Wells Fargo Corruption: Craig Walls - FTC report fraudulent investment opportunity
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The apartments were a financial success & Craig Walls was making $20,000+ profit per month. Craig Walls was doing so well, he decided to invest in an old friend’s Mexican restaurant in Tupelo, Mississippi. The restaurant was a success & he received dividends quarterly & K-1s yearly. Craig Lathan Walls quickly realized his finances are getting out of control & hired a CPA in Tupelo named Chad to manage his finances, & bought non-subscription Oracle NetSuite for $18,000. In the fall of 2020, after being promoted to Kenai Wells Fargo branch manager, Craig Lathan Walls talked about opening a 2nd location for the Mexican restaurant in Tupelo. He talked about how much money he was making off of the 1st location, & attempted to solicit investments from coworkers into this second restaurant. Craig L. Walls was making so much money between the apartments & the Tupelo restaurant that he opened a trust & within a few months making $10-20k per month just on the trust. During the pandemic he filed Alaska business licenses CW Tech Solutions, CW Investments & Jow Co.
In the Spring of 2021, an incident between Craig Walls & an employee brought his Best Buy management experience into question. His management experience could not initially be verified and this lead to discovering everything he had told everyone at Kenai Wells Fargo & Soldotna Wells Fargo was a lie.
- Craig Walls did not ever own a patent for a 2FA to a VPN.
- Craig Lathan Walls did not own the land he pointed out in Tupelo, Lee County, Missisippi & Lee County did not extend the Kings Highway to meet the coordinates of the land Craig L. Walls claimed to own.
- Craig L. Walls is not listed on any Mississippi business licenses.
- The alleged apartment manager denied working for Craig Walls outside of Tupelo Best Buy & immediately said “Do not associate my name with him.”
- Oracle NetSuite does not offer any non-subscription products.
An employee confronted Craig Walls & he denied the allegations, promising to show proof, but by the end of the conversation, refused to show proof stating the employee’s “trust is not necessary” despite Wells Fargo’s ethics polices emphasizing the importance of trust. Before leaving, Craig L. Walls asked the employee “Who else knows? Who have you told?”
The concerned employee immediately reported the situation to the Wells Fargo EthicsLine (Wells Fargo HR) out of concern for the safety of customers’ sensitive financial information, as well as out of concern for Wells Fargo ethics policies relating to honesty, integrity & trust. This was especially alarming considering Craig Walls’ behavior followed suit with many well-known con-artists such as Anna Delvey, Brent Garry Murray & Frank Abagnale Jr. Wells Fargo allowed unethical behavior and dismissed the report within a month. The employee faced 8 months of Wells Fargo retaliation so severe he resigned.
In March 2022, I found Craig Walls on TikTok as Craigwalls3 scolding people about their moral shortcomings and political views. I had already informed people who worked at Kenai Wells Fargo and Soldotna Wells Fargo in private, but decided to take the story public due to Wells Fargo’s failure continuing to allow Craig Walls to be a threat to the community. In April 2022, Wells Fargo reached out & a new investigation was initiated. After 16 months, nothing has been done and this Wells Fargo corruption continues.