David Cameron return marks the end of Conservative England | Andrew Marr | New Statesman

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Rishi Sunak is out of ideas, out of touch and out of time.

In October the Prime Minister claimed to represent a break from the past. In November he brought the past into the cabinet office by re-hiring David Cameron as Foreign Secretary, shortly after sacking Home Secretary Suella Braverman.

Andrew Marr explains why this week’s huge reshuffle news confirms the end of conservative England as the dominant political force in the UK.

Andrew Marr is Political Editor for the New Statesman, and is one of the UK's most senior political journalists. He spent over 20 years at the BBC where he was Political Editor and hosted the wildly successful Andrew Marr show. He is now based in Westminster where he brings his deep experience of political reporting to his analysis of the most important events in UK politics. He also hosts Tonight with Andrew Marr on LBC Radio.

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The Tories deserve to be totally unelectable for generations to come after the damage they've done to this country.


I was born in 1947. I have never voted Tory and never will. In all the Governments they have been in control of over my years, I cannot think of one thing they have done that has benefited us ordinary citizens. Yes you might mention this or that, but we are no better off now than we were ever in our history 😢😢😢😢


Cameron campaigned in 2015 warning against the ‘chaos’ that would rain down in the event of a Miliband/Balls victory. My goodness how different would our country’s path have been if the two Eds had taken the reins in June 2015


I am sick and tired of the way this country is being dragged through the dirt by a constantly bickering tory government.


Depressing to think they're going to take it right to the bitter end!


“Everything we’ve achieved in the last year”? I must have missed that. I see utterly no achievements whatsoever.


Sunak doesn't care what he does to UK politics as long as he has time to get a trade deal for his father-in-law and that is why he chose Cameron's; as a Lord he is not accountable to the Commons.
I wager a trade deal will be announced without a commons vote on it.


350 mps and they couldn’t find a foreign secretary !!!! Says it all


This is totally embarrassing. Sunak’ s scattergun approach to government hastened the demise of Conservatives but appointing Cameron was the final nail in the coffin. If there is any justice, they will never again regain control of the country.


It really is time the Conservative party should be consigned to the history books as a lesson in arrogant incompetence and greed for their own self gain.


Sunak patting himself on the back for all he's achieved in the last year is hilarious.


Sunak father in law bought shares in BP just before a massive oil find in Israel. BP got the contract. How strange. Sunak doesn’t want to hamper the ambitions of oil companies and invest in green alternatives because he benefits personally. If that’s not a conflict of interests, I don’t know what is. His wife earns £12m a year in dividends from BP. She’s a billionaire.


Andrew, you are an absolute star, great analysis, both funny and sad. Britain deserves so much more.


Loving the clip with Cameron and the pigs. Very clever who ever did that! 😂


Lost the will to govern but not the will to stay in power - despite the damage it is inflicting on the country.


I haven't seen Andrew Marr for yonks! Great to see him again. I'm glad to see him well.


"Sickly sweet smell of death within the Conservative Party"...sums them up to a tee, Andrew!😆👍


Andrew Marr, I salute you, sir! You are a real patriot and gentleman acting in the British interest.


What's wrong with Cameron calling Gaza an open air prison camp, that's what it is.


From the current trajectory, it looks as though it's going to be a really bad year for minorities and the vulnerable as they seem committed to taking out their frustrations on migrants, the ill, disabled, out of work and homeless already. Labour on the other hand aren't very strongly opposing those disgusting moves at all. Mr Kier "I agree with the government, but just a little more watered down - what was the question again" Starmer is an absolute disgrace and doesn't offer much of a departure from the Tories and considering how he wiped his ass with his pledges to get elected leader of Labour - it's a really frightening time to be a minority - There is nobody standing up for us anymore! 😰😓
