How to Remove and Clean Sticky Keys on M1 Macbook Air Step by Step Repair (Very Detailed Fix)

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How to Remove and Clean Sticky Keys on M1 Macbook Air Step by Step Repair (Very Detailed Fix)

We have a 2020 m1 Macbook air 13'' that had some sticky after spill damage from the previous owner, probably some soda or coffee. I don't like crunchy keys that stick down and don't come back up properly so we decided to remove the keys that were damaged, clean them, then reassemble. It was only a few key but we used this as an opportunity to show how to take off all of the types of keys on the keyboard it well worth the repair. It will work for all of m1 macbook airs and 2020 macbook airs with intel (i3, i5) and m1 macbook pro as well as the 2020 macbook pros with intel (i5, i7) with the same keyboard switch design, and it will work similarly with other keyboards you may have to do more digging to how the keys attach to the switch. Cleaning your m1 macbook air keyboard or single keys after a spill could save you the discomfort of crunchy keys and could also save you from having to get a new computer. If you are looking for how to replace apple M1 MacBook Air Keys, this video is for you.

Things we used in this repair
- Playing Cards
- Toothpicks
-Isopropyl alcohol 91%
-Toothbrush head

This video should work for the following models
⭐️ M1 Macbook Air Key Removal and Repair
⭐️ 2020 Intel Macbook Air Key Removal and Repair
⭐️ M1 Macbook Pro Key Removal and Repair
⭐️ 2020 Intel Macbook Pro Key Removal and Repair
⭐️ Macbook Pro 16 2019-2020 (Without the Notch) Removal and Repair
⭐️ Macs after the butterfly keyboard but before the new Gen M2 and the new 14'' macbook pros and the 2021+ macbook pros with the notch in the screens. (I am not sure if the m2 macbooks have the same key switch and keycap design)

Video Index
00:00 Intro
00:38 Overview of Entire Process
1:26 5 Tips Before Starting to Clean your Macbook Keyboard
2:43 Isolate What Needs to be cleaned
3:33 Removing the Esc, F Keys (top row half keys)
4:40 Removing the Square Keys (Letters and Numbers and Punctuation)
5:12 Removing the Tab Key or Delete Key
5:56 Removing the Caps Lock or Return Key
6:18 Removing the Shift Key
7:42 Removing the Space Bar Key
9:18 Cleaning the Keycaps
10:08 Cleaning the Keyboard Switches on the computer
10:50 Reinstalling the Keys
11:09 Installing the Spacebar Key
12:45 Installing the Shift Key
13:35 Caps Lock (Return Key) Install
14:00 Tab (delete key) Install
14:19 Installing the Square Keys (Letters and Numbers and Punctuation)
14:36 Installing the Esc, F Keys (top row half keys)
15:03 Removing the arrow keys up down left right ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️
16:50 Installing the arrow keys up down left right ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️

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Рекомендации по теме

I hate to leave comments like this, but if you have sticky keys, DO NOT FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. You will damage the aluminum hooks and the keys will not pop back in. Just take your laptop to the Apple Store or someone with the appropriate tools. Trust me.


YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER! My delete key felt weird and following your tutorial I was able to clean it and reinstall it! Thank you!


Update: Thank you so much for making this video! It worked like a charm. It took me about two hours to do. I recommend using a 90% or higher isopropyl alcohol because it has a faster evaporation if you are worried about the inside parts being a little wet. This is the clearest video ever! I spilled hot tea with honey on my laptop and the keys were so sticky but they are just like new now! I highly recommend this video and subscribing to this channel. My problem is completely fixed! Thanks again!


Thanks!! One thing I'll add: if you have compressed air, but it didn't help, then the trick with the card lifting up the key can be a good next step. Without trying to take the key off, lift the key with the card as described with the video and try blowing air under the key again. With the key lifted, it might be enough to do the trick


You are about the fourth video I've tried. They all gave me little bits of what I needed. But yours gave me everything. Hallelujah, my delete key lives again!


