Why the Union between Sweden and Norway Came to an End

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Today’s episode will give a detailed explanation to why the Union between Norway and Sweden ended in 1905. It will discuss the creation of the union and the challenges that Sweden encountered in the first few years. It also shows the conflicts between the two partners that sprung up in the 19th century and ends with the coronation of King Haakon VII.

- Danielsen, Rolf et al.: Norway. A History from the Vikings to Our Own Times, Oslo 1995.
- Duerr, Glen M. E.: Peaceful and Mutual Parliamentary Dissolution: Dissolved Unions in Sweden-Norway (1905) and Czechoslovakia (1993) and Their Lessons for Europe, in: Sprawy Narodowościowe 35 (2009), pp. 26-47.
- Goetze, Dorothée: Die Friedensschlüsse der Nordischen Kriege 1570–1814, in: Dingel, Irene et al. (Ed.): Handbuch Frieden im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit / Handbook of Peace in Early Modern Europe, Berlin & Boston 2021, pp. 985-999.
- Knutsen, Jan Normann: Aspects of the Union between Sweden and Norway (1814-1905), in: Folia Scandinavica 4 (1997), pp. 225-239.
- Vedung, Evert: Why the secession of Norway in 1905 did not lead to war, in: Ruiz, Enrique Martinez & de Pazzis Pi Corrales, Magdalena (Ed.): When the Light Came from the North : Sweden, Norway and the Modernist Catalunya, Madrid 2001, pp. 145-170.

Music Used:
Bach - Brandenburg Concerto
Haydn - Symphony No. 45.

0:00 The Beginning of the Union
2:42 Power Dynamics
3:50 Atlas VPN
5:08 Symbolic Disputes
7:21 Scandinavianism
9:14 Who will represent Norway?
11:37 Dissolution becomes inevitable
15:15 Outro
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Norway: We want independence.
Sweden: Understandable, have a nice day.


Charles XIV eventually became quite beloved in Norway, and the main street of Oslo is still named after him: Karl Johan.


I feel like the independence of Norway was the final puzzle piece for Scandinavian prosperity. For as long as we've been around, we've fought each other constantly and we've spent so much money and energy on getting better at that, with Denmark getting humbled in 1864 and then mutual acceptance between Norway and Sweden with this union splitting, we all just agreed to be nice and it's been nothing but up since.


Speaking as a Norwegian native; what an amazing video! We generally feel left out of European history books, so I am happy to get a fully dedicated video on your channel.

One note: The impeachment of Selmer in 1884, which lead to Sverdrup taking charge, is considered a watershed moment in the development of Norwegian Democracy. This led directly to the implementation of parliamentarism in Norway, which still holds on in some parts to this day.


There was never really going to be another swedish king. The offer was just meant as a nice gesture since everyone knew that king Oscar would never accept it. He felt personally betrayed by the norwegians because as he saw it, he had done everything he could for them. Prince Carl of Denmark was just the best candidate.




Oh nice, a channel I found not too long ago made a video of Norway's history. Nice video!

Also, just a merry mention:
Despite norwegian women having been refused to participate in the 1905 independence referendum, the suffragettes still collected signatures from women, of which ended up amounting to nearly 300'000 signatures. The age of many of the signatories might not have been over the voting age, but the amount was still used as an argument for women's suffrage, which helped norwegian women gaining it a mere 8 years later in 1913.


As a swede its kinda crazy to think about Swedens history because we were monsters for such a long time and then we just stoped going to war for something like 200 years and everything became quite chill.
Awesome video, you deserve a larger audience!


These videos are super, as a Swede I really appreciate this topic. Keep doing what you are doing!


Excellent video, but I think it downplays the tension between the two countries in the time leading up to (and including) the negotiations in Karlstad. Both countries had mobilized forces along the border, and Norway had built fortresses for the very purpose of stopping or slowing down Swedish forces if they would invade. However, there was no real popular support for war in Sweden, which was a good thing for Norway as the Swedish forces greatly outnumbered the Norwegian, and the lead negotiators for each country got along well and managed to reach a peaceful solution. Today we're all happy neighbors!


9:11. There was a diplomatic issue in Bodø in 1818. where an english smugler got arrested and the items were forfeit. the smugler got out on bail and fled to England. THEN the english demanded compensation for the goods. the swedish approved it and Norway was forced to pay repreations. that was one of the examples that the swedes didnt have Norway best interest at heart


Reason: Sweden liked Surströmming, whereas Norway peferred Rakfisk


I really like how you tackle Scandinavian and Nordic history in times that have changed them in unique and interesting ways. 😃

Could you do the Baltics or perhaps the underground movement 1940 in Denmark and Norway? I think your detailed overview would suit that region of Europe quite well.


One of the things that also helped kill the Pan-Scandinavian movement was that Sweden-Norway didn't send any troops to assist Denmark in the war of 1864, while they had done so in the previous 3 years war. In general throughout the 19th and first half of the 20th century Sweden was always more closely aligned with Germany while Denmark aligned itself with the UK and that caused quite a bit of friction at times, especially just after WWII where there was actual genuine animosity between Swedes and Norwegians over Sweden having allowed German troops to move through it. At that time if someone was hosting a dinner party they usually had to be careful to not seat Swedes and Norwegians next to each other because it'd cause an argument.


A fun fact I learned while getting a tour inside the Norwegian Castle: The most important royal in Norway after gaining their independence from Sweden was not the king, but in fact the queen. She was an English princess and getting her as the queen of Norway would mean that in a possible war against Sweden they would most likely have the support of Britain. In an old painting inside of the castle you could she the queen sitting front and center off the room on her own thrown, while the king was basically shoved to the side (even though he got his own little thrown to sit on).


Very well done sir, keep up the good work🇸🇪🇸🇯


Karlstad has a statue to commemorate the signing in the form of a lady breaking a sword and stepping on a helmeted head to symbolize the victory of peace over war. I like to joke that the reason Norway doesn't want to join the EU is their bad history with unions in general.


Scandinavianism is alive, but including Finland and Iceland today, it has simply transformed.
We have a Nordic Council and deep co operation in trade, defense and really any international matter. Anyone who is a citizen in a Nordic country can work, live and move freely in any other Nordic country and we have deep connection with eachother not only through culture but through language and history.
With all the co operation between us there is no need for unification, we are as close as one can be.
We are fraternal nations, with all the jokes aside I know many people from Scandinavia, Iceland and Finland will agree with me when I say I would happily shed blood for my brother nation's safety and prosperity.

Skål from Sweden


Great video! I've learned a lot of new details of this story, for example, about Prince Christian Frederick.

While watching a thought occurred to me that it would be awesome to see you cover the Congress Kingdom of Poland and the November Uprising (and perhaps the January one too) in a similar way. There's hardly anything about them on YouTube (not in English, at least), and I think you would handle this topic excellently.


Manatee as a Norwegian your channel is without a doubt the best on yt in terms of original and innovative historical content, especially from my favorite wacky 19th century (talking to the big, bloated and established channels recycling the same topics between eachother like there’s no tomorrow) and I’ll sing your and your channel’s praises to everyone I know. Truly appreciate the work you put into these and already looking forward to the next one
