Reflecting On September 11th: 20 Years Later

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Friday, September 10, 2021 | Hoover Institution, Stanford University

The Hoover Institution hosts Reflecting on September 11th: 20 Years Later on Friday, September 10, 2021.

Please join a conversation with special guests Condoleezza Rice, General Jim Mattis, John B. Taylor and Karen Hughes as they recount their personal experiences, each from a different vantage point, on where they were during the deadliest terror attack on American soil in history. They will discuss what that day meant for America, how it changed us as a nation, and how we would move forward in the world in its aftermath. They will share their thoughts on the recent withdrawal from Afghanistan and what it means for our national security.

Secretary Condoleezza Rice is the Tad and Dianne Taube Director of the Hoover Institution and the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy. Rice served as the sixty-sixth secretary of state of the United States, the second woman and first African American woman to hold the post. Rice was serving as National Security Advisor to President George W. Bush and was at the White House in her office when the plane hit the first tower.

General Jim Mattis, US Marine Corps (Ret.), is the Davies Family Distinguished Fellow, after having served as the nation’s 26th Secretary of Defense in the administration. In December of 2016, President Donald J. Trump nominated Mattis for Secretary of Defense. He commanded at multiple levels in his forty-three year career as an infantry Marine. On 9/11, Mattis was serving in uniform as Brigadier General in the Marines at Camp Pendleton and heard of the attack on his car radio. Within 50 days, he would be leading an expeditionary brigade in Afghanistan.

Under Secretary John B. Taylor is the George P. Shultz Senior Fellow in Economics at the Hoover Institution and the Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University. He chairs Hoover’s Working Group on Economic Policy and is director of Stanford’s Introductory Economics Center. Taylor was serving as Undersecretary of the Treasury for International Affairs and was on a diplomatic mission to Japan on 9/11. He returned to America via military transport and began his work on the financial war on terror.

Ambassador Karen Hughes served as Counselor to President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2002 and was at the White House on September 11, 2001. She was also Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs where she led the U.S. State Department’s effort to communicate America’s values abroad and is currently the Worldwide Vice Chair at Burson Cohn & Wolfe.

Peter M. Robinson is the Murdoch Distinguished Policy Fellow at the Hoover Institution, where he hosts Uncommon Knowledge. Robinson spent six years in the White House, serving as chief speechwriter to Vice President George Bush and as special assistant and speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan.
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🇺🇸🇦🇺🏛🗽❤️ We stand as one! We love you America! ❤️🗽🏛🇦🇺🇺🇸


This is a brilliant discussion and should have more views.


Hoover and Peter, thank you for the excellent content. This may not draw the view counts of some other things but these really are a valuable contribution to the public understanding of these issues.


In my opinion, from studying the known facts at the time during September 11, 2001 when the twin towers were struck by commercial airlines the buildings contained the stock exchange that controls a vast majority of this World's monetary funds.
The congressional/governing bodies of the United States government were inside trading from classified documents that were being reviewed in their sessions no different than they are currently today with a number of State governors being highlighted in the last 18-months with the CoVid19+Delta pandemic for not disclosing their investments with their spouses in the Big Pharma stocks for the vaccines being administered currently to the general public.
There were also conveniently large insurance policies taken out by the corporation/owners of those twin towers, an others in the vacinity in Manhatten, NY that sustained damage on that day.
In the days prior to the attack, all areas of those twin buildings were cordoned off for inspection, an that may have been when the charges were set to demolish their structures from what I have gathered after the incidentTheRealInternetMan😎


I cannot believe we’re in the signal digits on comments here. And btw, I’m not a conservative. Thanks so much, Hoover I!


The best of my southern neighbour, the USA


Sad when the taliban is literally running afghanistan


Would look forward to hearing the group bridge this discussion with thoughts on the challenges of the infrastructure bill in both domestic and international economic and social will power terms. The last 10 minutes felt like the real discussion was about to start.


The Afghans remain Muslim bound to the concepts of their prophet Mohammad. Their basic beliefs of world dominance haven’t changed. We would be foolish to overlook that unchangeable fact


It’s hard to imagine a life before 9/11, I wasn’t very old and can’t remember much before hand. Its just so interesting to hear these accounts of that day from such admirable people. The things people could do/get away with before 9/11 “adults” around my age really can’t appreciate but nevertheless here we are. 20 years later, and would it go without saying everything that has happened for whatever reason or whatever anyone person believes in has in fact happened? and well.. I just genuinely pray for those who have lost Family. Friends. Anyone and everything. I thank God everyday to live in the nation founded under his hand. Even though on the surface everything would seem awful and irreversible per this administration lol. We’re Americans, when you get right down to it. We are woven of many strands, it is our fate to become one. And yet many.
Please don’t cyber bully me, I will simply not read hate


Posted for 18 minutes and I couldn’t click fast enough


Afghanistan was not lost because Afghans failed to value the ideals of freedom. Afghanistan was lost because America helped to create instititions and practices in Afghanistan that didn't value freedom and went against America's own experience at its founding, between 1776 and 1789.


Kinda interested in the “Hoover Institution” I am subbed and find myself watching allot of content. What exactly is it? School?


Its kinda crazy that this Podcast is available for free
