Liver Rescue Book - What I eat on a Liver Rescue Morning (Medical Medium)

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Liver Rescue - In this video, I show you what I eat in the morning on the medical medium protocol.

📚 "Liver Rescue" by Anthony William

After a short intro and shout-out to both, you, wonderful Gut Feelers who requested a "what I eat in a day" video. And a big appreciation to Anthony William and his brilliant Liver Rescue book.

The Liver Rescue Morning routine is both simple and gentle to your liver. That's why I love it!


SHOP 🌿 My favorite supplements & health products

★ Berkey Water Filter

★ Barley Grass Juice Powder (Organic)

★ Best JUICER for Celery Juice (slow juicer, low budget)


★ Broccoli Sprouting Seeds (organic, GMO-free)

★ Alfalfa Sprouting Seeds (organic, GMO-free)

★ Countertop SPROUTER - Growing Kit



My Berkey Water Filter - After 15 Years I Found the BEST WATER FILTER. Just Pure, Healing Water

My weird but healthy habit before I eat ANYTHING - I do this even in restaurants…

Raw Meal - "What I Eat in a Day" - Eating Raw Vegan, Low Fat, Recorded 2016, Findhorn Community, SCT

Behind the Scenes - Peggy's Breakfast - What I Eat in a Day


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GUT REPAIR Cheat Sheet (FREE) 🍏 Six simple rules to follow to improve your gut health

1-on-1 SUPPORT 🌸 I help you understand what’s going on in your body

GUT HEALING GUIDE 🥦 Start healing your gut troubles in one week with delicious food

Start healing acid reflux, gastritis, Helicobacter Pylori, and chronic pain without meds in 7 days

SHOP 🌿 My favorite supplements & health products

MY GUT-SUPPLEMENT KIT ☀️ Video Tutorial + Bonus Check Lists to find the best supplement to heal your digestive struggles!


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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by Peggy Schirmer / Gut Feelings, are published for educational and informational purposes only. They are not intended as a diagnosis, treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment. Please consult a physician or other healthcare practitioner for your specific health care and/or medical needs or concerns.

Affiliate Disclaimer: This description contains affiliate links. If you decide to purchase a product through one of them, I will receive a small commission.

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🌸 Let's get your health back on track! I am available for new 1-on-1 clients this month


Your mention of me made my day, I had to put my cat of 14 years down and I have been distraught. I've been working on my dissertation for University all day too and have been feeling super down, I came on YouTube for a break and a relax and de-stress from all those worries and hearing my name in a video from someone I love was just the best thing, thank you. <3


Today for the first time I drank celery juice on an empty stomach and I found the taste to be quite pleasant and mild, maybe because I am used to drinking all sorts of bitter and grassy HERBAL tasting teas ... :) Yesterday I ate mostly raw and was so energized I didn't know what to do with myself ... and this morning I woke up at 4am wide awake ready for celery juice and all the wonderful cleansing day is awaiting me--I AM ABSOLUTELY EXCITED ABOUT THIS! :)


Yes, please make more what I eat in a day videos! I have had chronic hives for years now and been researching for an all natural cure. Watching your videos has connected a lot of the "dots" for me. Thank you!


Yes, I am not only interested in more videos on what you eat in a day, but would be really happy to purchase your cookbook. I recently purchased your "1 Week Gut Healing Challenge" and would love more recipes from you. Thank you, Peggy!


You mentioned me!!! I feel so honored! Yes, please, more “what I eat in a day” videos! I love them. Also, my breakfasts are either oatmeal or smoothie, or just fruit. ❤️


Yes more of what to eat on Liver Rescue please 🙂 Thank you for all you do!!


Yes! More liver and gut rescue smoothies. Thank you! ♥️


I also hated celery juice and then I started craving it! It's amazing!


Yes please more videos about what you eat in a day. love your videos💚


Yes, very helpful to hear what you specifically eat in a day


Im on my 4th week of celery juice and im doing great. Thanks for this video, more power. 🧡🧡


This protocol comes directly from the Medical Medium who has written 4 such books, just in case anyone is looking for in depth information. The books are encyclopedic, very well indexed and are textbook depth and quality. I borrowed from the library and was blown away by how profound they are. Check out Anthony William if you want to go very deep into this work


Yes more of what you eat Thank you Peggy


YES PLEASE! More examples of daily all inclusive diets! Thank you! ❤️🙏🏻


Thank you for these videos. Yes, keep making them! Love you and Anthony William, the Medical Medium!❤️✨


Yes please more videos 😀 I love your videos, they're short and sweet and very informative. God bless you. Thanks 😁


I've finally worked out what works for me and my liver: Peppermint tea upon waking. Around 10am, a Smoothie for brunch with 2 x handfuls of leafy greens, half a tsp spirulina, 1-2 kiwi fruit, 1 inch fresh ginger, handful frozen raspberries and 2 tbs apple cider vinegar. I do like almond milk (soaked overnight with chia seeds) but have not always made it so will throw in a banana and a date on those days, to make it creamy. If I'm really hungry, will eat an organic apple at the same time along with 5 almonds and 2 Brazil nuts. Lots of water with fresh mint leaves in, throughout the day then my second meal (at 6pm) is a big nutrient bowl of 5+ raw veggies, some raw crackers, with a cucumber, lemon & mint sauce (you can tell I love mint!). Becoming a raw vegan, I not only reversed my fatty liver, Type 2 diabetes and adrenal problems but lost 60kg - as well as all my cravings for chips, sweets, cake and fatty meat (took 2 years). Your videos, Peggy, have really helped me. Thank you!


yes please, do a lunch one and a dinner one too


I looked at all the 3-6-9 protocol but I already started what you recommended. I was doing the celery juice and lemon water in the morning and a wild blue berry banana smoothie at lunch with the 5 spiraling tabs. And a vegan meal for dinner, and lemon water in the evening. I feel a lot better. I am still on Systemic Lupus medication, but only one. I have a diuretic. A calcium channel blocker for blood pressure ( I am trying to get the doctor to stop) and vit E, C, supper b complex, multivitamin, krill oil, and Centrum Silver. 4:35
