100 Important Phrasal Verbs in Context - Part 1
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Ask out:
To take out somebody, usually with the intention of starting a romantic relationship.
Remember the girl I met the other day? I asked her out.
Back down:
To cease wanting something or vowing to do something, because lots of people are against you.
David finally backed down and apologized.
Back up:
This one has 4 different meanings.
1- Driving or walking backwards.
Wait please, can you back up a little? You drove past the house.
The lady stood too close to me in line, so I asked her to back up.
2- When you support someone or something.
It would have been excellent if Sarah had backed up her argument about global warming with some facts.
Please back me up on this, so I can finish the task on time.
3- When you back up a computer file, you make a copy of it so that if the original file is damaged or lost, you can use the copy.
It drives me nuts when I forget to back up my work and I lose it.
Break down:
This phrasal verb has many meanings, we will try to cover 4 and see them within a context.
1- To burst into tears without being able to control your emotions.
Hearing about her boyfriend cheating broke her down in tears.
Seeing the horrific news on TV broke Michelle down.
2- A machine or vehicle stops working if it breaks down.
We had to push our car off the road because it broke down.
3- When you break down a complex idea, process or situation into simpler ones.
Please break the idea down into simple terms, so everyone can understand it.
4- To separate something into smaller parts.
Can you break down our expenses by year and by city?
Call Off:
To cancel a previously scheduled event.
The storm forced them to call off the beach party.
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