Final Fantasy TCG: Opus 9.5 Water/Fire FF9 Deck Tech Talk!

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Looking for something fun and interactive for the Dark Cup/Euros weekend?
Look no further than this awesome spell-centric control list. So much value, so many EXes!
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I used this deck at a recent local and got 2nd place. The deck flowed really well I had no shortage of forwards and although they are rather small the recursion with Porom and Terra with the summons was good for removals. In one game I swarmed my opponent with so many forwards he conceded at only 5 damage. My loss was against a mono fire deck, I went 1-2 against it. My opponent used several damaging summons like Ifrit, Brynhildr, and Bahamut, and on-call abilities like Vivi L and Black Waltz 2 got rid of my small forwards. A big problem was Emperor Xande, where on-call he did 5k to one of my forwards (which of course were small enough), then when I used Famfrit he chose Xande then upon reaching the breakzone he’d deal another 9k. It was a good match though, I was able to swarm on the game I won, but he had the big forwards and removal the other two games. But still 2nd place is not bad at all!


I really enjoyed playing this deck man thanks for the vid. Question, how would you change things around for the likes of Xande and Gilgamesh (XI)?


I really like this deck, and I may consider modifying my Category 9 to this or something quite similar. Do you have a deck list for this written out or maybe a link to FF decks?


I put a couple of water summoner, the deck kinda auto lose to mist dragon :D
But for the rest i think Is a very fun deck..and i love to do infinite Phoenix xD


super cool deck, except I realized with my enormous brain it would be much cooler if it was awful, so I pulled out all the good cards and put in 2 fritts and 9 ifrits
