电脑 diànnǎo (computer)
80. 52:33 电视 diànshì (television)
81. 53:06 电视机 diànshìjī (television set)
82. 53:47 电影 diǎnyǐng (movie, film)
83. 54:28 电影院 diǎnyǐngyuàn (movie theater)
84. 55:10 东 dōng (east)
85. 55:49 东边 dōngbian (east (directional))
86. 56:27 东西 dōngxi (things, stuff)
87. 57:05 动 dòng (to move)
88. 57:39 动作 dòngzuò (movement, move (the act of moving))
89. 58:19 都 dōu (all, both)
90. 59:00 读 dú (to read)
91. 59:33 读书 dúshū (to read a book)
92. 1:00:14 对 duì (right, correct)
93. 1:00:48 对不起 duìbuqǐ (I'm sorry, excuse me)
94. 1:01:28 多 duō (many, much)
95. 1:02:06 多少 duōshao (how many, how much)
96. 1:02:50 饿 è (hungry)
97. 1:03:34 儿子 érzi (son)
98. 1:04:11 二 èr (two)
99. 1:04:41 饭 fàn (rice (cooked), meal)
100. 1:05:11 饭店 fàndiàn (restaurant, hotel)


This is just simply the best Chinese Course around. 谢谢你!


Amazing that you were able to produce such quality HSK 3.0 content so quickly. The sample sentences are brilliant and the presentation is perfect. Thanks everyone…especially Joe and Eileen ❤️


Eileen, I own an English training school in Henan. We train only elite English students who will study in the USA at top universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, University of Chicago, etc., after they finish high school. I've never made it my priority to learn Chinese as I'm usually in an English-speaking environment. I can order in a restaurant or buy things in the market, but not really have a substantial conversation.

I said all of that to say this about your videos. The way that you teach with literal translations is something no other Chinese language program does that I've seen. I have seen a lot. As you know, your method allows the student (me) to learn word order/sentence structure naturally. I know that you know this, but I want to say that it is so important to do it the way that you do. Your students learn grammar (and vocabulary) naturally in the context of a sentence.

I am a paid member (I think I've paid a couple of times just because I want to support your excellent efforts and show my appreciation). I also want to encourage you to keep on doing what you do because you do such an excellent job!



JyutPing for anyone learning Cantonese:

