How To Unlock LG G3 by Unlock Code
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You can unlock all LG G3 models include LG D850, LG D851, LG D852, LG D855, LG D858
Your phone will be unlocked forever after you use our unlocking LG G3 service inspite of having to update your phone's software or hard reset, etc.
Is your LG G3 locked to a different lock level than a simple network lock? Don't worry - Network Subset Unlock Code (NSLCKUNLOCK), Corporate Unlock Code (CLCKUNLOCK) and Service Provider Unlock Code (SP_LOCK) are provided with the Network Unlock Code (SIM_UNLOCK) at no additional cost.
Step By Step How To Unlock LG G3:
1. Power on your G3 phone using a different network SIM card
2. Make sure you see the message Network Locked
3. Unlock the screen
4. Go to the dialer and type 2945#*Numbers of your phones' model# (G3 models are: 850 or851 or 852 or 855 or 859)
5. Make sure your SIM network unlock PIN Unlock attempt is 1 or higher.
6. Dismiss the screen.
7. Go back to the dialer and type *#06# - to get your unique identification number (IMEI)
8. Note down your G3 phone's unique identification number (IMEI)
9. Go to and select LG manufacturer and G3 phone
10. Purchase our G3 Unlock Codes service
12. Select the service you purchased and input your phone's IMEI
13. Confirm the IMEI is correct and your purchase
15. Once you receive your G3 unlock codes, go to the dialer and type 2945#*Numbers of your phones' model# (e.g. 2945#*400# for E400)
16. Type G3 SIM_UNLOCK code onto the SIM Network Unlock PIN screen and hit the Unlock button
17. Congrats your G3 phone is now permanently unlocked!
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