David Mitchell On Scientology | Was it Something I Said? - Outtake

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The panel share their views on Scientology, while Richard Ayoade explains YouTube.

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I got collared by Scientologists back when I was a student in Devon!

I was sheltering from the rain under an awning of what turned out to be one of their 'shops, ' and they invited me in so I could be 'warm ' as well. And then it was "Oh, while you're in here, do you know much about what we do..?" They put me in this room on my own full of bean-bags to sit on, where I watched a video so boring as to be borderline hypnotic. It was about an hour long, and I kept toying with the idea of legging it out of there, but the combination of being slumped in a bean bag instead of a proper chair and watching this snoozeworthy video left me too 'can't-be-arsed' to try. Ans every now and then I was aware of the door opening and a head poking in to check on me and then going back out again and closing the door behind them.

When the hour was up, they took me back upstairs and gave me the personality test. It's a multiple-choice thing, not unlike those 'what kind of girlfriend are you?' tests they sometimes have in tweenie girls' magazines. And then they added up my score and shook their heads in despair. Apparently I was such a dysfunctional trainwreck of a person, the only thing that could save me from my own self was joining the Scientologists RIGHT NOW.

I asked for a day to think about it, then went home and was thoroughly depressed, with my self-esteem in the toilet, for the rest of that day. But then I woke up next morning and thought "what a bunch of devious tossers, " and never went back. Amazing what a good night's sleep and a bacon sarnie can do for a broken soul ;)


Funny how this is now a deleted scene, so the only way to watch this clip is on YouTube.


What David described is exactly what happened to Jez in Peep Show?


I really love British humor and these shows and all, but the more I watch, the more it seems like the UK has about 15 celebrities total that they shuffle between all their comedy shows and panel shows


Me and a mate once did a Scientology personality test. they told him there was nothing they could do for him, but suggested they could help me if I bought their book. I was well gutted that something in there seemed to suggest to them that maybe I was a gullible twat


David was a great host,
here and on The Bubble.
He needs to get another show.


I took one of their tests. When they wanted me to buy the book, I told them I didn't have the money and asked if I could borrow the money. After borrowing the money, I told them I didn't have any money for food so it would be best if instead of buying the book, I bought something to eat. I'll return the money eventually.


what is this 'youtube' he speaks of?


warning strong language

1. this is the internet
2. surprising coming from channel 4


I did their test in France, in french, a few years ago.25% I could answer accurately, 25% I could answer in a vaguely accurate way and 50% I had no idea so I guessed.The man told me some old guff that applies to everyone and when I told him my results would be strange he told me that was okay because I would have been guided by some outside force.Anyway gave him the name and address of someone I didn’t like and left feeling that tea leaf readers and palmists put on a better show.


Too many negative Orgones in this video. Shocked that Jared didn't say anything.


What the hell is Youtube? They have videos? Sounds shit, why in the world would anyone go to that kind of site.


I took a personality test once, but I flunked it. :(


As an American, I’m embarrassed to say that British comedians are so much funnier than American comedians, by far!


Watching this on YouTube 👍🏻 It's the future!


Why is there only one series? It's brilliant


Someone needs to have a channel, or something - that is nothing but deleted scenes and cut material from these types of shows.

It's like watching the edited and aired versions of Mock the Week (generally during the Frankie Boyle Era) and seeing a jump, where you just know that there was a good 15 minutes of material that they simply had to cut, and feeling a bit robbed because you know it would have been fucking hilarious.


I have been searching for this, where Mickey does the: "telling `em to fuck right off"


I've just realised this show was advertised and I didn't watch it and why did I not do that? Ah well! the joy is mine now...


Someone pointed out that there is a stable of "fifteen" (I'm thinking more like twenty five) comics who occupy all the various u.k. panel shows. I'll suggest that it's because it's very hard to do well. If you watch these things way too much like i do, you may notice that attempts to grow the stable definitely happen regularly, and with low percentages... many try, few persist.
