Astrobiology Breakthrough: Single grains of ice in space contain signs of life

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Discover the groundbreaking revelation that's shaking the world of astrobiology! Scientists have found potential signs of life in single grains of ice from moons like Europa and Enceladus. Join us as we explore how these icy grains could hold the key to uncovering extraterrestrial life. Dive into this thrilling journey through space and unravel the mysteries hidden in the icy depths of our solar system. Don't miss this cosmic adventure that's redefining our search for life beyond Earth!

00:00 Introduction
00:41 Unveiling Life's Fingerprints
02:58 The Dawn of New Explorations
04:30 Beyond the Ice
06:51 Outro
07:10 Enjoy

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Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence . But if they DO find life's ' fingerprints in those ice crystals out there, then that truly would be sensational .


You all do such a good job and the information is top notch. But for the first time I’m disappointed. So many YouTube science channels use hyped, misleading, untrue clickbaited headlines. I didn’t expect it from this channel. Please rework your headline to say something like …scientists prove that a single ice grain is capable of harboring signs of life… . That is true. Your current headline simply isn’t.


Yes simple life is probably common in the universe, but the life evolving through the exact right stimuli, and living long enough, and not either being killed by itself or been killed by its own planet to become complex is very rare. Especially when you take into account mass extinctions like the ones on earth are very tame compared to the ones that surely will happen on other planets, because the earth is not trying to kill life, in fact its doing the opposite, life would have died out a long time ago if the earth hadn’t harbored it, if the earth wasn’t friendly all of those mass extinctions in the past could have spelt the end of complex life or even life on earth.


Think we're eventually going to find that simple forms of life are wide-spread but that intelligent forms of life is no where to be found - including on earth. 🤦‍♂️


Loved the video. I learned something new, and I like to learn new things everyday.


Live is out there that is certain even if we seem not to have found it yet.


LOL we are but a micro speck of life just within our galaxy let alone the universe. It's absurd to even contemplate that life doesn't exist beyond Earth. Love the video. Thank you.


I get your point @Steveriknows but I also think that (I'm not saying you are) it's more than a little arrogant for the Human race to believe that in the Entire Universe, we are the top dog, more evolved and that there are no life forms that could come close to us.
Personally I believe that life exists and there are many microbial life forms all the way up to more advanced than ourselves in the entire Universe


I knew this for decades ! But body would believe me ! Now the cats out the bag ! 😼


Very exciting possibility but my concern would be what might happen if signs of life are detected in the plumes. Wouldn't that make some decide to put aside concerns of contamination and drill down anyway ?

Or vice versa? Not finding what we perceive as signs of life some decide that means it's ok to drill down and risk contamination.

What are the discussions around these possibilities and what safeguards or agreements, if any, have been put in place to protect these moons and their potential 'inhabitants' from our exploitation?


What is the outro music? Really like it 😍


How do we know earth volcanoes and asteroid impacts didn’t seed those icy oceans? Or the entire solar system…


astro biology is not a subject taught in any university i know of and im a biologist, unless its just to make money, it happens, as theres no life outside of this planet the subject is redundant


Ok, let's say we determine somehow we are the only intelligent life in the universe. Some how we figure that out & confirm it.

Does that mean we're special & unique & intelligently designed & should go back to worshiping a sky wizzard? I'm asking, does that discovery then re-tilt the odds back to us having been created by a god?

Or, still no god, we're just super unique & still evolved out of abiogenesis?


Probably bacteria life on Mars at its water springs.


Roswell 1947 life came here 100% proven, Antarctica Admiral Byrd found life under the ice, 100% fact, micro organisms why are we looking we have found life and quite a few species 64 to be exact, intelligent life too


I had enough. Your titles were clickbait, but this one is a straight scam. You are giving false information on your thumbnail and text. Bye.
