Canadian Real Estate Sales Up Modestly - 'Hold Onto Your Hat' 2025: CREA

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Canada’s real estate market showed some modest growth in September, while the CREA says that, with dramatic interest rates coming, “Hold onto your hat” in 2025.


Canadian Home Sales Edge Up Again Following Third Interest Rate Cut:

Canadian Home Sales Ease Again in September:

Home sales lacklustre in September as Canadian real estate association predicts 2025 market rebound:

May was ‘another sleepy month’ for homebuyers. Will a rate cut wake them up?:

Will recent interest rate cut be the spark the Canadian housing market needs?:

CREA Forecasts Rebound in Residential Property Sales in 2024:

Home sales slid in May as buyers awaited confirmation of a Bank of Canada rate cut:

'Ho-hum' national housing figures in September sign that buyers want more rate cuts:

Canadian inflation plummets to 1.6% in September opening the door for bigger Bank of Canada rate cut:

Inflation falls to 1.6%, making a case for larger Bank of Canada rate cut:

Bank of Canada cuts interest rate to 4.25%, leaves door open for larger cuts amid struggling economy:

Canadian Housing Outlook: When the Trickle Becomes a Flood:

Interest rates to fall to 2.75% by mid-2025: Deloitte Canada's Dawn Desjardins:

Bank of Canada seen cutting rates deeper, faster over next year:

By the Numbers: U.S. Economy Adds Over 250,000 Jobs in September Exceeding Expectations:

Fed's Waller calls for 'more caution' on rate cuts:

Fed’s Kashkari Sees ‘Further Modest’ Cuts in Coming Quarters:

Posthaste: Bank of Canada could have a new worry as 'overly restrictive' interest rates sting, economists warn:

5 of 6 big Canadian banks see jumbo rate cut after surprisingly soft inflation:

Bank of Canada putting more weight on downside inflation and growth risks, meeting summary shows:

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Governments and central banks are busy inflating the currency as there is no way, they can pay of their debt and they have no intention to pay it. I hope we don't get into situation of Zimbabwe. As usual, a quality journalism and reporting Mark.


Who does the CREA think is going to drive this demand? The only people who can afford these prices are those who already owned a house prior to the rapid rise in prices over the past few years. Have those individuals not already moved? No one else is coming off the sidelines now that prices are already out of reach. Thanks again for the in depth look and analysis. would love to know the demographics of who is buying in 2025...and holding onto their hats.


Thanks Mark for pointing all these things out. The economy is soft. Employment is soft. Just have a look at retail parking lots and subtract a third of the cars as employees. Empty! BofC is once again slow to respond. I'm a Realtor and I tell it like it is to my clients. Right now the market is flat and I expect a cautious and untrustworthy approach by people to the market. Super appreciate your videos!


My prediction is a slow rise in sales .!! I’ve owned a construction business since 1998 and I’ve seen a lot of things but not like this. I can’t stress this enough people are broke and the job market is way too weak


Buyers strapped for $$ and in fear of unemployment!! Not too mention rates won’t be dropping as much as everyone thinks!! Plus pricing is still over valued by 10-15%


I just reno'd my Moms 1023sqft bungalow in Regina, SK to sell it. Listed at 349900, didn't look at offers for 6 days. Sold for 345, 500. Market depends on the city. There are only about 500 detached homes for sale in Regina, 9 that matched hers with a 2 car garage in the 3-350 range. Still stupid money imo, but I'll take it


interest rate cuts won't matter if unemployment takes off


Mark you’re just THE BEST! 😁.. your humour is absolutely AMAZING! 😂… you provide us with honest information and I can’t thank you enough! 🙏


For anyone who is unemployed, they dont give a hoot about the BANKING RATE. They care about survival first. If the rate cuts are a result of a weakening economy which there are hints everywhere. Housing market at best will remain flat.
Its been 2 bloody years and these RE wont stop pushing the housing fever its so tiring to be honest.


CREA sounds like the hair club for men. “I’m not just a client, I’m the president”


- Hold onto your Hat!
- Hold onto your Pants!
- Hold onto your Shirt!
- Hold onto your Wallet!
Nothing will happen in Real Estate Casinos; those golden days are gone for good and will never return.
Brace for $3.00 Gas by Christmas & New Year's Eve!
Slam Dunk!


Love the sarcasm. You're really settling into a "style".


CREA would tell you prices were heading to the moon if world war 3 happened and was centred on Toronto.


Amazing as usual thank you for the information


Interesting take on the Canadian real estate market!


It’s not they we’re wrong they were just early 😂😂 home sales & car sales there’s not enough inventory to fill the needs multiple offers


Tiktok realtor clips always have me LOL


My understanding is that first home buyers and net new residents to Canada drive a lot of price growth, and I don't see a lot of either entering the market any time soon.


Buyers are waiting for more cuts…in prices! I have a 5.85% mortgage rate on the home I bought last autumn which is quite good for the time. Were I to try to buy something comparable in rich, overpriced cities like Vancouver and Toronto, I wouldn’t qualify with my current income even if rates were ONLY 2%!
I understand how higher mortgage payments will be tough for people but I have a hard time feeling sorry for financially affluent people who overextended themselves.


As always thanks for the great content.

Is Shaun "The Oracle" Cathcart wrong though given the fact that the RE market is very much disconnected from the real economy?

Look at the policies implemented over the last few months: increase amortization, increase the insured mortgage amount, getting rid of income verification at renewal.
All these combined with lower interest rates, a lack of supply and the fact that 2025 is an election year makes CREA pretty confident the prices will go up.
