3 True All Alone at Night Horror Stories (Vol. 4)

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3 True Horror Stories of those who were all alone at night. These are the Volume 4 edition of allegedly true stories that took place in the middle of the night when the victims were all alone. This is a mix of multiple different types of stories that all happened at night.

| *Stories* |
0:00 Story 1 - by C.V.
5:59 Story 2 - by Adem L.
10:56 Story 3 - by Anonymous

| *Credits* |

All elements (video, pictures, audio) used in the videos on this channel are a combination of paid stock, by attribution, royalty-free, public domain, and other copyright-free sources. All rights to these elements belong to their respective owners. No infringement is intended.
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First story.
It might have been the result of either an unpaid loan-shark seeking revenge or a drug deal gone bad. I feel sure that the house's owners knew more about the perpetrators than they were willing to tell the police.


Your content keeps getting better and better, keep it up dude!


Things I’ve learned from scary stories

Don’t have a house….don’t have a car…. Don’t be inside… don’t go outside…. Don’t walk anywhere, … don’t run anywhere….. don’t travel…. Don’t stay local … don’t do that…. Don’t do this… just don’t 😂


loving the consistency keep up the great work youre the only narrator besides mr nightmare that can actually keep me invested and imagining the story in my head💖👍


These stories getting better and better 🔥‼️‼️


Heyyy WD. Thank youu for another video. Your voice is everything.


Love you channel, it brings me a lot of comfort when I’m bored and when I’m upset about something. I watched almost all your videos though 😅


In the first story maybe the wack job got the wrong house or he might have been hired to smash that house up while she was on vacation by someone who was targeting her. In the second story keep your ears free and clear when you work alone like that. People can sneak up on you quickly otherwise. Third story- if some bum randomly has a key to your place don't wait awhile, change the locks immediately!


I recently found your channel and have been binging your videos while at work. Can’t wait to listen to more!

Also, several of these are outright terrifying to me, lol. I had planned to move out to a house with a sibling last year (the place sold before we could even see about a bank loan though), and am currently working to see about possibly buying a house for myself (again, gotta hit the bank to see about loans), so the idea of coming home to find some guy had a copy of the key and is with a knife is FREAKY! Plus I had an incident like that night employee did at my job not even a couple months ago. I was alone for like, 30-45 minutes cleaning after we closed, everyone else having already finished, and could have sworn I heard people walking around the restaurant while I was cleaning and using the bathroom. Legit checked everywhere, even the basement, after I locked up before I left. Then had the feeling I was being followed. I don’t know about it being my imagination or real, but I did see a shadow duck around a corner when I looked back on that walk. I may have sprinted the rest of the way home with what energy I had left after an 8 hour shift, lol.


glad they didn’t get hurt in the first story


I'm currently doing laundry outside and this is perfect for ambience


The sound effects are excellent!

Love your videos!


Story 3 I’d be concerned if that guy comes back since they be releasing everyone back onto the streets. You’re lucky he didn’t claim squatting rights or some bs where the cops pretended they can’t do their jobs and let the guy stay there. This is why you should A) get an alarm and B) get a dog.


Story one is odd. He mentions that they had to look after animals but he never brings it up again, then expresses no concern for the animals during the break in and vandalism of the house. This would be the first thing everyone would be concerned about. We never hear about the status of the animals after the break in, Makes me question if thats real.


That last story takes home invasion to a whole new level!


1st guy: Is it really a nice house if u can hear someone walking to the front door AND hear them at the back door from inside an upstairs bedroom??


Home from work I can finally enjoy this 😊


Story 3 - all this time it was not his brother who comes home at middle of the night but rather a strange weirdo barged inside the house & get all the food like he's helping himself out!


Love the consistency dude, Keep up the great work
Only 13K subs left till 100k let's go 🔥


I love the you explain, I'm not that good in English but, I can understand your explanation, I'm lucky to came across your channel always support brother...
