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I must admit that being on the patient side of things was completely WILD. There’s just no other way for me to describe it. But overall I’m so happy with my experience and I truly believe this will make me a better doctor to my future patients. Thanks again for all the love and support. I can’t wait to keep sharing my life and journey with you all!
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*My blog posts are in English AND Spanish!
The information in this video is educational information and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Everything in this video--text, graphics, images and information is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/medical provider.
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About 45 seconds before you said "I didn't enjoy my pregnancy" I burst into tears. Then you cried and I cried like a baby 😭 I'm 29 weeks along with my first. My mother loved being pregnant. I've struggled so much more than I thought I would. It's been such a strange experience. I'm starting to feel more calm now but we will see how that lasts 😂. I'm so excited for that moment of relief when I hear my baby is ok. Your videos help me feel prepared! Thank you for sharing your experience XOXO Nelly is beautiful 🥹


SHE IS NOW EARTH-SIDE AND AWESOME! Congratulations, Dr. Mama! What a great way for you to start the holidays!


My kids are 18 months and 2. No one warns you that they quickly go from being such a teeny tiny thing🥰 she’s so precious! Congrats Doc!


I am also an OB/GYN and had my first baby preterm (unplanned) 11 weeks ago. I identify with you in so many ways and I truly believe our experiences will make us better clinicians. I was so humbled by the experience of pregnancy, delivery, postpartum “blues”, and breastfeeding. Keep it up mama!


Girl I don’t know much about how a c-section works, but after having one…I can assure you we all feel just as much anxiety. I think it’s just a mom thing. Our intuition and heart knows something is off and as a mama that is terrifying. Sending you, hubby and baby girl lots of love.


Amazing story. Birth is such a miracle. I am due in 4 months and my 1st delivery was very traumatic because of the domino effect of not needed interventions . This time around I am so so excited for the birth ! I am planning a home birth and just cannot wait until I hear the cry and see the gender of the baby. First time around I did not see the baby come out due to being put to sleep. Take care of yourself and congratulations again 🎉


Ob here too. I agree that as Ob's, our birth experiences, create amazing opportunities for insight and empathy for our patients. I can now truly relate to others, having gone through IVF, non-working epidurals, Cook balloon & pitocin, getting HELLP and magnesium (worse than I thought), unplanned cesarean section (could feel my partners closing fascia and skin given the not great epidural), triple feeds, etc. It's made me a better doctor for sure. Perspective is powerful.


Retired L&D/OR nurse. Your story telling took me back. Didn’t plan on tears with my coffee this morning. Becoming the pt. is such a weird experience, but also an invaluable gift passed onto your future pts. Congratulations on your beautiful daughter!


“It’s hard but it’s the best.” Perfect summary of motherhood, every single stage. Beautiful!! 💕


I am an Ultrasound tech, and it is difficult to explain to non-medical people how I experienced my C-section... It is exactly like you say, you know every single step in the process so even though you don't feel, you do "feel" as you know every step and understand the process. The mental strain was also so intense, as I knew exactly what could go wrong... I was admitted for an emergency C-section at 37weeks after developing pre-eclampsia. At time of admission my blood pressure was 180/120, I had severe leg and hand swelling and protein in my urine. I had the perfect pregnancy until I didn't and then non of the meds helped and my BP just kept going up. It was very scary as I understood that there is a big risk that I could get a stroke or bleed out on the table... I just cried when she was born and I heard her cry! All my projections through my pregnancy prepared us for a really big baby, and I was not mentally ready for the tiny little human that I got at a mere 2.8kg (6.2lbs). She was also covered in vernix and full of tiny little hairs (on her shoulders, back and ears). After she was born I started shaking uncontrollably (side effect of the anaesthesia) so I couldn't do skin-to-skin which I was devastated about and was kept in recovery for about an hour to control the shaking... I'm from South Africa and over here they take the babies to the nursery along with dad, and while mom is in recovery they do skin-to-skin with dad :) My leg swelling and high blood pressure persisted for a month post-partum. In the end all was well and we had a healthy baby and healthy mom. Our tiny princess is now 7years old and tall. But nothing could prepare me for how tiny she was after birth - she worn newborn clothes and a size 0 nappy for 4 months... My mother-in-law had to go shopping urgently as we had no newborn size clothing as her projected birth weight was 4, 8kg (10.5lbs)


I still remember that insane feeling of while your baby takes her first breath I also took what felt like my first breath if that makes sense. It was like I was as light as air again. All the anxiety and pressure and emotions just melted away like I had been holding my breath for 10 months. We are here for you, will be the best mommy!!💕


Congratulations doc! She’s so precious. Thanks for sharing your story. I am 13 weeks pregnant, it’s my first pregnancy.


Doc!! I know you're an OBGYN, but you're human too, and it is totally valid to be completely overwhelmed by the speed and scenarios that led up to you delivering lil Nellie!! Please continue to listen to your intuition and take care of yourself. We can sense if something is off long before a lab test comes back. I'm so glad you're both healthy and well. I love the uodates but I also know the postpartum time goes by sooo fast and can be overwhelming, so if you need a break from content creation- take it!! Your health is way more important than the video! ❤


Oh bless you, I write this as you’re crying. Don’t feel guilty about not enjoying being pregnant. I have two children, and was hospitalised during both pregnancies. The anxiety, the stress!!!
Most important; you’re okay and so is your baby! She’s beautiful.
Thanks for sharing, pregnancy is hard and, as you know more than any of us, it doesn’t always go to plan.


My granddaughter (first grandbaby 🥰) was born on November 10th! Hearing your story made me cry. My mamma heart hurt for you. So glad Nellie is doing so well!!!❤❤❤ Praise God!!!


Brings back a flood of memories-some positive & some not so much. 3 kids & all 3 were C-Sect due to severe preclampsia all thru pregnancies. But, all 3 kids are now in their 30's. Loved the honesty & emotions. <3 PS My son (#3) was born on 11/11 at about 10:55, but my OB/GYN said, "Make it 11:00. 11/11 at 11am!"


Congratulations mama! There is nothing like having that little baby in your arms ❤ enjoy every minute, it goes by way too fast!


Congratulations to you, Cory and Nellie! I loved how you said it will make you a better clinician. I have found that a kind and caring doctor makes needing care so less scary.


When I was pregnant with my 2nd I was in nursing school and it was during my OB semester/clinical! When I tell you I was soooo anxious because of everything I had learned. I thought everything was going to go wrong with my baby. But he’s a happy healthy 5 yr old! Those anxious predictions are the worse! Congratulations! She’s beautiful!


Beautiful story ❤ I've had 3 c sections and that tugging and pulling is real. Feels so weird and uncomfortable. I remember the doc/nurses counting their tools at the end and I didn't quite know why then lol. Your baby is so precious. Enjoy her. They grow up super fast. ❤