1. 2:13  ngoi3 ài (to love) 
2. 2:47  ngoi3 hou2 àihào (hobby) 
3. 3:23  baat3 bā (eight) 
4. 4:00  baa1 baa1 /baa1 bàba/bà (father (formal) / dad (informal)) 
5. 4:37  baa1 ba (suggestion particle, can be used at the end of a statement to suggest, request, or put forth a small command) 
6. 5:19  baak6 bái (white) 
7. 5:54  baak6 tin1 báitiān (daytime, during the day) 
8. 6:43  baak3 bǎi (100) 
9. 7:22  baan1 bān (class) 
10. 8:00  bun3 bàn (half) 
11. 8:41  bun3 nin4 bànnián (half a year) 
12. 9:19  bun3 tin1 bàntiān (half a day) 
13. 9:52  bong1 bāng (to help) 
14. 10:31  bong1 mong4 bāngmáng (to do a favor (for somebody) 
15. 11:07  baau1 bāo (bag) 
16. 11:43  baau1 zi2 bāozi (steamed bun) 
17. 12:18  bui1 bēi (measure word for cups or glasses) 
18. 12:53  bui1 zi2 bēizi (cup, glass (noun)) 
19. 13:33  bak1 běi (north (usually has another character attached to it)) 
20. 14:08  bak1 bin1 běibian (north (cardinal direction)) 
21. 14:46  bak1 ging1 běijīng (Beijing, the capital of China) 
22. 15:20  bun2 běn (measure word for books) 
23. 15:56  bun2 zi2 běnzi (notebook) 
24. 16:30  bei2 bǐ (comparison particle, can be used to express "than" or "compared to") 
25. 17:07  bit6 bié (don't; this can also mean "other" in the context of certain words like  bit6 jan4 ("other people", "everyone else") 
26. 17:40  bit6 dik1 biéde (another) 
27. 18:33  bit6 jan4 biěrén (another person, other people) 
28. 19:10  beng6 bìng (to be sick) 
29. 19:51  beng6 jan4 bìngrén (patient, a sick person) 
30. 20:37  bat1 daai6 búdà (not very, not often) 
31. 21:17  bat1 deoi3 búduì (incorrect, wrong) 
32. 21:51  bat1 haak3 hei3 búkèqi (don't mention it, you're welcome; this is NOT the same as "no problem", which is  mut6 man6 tai4 )
33. 22:24  bat1 jung6 búyòng (need not (to do something)) 
34. 23:07  bat1 bù (negation particle, not, no) 
35. 23:44  coi3 cài (type of cuisine, dish) 
36. 24:19  caa4 chá (tea) 
37. 24:57  caa1 chà (poor, bad) 
38. 25:33  soeng4 cháng (often) 
39. 26:05  soeng4 soeng4 chángcháng (often, you'll see this used more often than singular  soeng4 ;  soeng4 soeng4 means "often" while  bat1 soeng4 means "not often". Also note that in some Mandarin dialects, the second  soeng4 is sometimes pronounced as a neutral tone) 
40. 26:46  coeng3 chàng (to sing) 
41. 27:17  coeng3 go1 chànggē (to sing (a song)) 
42. 28:00  ce1 chē (car (this can also be used as a suffix to denote any sort of wagon/wheeled contraption like  zi6 hang4 ce1 (bicycle) and  fo2 ce1 (train)) 
43. 28:34  ce1 piu3 chēpiào (ticket (for bus, train, subway, etc.) 
44. 29:21  ce1 soeng5 chēshang (in the car) 
45: 30:00  ce1 zaam6 chēzhàn (railway/train station, bus stop) 
46. 30:37  hek3 chī (to eat) 
47. 31:22  hek3 faan6 chīfàn (to eat, to have a meal) 
48. 32:01  ceot1 chū (to go out, to come out, to emerge) 
49. 32:37  ceot1 loi4 chūlái (to come out) 
50. 33:27  ceot1 heoi3 chūqù (to go out) 
51. 34:01  cyun1 chuān (to wear, to put on (clothing)) 
52. 34:41  cong4 chuáng (bed) 
53. 35:15  ci3 cì (measure word for "how many times") 
54. 35:58  cung4 cóng (a prepositional particle that means "from" a certain location or time period) 
55. 36:46  co3 cuò (wrong) 
56. 37:22  daa2 dǎ (to hit, to beat (among many other meanings)) 
57. 37:54  daa2 ce1 dǎchē (to take a taxi) 
58. 38:35  daa2 din6 waa6 dǎdiànhuà (to make a phone call) 
59. 39:13  daa2 hoi1 dǎkāi (to open, to turn on (something)) 
60. 39:45  daa2 kau4 dǎqiú (to play ball (this refers to any sort of ball sports like basketball, football, volleyball, etc.) 
61. 40:25  daai6 dà (big) 
62. 40:58  daai6 hok6 dàxué (university) 
63. 41:35  daai6 hok6 saang1 dàxuéshēng (university student) 
64. 42:24  dou3 dào (to arrive) 
65. 42:53  dak1 dou3 dédào (to get, to obtain) 
66. 43:33  dei6 de (adverbial particle, similar to that of English "-ly", for example  maan6 maan6 dei6 (slowly). Be careful not to confuse its other reading of  dei6 "di", which means "floor, ground") 
67. 44:10  dik1 de (possessive particle) 
68. 44:42  dang2 děng (to wait) 
69. 45:21  dei6 dì (floor, ground) 
70. 45:59  dei6 dim2 dìdiǎn (location) 
71. 46:51  dei6 fong1 dìfang (location, place) 
72. 47:25  dei6 soeng5 dìshang (on the ground, on the floor) 
73. 48:05  dei6 tou4 dìtú (map) 
74. 48:45  dai6 dai6 dìdi (younger brother) 
75. 49:28  dai6 dì (cardinal number, used to express the "#" symbol, like  dai6 ji6 go3 "#2") 
76. 50:04  dim2 diǎn (o'clock (among many others)) 
77. 50:42  din6 diàn (electricity) 
78. 51:14  din6 waa6 diànhuà (telephone) 
79. 52:00  din6 nou5 diànnǎo (computer) 
80. 52:33  din6 si6 diànshì (television) 
81. 53:06  din6 si6 gei1 diànshìjī (television set) 
82. 53:47  din6 jing2 diǎnyǐng (movie, film) 
83. 54:28  din6 jing2 jyun2 diǎnyǐngyuàn (movie theater) 
84. 55:10  dung1 dōng (east) 
85. 55:49  dung1 bin1 dōngbian (east (directional)) 
86. 56:27  dung1 sai1 dōngxi (things, stuff) 
87. 57:05  dung6 dòng (to move) 
88. 57:39  dung6 zok3 dòngzuò (movement, move (the act of moving)) 
89. 58:19  dou1 dōu (all, both) 
90. 59:00  duk6 dú (to read) 
91. 59:33  duk6 syu1 dúshū (to read a book) 
92. 1:00:14  deoi3 duì (right, correct) 
93. 1:00:48  deoi3 bat1 hei2 duìbuqǐ (I'm sorry, excuse me) 
94. 1:01:28  do1 duō (many, much) 
95. 1:02:06  do1 siu2 duōshao (how many, how much) 
96. 1:02:50  ngo6 è (hungry) 
97. 1:03:34  ji4 zi2 érzi (son) 
98. 1:04:11  ji6 èr (two) 
99. 1:04:41  faan6 fàn (rice (cooked), meal) 
100. 1:05:11  faan6 dim3 fàndiàn (restaurant, hotel)


