Sample-Optimal Quantum Process Tomography with Non-Adaptive Incoherent Measurements- Oufkir|TQC 2023

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Aadil Oufkir
Sample-Optimal Quantum Process Tomography with Non-Adaptive Incoherent Measurements

How many copies of a quantum process are necessary and sufficient to construct an approximate classical description of it? We extend the result of Surawy-Stepney, Kahn, Kueng, and Guta (2022) to show that $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\din^3\dout^3/\varepsilon^2)$ copies are sufficient to learn any quantum channel $\mathds{C}^{\din\times \din}\rightarrow\mathds{C}^{\dout\times \dout}$ to within $\varepsilon$ in diamond norm. Moreover, we show that $\Omega(\din^3\dout^3/\varepsilon^2)$ copies are necessary for any strategy using incoherent non-adaptive measurements. This lower bound applies even for ancilla-assisted strategies.

July 26, 2023

TQC 2023 | 24-28 July 2023, University of Aveiro, Portugal

18th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography.

TQC is a leading annual international conference for students and researchers working in the theoretical aspects of quantum information science. The scientific objective is to bring together the theoretical quantum information science community to present and discuss the latest advances in the field.

Squids - Schools for Quantum Information Development
Universidade de Aveiro: Departamento de Matemática, CIDMA & Fábrica

Phasecraft, UK
Google Quantum AI, USA
QuSoft, The Netherlands
Quantum for Life Centre, Denmark
Technology Innovation Institute, UAE
ML4Q, Germany
Dulwich Quantum
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