Spooky Upcycled Treasures || Turning Thriftfinds into Dark Academia Art

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I needed some less-than-traditional artwork to go along with my mural wall, so after a trip to the thrift store, I came home with inspiration and materials to fulfill this dream. In the vein of Dark Academia, apothecary, gothic decor, these wall hangings are the perfect accent to my accent wall.

I also throw in a quick thrift haul if that's your jam.


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You can also find my digital pattern for my Box Bag design

AND I’m extending pre-sales for my DIY Box Bag Sewing Kit and the Leather Scaled Bracers Kit. The listing will close on September 10th, and orders will be shipped by the end of September.

I’m so excited to share these with you as I’m so proud of this pattern.

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

Рекомендации по теме

Rachel is one of those people who would definitely be overjoyed you had an idea similar to hers. You can just tell there is no ego to her where she thinks she owns every idea she comes up with. And, plus, you totally made yours your own. And I am inspired by you both. ❤❤


Yes to Rachel Maksy fanclub! Who isn't aspiring to be her? Your frames turned out amazing. I especially like the rat one because it just looks unexpected and super interesting. I also love the little terrarium with the teeny tiny dragon. So cuuuute!


First time viewer 🎉As a stay at home mom for the last 15 yrs, Goodwill gave me the chance to get back in the workforce. It is the perfect position for me right now. I actually get paid to go to my favorite place! I am actually excited and happy to go to work everyday! On my days off I can't wait to get back to work! Feeling VERY VERY BLESSED 🙏🏽❤️😌


I am in spooky mode 24/7. Anytime I go shopping, no matter what the season, I tend to look at things & think "how can I make this spooky?" As for the figurines you pulled of the pictures, I would totally repaint them with red eyes & make them demonic, or zombies...or demonic zombies!


You are a joy to watch. Your subtle humor is priceless.


Don’t fret, it’s that time of the year and all crafters will be either spooky or cutesy….😂. Items looked great and always love a thrift haul that turns into new unplannned projects


Those were mid-century Italian Empire Art 3-D wall plaques. They can fetch a good bit of money.


It helps to remember that Unicorns have horns - it rhymes. Pegasus is the one with the wings. Brilliant ideas all around. I especially love that you incorporated the glue straggler strings as spider web.


I love videos like this! Rachel Maksy is one of my faves, too! But I love things where you take thrifted things and make them spooky...we do some spooky all year long in our house so spooky is my favorite!


Oh please!! You go girl! I’ve seen these the last several years. In stores, all over YT, Pinterest, etc. Everyone is inspired by everyone. An influencer has done their job if the influenced you anyway. I even did these with butterflies 6 moths ago. Inspired ideas with our own twist is what we do. Thank you for a cool, inspiring video.👍🦋❤️ Also- love your painted wall!!


Omg the Avon bottle!!!! I saw a couple at my thrift store but they weren’t THAT color!!! Great find!


Loooove your personality, this was such a fun project!! Xx


I love them! I am a year round, "everyday is Halloween" girl. I definitely indulge in the "yay Fall! Pumpkins & cider!" vibe in mid Aug thru September... Before descending into full on Super Spooky mode lol


Love this, beautiful, I am the creepy Halloween person too. Great job!


So much fun! Love your projects, humor, commentary and cool results. Also—great orange jumper!


I know I’m very late commenting on this video, but my six year old loves Halloween DIY crafting videos and it just popped up. You don’t have “weird country Figures” you have Addams Family repaints on your hands. 👍


The red cruet is from the 70’s Avon Cranberry Glass series. There were drinking glasses and dinner plates as well as other pieces. My mom already collected a type of art glass so we never bought any of it, but it is pretty.


Looks cool! An idea: you can hot glue a low candlestick from the thrift store/dollar store to the bottom of your cloche to make a pedestal


Love your eclectic thrift haul---those plaque people were creepy enough as is---you could definitely taxidermy them! And as for the cloche, I wouldn't worry about copying, a cloche full of moss is not exactly ground-breaking in the craft world, even with a dragon. Yours is quite nice. The plaques came out great, I especially love how you made the Pegasus look as if she/he were bursting through the frame in a cloud of gold. Rat tail is a nicely gruesome touch---spider is excellently hairy, maybe more web & a fly (or perhaps some creepy country people?) stuck in that web. All most inspirational to get on the Halloween crafting boat!


Really liked the cloche with the dragon - it's a nice dragon. You could get a chunky based candleholder and attach it to that if you want it on a pedestal. I recently got a glass dome that was over an ugly clock at the thrift shop, happened to have a Chinese wood stand that it fit on perfectly, now I need a cool candle base. Love the Indian brass vase and I liked the rat a lot. All together the wall looks awesome. Thanks for the inspirations!
