POV: You Miss Them | A Playlist

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The worst feeling is being forgotten by someone you could never forget.


the hardest thing to do is to forget about someone who gave you so much to remember.


I've met him online, i never thought i could get so attached to someone, he gave me the attention that I've always needed and listened to me talk about all my problems without complaining, he made me realize that my life isn't meaningless, he even wrote songs for me and sang them to me on call everytime i was upset, I'd sometimes skip class just so i could text him and he'd spend hours searching for jokes to tell me to hear my laugh, he was always so proud of the smallest things I'd do, he knew me more than anyone else did.but suddenly it felt like he was a whole different person. he ruined my mental health and made me feel so useless to him, we fought alot over so many stupid things and the fact that the person who gave me hope that life could be better made it worse broke my heart. i stopped talking to him for my own good and im slowly starting to feel better and realize that i do deserve better, but another part of me misses the old him who genuinely cared about me and it makes me want to cry, i don't even know if i did the right choice anymore


i miss them, the old times, i dont like growing up, i still wanna play, run and laugh until i am breathless. The only thing that remains from that is the memories. Thats all, because everything ends just how they started, like strangers.


i miss them more then anything even tho everything she did was not ok dec 23 we met and ill be alone this one and it makes me hurt even more knowing its over forever when forever should have been with her


i saw a comment say “when they forget you but you could never forget them” and that just makes me so absolutely sad because i like this guy who doesn’t even talk to me anymore while he takes up my every movement, decision, thought, and word. he is all i think about, but he forgot about how much i care and love him.


I know it’s kinda silly, but my cat died and he was my best friend. This playlist really brought me to tears thinking about him. Thank you; I really needed a good cry <3


she hurt me. she hurt me a lot. but i still miss her. she had a spark about her that no one has.


I tried getting over her and moving on but i simply cannot, she brought me life and she genuinely made me feel what it's like to love and be loved it's like the more she's gone I jus miss her more and more, I jus want my sweet girl back


i've liked him since school started.
and its been almost 4 months already.
i cant even explain how this boy made me feel, i've experienced so many emotions, emotions that i've never experienced before.
but, he never really looked at me, he never really knew i existed, he never really knew that i was loving him from afar.
cause even though we were in the same room, same classes, i felt like he was so far away from me, and i didnt knew that this was killing me slowly.
one day, i decided to write a letter for him, cause in my opinion, letters are the most romantic way to tell someone that you like them, so i did, i wrote that letter.
my bestfriend gave it to him, and guess what? he wrote me back.
he said: "oh hello, im sorry, but im not really interested in you, you're not my type, im sorry".
and, believe me when i said, that i was trying to hold back my tears, i had to pretend like it didnt hurt me, and it was hard.
now, he was some way right, he couldn't have liked me since he didnt even knew me, and i knew that, but somehow i was hoping that he would've liked me back you know?.
i dont know if some of you have experienced this kind of love, and i hope not, cause its the worst kind of love, its sometimes painful, very painful actually, and i didnt realize it could have been so painful.
by the way, i had to pretend like i was okay, while i was crying every night wondering why it had to be so painful, like, why him? why someone i didnt even spoke to? why a boy that didnt even knew my existence?.
i was overthinking so many things, that i actually stopped going to school for 2 weeks.
this affected me so much.
how stupid from me to think that he actually liked me back, right?.
and i guess our "love" was kind of "meant to meet but not meant to be".
and that's all, a story that i would like to forget, but i know that its not going to happen.


I miss the old him.. he was so sweet and funny and now he is mean and I don’t recognize him anymore…..


these playlists always end with me getting emotional man, making me remember how she loved white and pink tulips, but also loved the yellow ones more. how she was color blind and we made up games with it :) we'd auto generate colors, she'd say what she seen and I said what I did, it always made her light up and her hair got a bit fluffier somehow because she loved to know how I seen things. it went on for hours at a time of us just racing go say what color it is, and what we see. or all the times we would talk about everything and nothing, about how she wrote the coolest novel last night and we'd playfully bicker while we were on facetime, 6 hours apart, while she made food and I drew her in my sketchbooks. "laughing is forbidden! >:(((" she'd pout but she had those soft eyes that were only for me. good lord I miss that crazy lady so much, fiwlyewa, mi vida


I miss her so much dude, I kept forgiving her for everything, she messed with my feelings and I still forgave her, our relationship is kinda weird right now but I could never lose my love for her, I wish her the best as long as shes happy, I miss you


commentators tear my soul apart, how cruel this world is sometimes


“Oh it was just a cat get over him”ya and that cat was there for me it hurts so bad cause he was my everything
And now he’s gone and after he was gone everything fell apart💔💔


We used to be unstoppable, we were friends for 6yrs. And everyday I keep thinking "Was I enough? Did she even considered me as a best friend?" Cause it feels like she doesn't care at all. She looks way happier with her other friends, ik I have no right anymore but wow she forgot about me that easily.


We were the "best friend trio". They made my sad days be filled with happiness and love. They made me understand myself and how i feel. I told them every little thing about my life, i trusted them with my whole heart. Until a fight happened between them and it was never the same. I tried to reach out but they didn't care, they didn't care about anything anymore, not even themselves. They wanted the pain they have carried for years finally gone so they decided that they wanted to be gone and find eternal peace. They are still here but not the same person i knew, they changed and it hurts but you have to eventually let them go so they can find happiness again but this time not with you in their life.


I miss everything about the past, nothing is as beautiful as it used to be, I think I see some people as my home, so when those people are no longer in my life, I felt like a homeless person, but not at home...


My depressions made my best friends think I was aggressive towards them. Now, they totally distanced from me, but sadly, I can't forget them and I never will cause I miss them so much.


I'm still young, he was 17. 4 years part..
he made me feel safe, happy and loved. he was the father my dad could never be. he was online, and lived seven hours away. I loved him. so so much. But he left. he left me. he helped me through the sleepless nights and the mental breakdowns. he knew everything about me. he would listen to my day and how I slept, he respected my feelings and my honesty. most the time we were on face time calls, while we talked about our inspirations for the future and that we would hope to meet one day. I found his voice comforting and we would both go on for hours explaining how much we meant to each other