Some soy boy at the Apple store was going to charge me $400 to to replace entire keyboard after the actual tech said he could clean the keys.
You saved me a ton of money. I had the keys removed, cleaned and reinstalled in the time it took to watch your tutorial 👍🏻👍🏻


Just had the Shift bar stick, dog hairs again (dogs on bed while on computer and yes, I should learn) and again, followed you instructions and all is back to normal. My Apple dealer charges $80 just to have a look then an hourly charge to repair anything. This is my 3rd key fix following this vid so I think you've saved me about $400. Please run for president also. Your country needs you.


This worked absolutely great! Last week I spilled something sticky and gross on my keyboard, and the keys have been sticking ever since. It took me two hours, but I managed to remove every single key on my MacBook Air, clean everything, and reinstall the key pads. It's working perfectly - in fact, better than it was prior to the spill. It's like new. I'm so happy - not a single mishap, all scissor mechanisms, awning clips, and butterfly clips are intact and in working order.


saved my life, my space key wasn't working properly at all for a while, and today it just stopped working all together, I just tried your method but without fully removing the key, I just snapped it open and slid it back & very cautiously cleaned around it. Now the space key has never been smoother, saved me a trip to the apple store & a ton of money while at it thank you so much!!


Two comments: 1: Thank you, as this helped reveal how to remove / install keys. 2: HOWEVER, while I have 32 years experience in hardware service, prototyping, development (including extremely fine-pitch solder, rework), etc., and many years of field service experience, I ended up breaking off one of the four small plastic corner retainer (hooks) underneath the key-cap that I had removed. I was very careful, and patient--yet I still broke one off a small piece of plastic. The key is back on and works fine, so I am not out of commission. However, as I have extended Apple care--and I did not leave any markings that provide evidence that I removed the key--and I am logged in to Google making this comment on a different account that my gmail associated with my Apple account, I'll take it to the Apple store and just pretend that it was "just like this" and that I know nothing.


Spilled coffee on my keyboard a month ago and even after I took it apart, cleaned the keys, and reinstalled them, my space bar still felt sticky. Turns out I just reinstalled it wrong. Thanks for your tutorial - you helped me fix an issue that was driving me absolutely crazy


Woah! Thank you so so much! It's been just 5 months since I bought my M2 Macbook Air and it's spacebar started to squeak! Now me being a typist, this was really bothering me. So, I watched your tutorial closely and then attempted to safely remove the spacebar using an UNO card and a toothpick. It worked! I did exactly what you said, cleaned my spacebar and then installed them back just the way you mentioned. You, my sir, just saved me a trip to the Apple store. You are the GOAT. Thank you so much once again and God bless you!


Thank you so much! It worked for me. It's been almost three months now that my spacebar and some pcs of keys are sticky like they stick down and are hard when pressed. I want to try to remove the keys but all the tutorials I found do not clearly show how to do it in detail and their comment section also not convincing. lol. But thank goodness, I took courage after reading all the positive feedback in here. It took me around 1 hour to remove, clean and re-install 3pcs of keys. Spacebar is the most challenging one. I literally spend more than half an hour for that one alone.


Top video! I've tried to remove my spacebar with instructions from different video, but I struggled and yours nailed it! I was troubling to reinstall the spacebar but you explained it in the best way!


thanks bro I just brought this Macbook 2 days ago and accidentally I removed my right direction key and now without letting my parents now I fixed it by your tutorial


OK - I really didn't want to try this. But I did as suggested and listened to the whole thing before trying ANYTHING! was able to remove and clean the worst of my sticky keys. Now that these are fixed, I'm noticing some others that need attention. But now that I have a little confidence, my whole keyboard is about to get clean. Thanks SO SO much!!


absolutely fantastic tutorial. spilled some beer on my laptop a few nights ago, had a sticky spacebar, watching your video I was able to get it fixed in 5 minutes. Genuinely brilliant tutorial


thanks a lot just finished cleaning the entire keyboard. I got this m1 from my sister who spilled sweet tea on it. we thought it was unfixable but it was however the keys were super sticky. took me like 2 hours but worth doing it.


Accidentally broke my original tab & capslock keys when I removed / put them back on for some cleaning. They just got stuck in the down position. The problem arises when you've forced down the keys instead of doing as shown in this video. The small plastic thingies get crushed. Ordered replacement keys from ali express and followed this video and everything now works perfectly. Thx!


Give this guy a medal! My keys feel as new instead of drifting slowly up because of the mess that got inside.
Very detailed instructions, much appreciated!
