How much does it cost to refinish hardwood floors?

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The costs of refinishing hardwood floors might be higher than expected, even if you do it yourself. In this video, I go over the costs of refinishing hardwood floors yourself and having your floors refinished professionally.

Hardwood Floor Refinishing Costs Calculator! (and lots more!)

THE BEST LACQUER for Wood Floors (by FAR):

And the one thing everyone seems to forget when refinishing their floors:

If you want to get serious about refinishing your hardwood floors, do a good job and save money:

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00:00 Introduction
01:07 Costs of refinishing professionally
05:09 Sanding and refinishing yourself DIY
08:05 Wood refinishing cost breakdown
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Did my appartment floors about 2 years ago, watching your videos and with the guide. Best money spent!


Just for everyone watching, his video course and ebook he is selling is totally worth it. I bought it a few days ago and am almost finish going thru it all. Really cleared a lot of questions up for me. This guy knows his shit. I was very confused and the home depot employees, along with various sources online, were giving me conflicting information. Thanks m8! I'm not affiliated at all just wanted to support this guy and his stuff because I found it so genuinely helpful.


I'm fixing to refinish my reclaim oak floors with all the tips and tricks I've learned from you!
My total cost for about 600sf: including purchase, rentals, stain, poly will come out to $700. It's 1000 times the work to DIY, and I'm nervous, but I think it will be worth it in the end!


This video is incredibly spot on. 100% correct


Good vid. Calculated ive been qouted £90 a sq mt to sand solid oak floor. Just to to remove coloured laquer and finish in a clear satin. Its 5.5sq meter job which your vid touched on


I’ve DIYd it. It doesn’t cost a lot to do it yourself at all. Doing it right on your own is just time consuming. Like with any job it takes like 3-5 times doing something for the first time than with practice. The only sane way I could get it done was to buy the tools and do it right, a room at a time. With a family, it’s the only way to go, unless you wanna pay for a hotel. I picked a throw away room to make all my mistakes in…and it took a while. Great results. But there’s a lot of reasons to hire someone to get it done quick and right.


Your videos are very helpful

I brought your video course, very informative


I don't give the option. if im sanding it, im finishing it, way to many scenarios I've had to resand a floor do to negligent owners insisting to coat themselves. in my area i charge $5-$5.75/sq foot depending whats on the floors, I do small discounts for larger project. make the number a bit more appealing


I know it’s mundane but a video on DIY clean up would be great. What to clean, what to throw away. How to clean tools. How to clean self. I just got done staining the first floor of my house…looks great. Me, a first timer? Not so much…


Im doing it for my home, the floors had multiple layers done by previous owners: it had carpets, tiles, then below all that old vintage tar glued tiles, its easily a 5k job if you pay someone and i say it is worth that much, The man hours spent were crazy!


I love your content but not so much this video sorry to say. Please don’t take this personally but I strongly recommend you go on the KHR course that covers pricing, I think you’ll be surprised and end up upping your rates. I know several other guys from all over the nation that sand floors and they, and myself, all charge considerably more than 30-40 sqm. And you’re definitely not getting Traffic HD for that. I’m sure you’ve noticed abrasives and lacquers have gone up in price recently too, along with everything else.

Keep up the good work though mate.


Hello friend, I admire your work and your videos inspired me to do some videos of my own, but mostly focusing on the aspect of the satisfying part watching someone work and sand a floor. Kind of relaxed and chill watching.

Do you have any tips you can give to a newbie in the youtube scene?

I would appreciate it so much!


I use Bona traffic as standard unless otherwise specified.
I do get customers requesting I leave them to finish the floor themselves (usually because some decorator has told them Osmo is all things to all men - and they've already purchased it).
My conditions for them finishing their own floors are: I shall not guarantee the floor for any length of time beyond what it takes me to reach my van. I am paid immediately on completion!! Non negotiable.
I try to dissuade customers from finishing their floors for various reasons. The main one is lack of expertise... but they're usually holding off applying the sealants, because they have other work to carry out in the room and don't want the finish damaged. Once I've explained that footprints will require the floor be sanded again if the floor isn't protected. Most see sense... but those who don't, are probably irritated daily, by the preservation of size 9 Adidas gazelle prints, highlited beautifully behind the orange tinted pine, surrounded by clumps of fossilised cat hair 🤷‍♂️


Hi Ben, could You do a video about different finishes on floor. oil vs water based, satin vs matte etc. What would be your take on it?


What products do you reccomend for finishing? I've just sanded and unsure where to go next. Priming? Varnish? Oil? Wax? It's a minefield lol


We need another floor sanding fails video !


Ive been watching diy videos in the hopes of finding business ideas. Not sure if its the quakity of these vids. But it seems doable


And the time! DYI guys never really understand the time they may need to dedicate. A day off or two or three or four may not even be enough.
I quoted 7-8 days on a project but the homeowner instead decided to try himself. For him I bet he took a month to do it all between work, housework, marriage, kids, and the occasional day or two off!


Is acrylic finish okay or good? I have 2 bigger dogs. 2 rooms. 520 sqft. 60s era wood floors in USA. Baseboard water heat around the edges. Price ish estimate that would be acceptable? Floors are in good condition not stained currently


How do you feel about belt sanders? And if they are ok to use if a bit time consuming do you use the same methods or different from the bigger ones
