Patrick Reed Cheating Scandal #shorts

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Not his ball, not the tree it was lodged in ! He lied, plain and simple. He cheated. There should be serious sanctions for serial cheaters like Reed.


I agree, if your ball was in a tree, it should be ok to play it from there, but.. it wasn’t in any tree, upon further review, you can see it hits the first tree, on the right, then deflects to the right so in essence it is a lost ball. Back to the tee he should go. At the end of this occurrence Reed states “if I wasn’t 100% sure that was my ball, I’d go back to the tee” which at this point, we all know it 100% was not his ball. So what do we say about that? Then he talked the official into believing it’s his ball. imo, I think he signing an incorrect scorecard.🤷🏼‍♂️


Trees should be considered a hazard. Same as a bunker. If you’re hitting it bad and you slice way right or pull it way left, assuming you are right handed, you should be penalized for hitting a bad shot. Just like if you hit it OB or in a water hazard…. HOT TAKE!


Thats not the point.
He clearly lied about IDing his ball.

He got to drop nearerr the hole.

Can you imagine how many "lost in tree" moments you would get vs lost ball?

He took the chance cutting the corner.


Enjoy the channel but not everyone can afford a good set of clubs I play with a cheap set and still beat people’


the tour could make this real simple - if you can't get to your ball, or if you've hit it past some boundary stakes (hazard or OB), just simply take a 1-stroke penalty and drop it within 2 club lengths of where it crossed this boundary, or within 2 club lengths of said tree. No OB stroke-and-distance, just one stroke everywhere. In truth, he did hit his ball wild, and OUGHT to get penalized for it. It's the luck of the draw if it comes down out of the tree or not to be played. Sort of like divots in fairways. Or let him climb the tree and play it as it lies :)


I entirely agree with this. A lost ball, obviously still in play on the course, somewhere, should absolutely not be treated as an OB. It’s a pretty absurd rule.

Him lying about identifying his own ball however, I don’t agree with. That guy’s probably the slimiest person that will ever play on tour, no matter how good he is.


I don't understand the thesis message of this video. At first I thought it was gonna be "I've been hard on Patrick in the past but I think he was in the right on this one, " but then it takes a turn to he didn't ID the ball correctly bc he was looking in the wrong tree. Confusing edit


Reed has been cheating (and thieving) since his college days.


Patrick Reed is a CHEATER, and this tree incident is one of the BEST examples of that! He was caught on camera once again! His tee shot caromed off the tree it was clear as day on film! He grabs binoculars and says there’s my ball in the tree so he doesn’t have to re-tee? Come on the guys is a first class cheat!


It’s a stupid rule. Agree with you big guy


... but he's looking in the WRONG tree?


If you find the ball and can't play it, and you can't proceed under the unplayable lie rules you have to take a stroke and distance penalty and rehit from the previous spot.


I have no love from r Reed. Once a cheater always a cheater( looking in wrong tree) the rule is the rule, it’s golf. That’s why we play. And 90 % of the trees will spit the ball out. Go back to the tee…If it was that bad a t ball why didn’t he declare a provisional ( oh that’s right he doesn’t follow rules) he could pick it up if the first ball was found playable .


Matt is schleping for the LIV boys again.


He must have played the tree iron. Lol. And we all carry some binoculars in the bag aye. 😂


In addition to this and the other blatant infractions, I’m not a fan. He is a good golfer but why? Dude’s got more issues than a Times magazine.


The referees tops all the exact same story and there he identified his ball describing the signature he gave them. And this ball 8n the tree had exacting this marks on it patrick Reeds ball had. So everybody believed that this was his ball. He did what the referees told him. He got no penalty from them!!! There is not more to say.


He lied, he should have been DQ’d. His playing partner should have spoken up as he knew what his ball marking was.


This isn’t in the rule book. They need to make an amendment.