Thank you very much for doing such a great job ! Thank you very much! (From France 🇫🇷 🇫🇷 🇫🇷)


谢谢老师!I'm a little scared of these changes because I was studying for old HSK level 3 and now it means my level is very low in new HSK, haha.


As an intermediate student I hope The New HSK 1 vocabulary numbers and requirements help them to actually asses the language and the time and dedication it takes.
It seems as a better introduction to the language than the old HSK 1.


Wish more things did literal translations of the mandarin to english, makes it easier to learn the grammar.


This is amazing! Thank you so much for this video series. I love the challenge of repeating the example sentence from only the English translation, it's a great way of embedding what's being learnt. This series is amazing value for just $10 and has lifted Mandarin Corner to #1 in my list of Mandarin Youtube channels. Well done!


I really like this format...comprehensible input...learn so much even if it is just a few words...👍👍


Another fantastic lesson! Many thanks!!!


This is a great way to learn Chinese. The sentences are useful and having a chance to think in Chinese is extremely helpful. Eileen's pretty face and beautiful gestures make this video series a winner.


Very good video for people who want to get useful vocabulary❤


Thank you! Way better than old version. As the old version is still valid and you pass all exams in 2021 according to the old rules, it would be great to upgrade old HSK vocabulary, it would be very useful.


nothing compares to this channel, its so good


you are the best teacher, most efficient, please follow with part 2, can't wait !!! finished this and learned all the words in 3 hours of studying part 2


Merci pour ce beau travail. ! J’aime énormément le format j utilise pause pour écrire sans modèle ce que j’ai entendu et cela n’aide beaucoup dans mon apprentissage... Je suis obligée de faire une double traduction car je suis française et cela m’oblige aussi à pratiquer l’anglais😜 Il n’y a que très peu de contenu de qualité en ligne pour apprendre le chinois quand on est français🤷‍♀️Seriez vous d’accord pour que je fasse une traduction en français de vos leçons?


This was the most useful Chinese language-learning video I have ever seen! Xiexie!


THANK U SO MUCH omg just what I needed!
