3 Allegedly True Home Alone Horror Stories

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Here are 3 Allegedly True Home Alone Horror Stories. These disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary home alone/break in horror stories are read from the perspective of people who experienced terrifying things while home alone.

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For one, I still struggle to understand why some of these people refuse to lock their door; whether urban, suburban, or rural. The third story absolutely boggled my mind. It's like you knew, as a listener, exactly what was happening while the person in the middle of it still seemed to be so clueless.


That's a very smart, brave young man in story 1. Locking one door but hiding in another, genius.


The kid that locked his room but hid in the bathroom with the door open is a genius. How could someone think of something so brilliant when your in a life or death situation


Props to the guy who called the cops in story#1 he's the real mvp


this is the perfect thing to watch a week before my parents leave to Hawaii for a week leaving me and my two siblings home alone. The absolute best thing to watch!!


my mom and grandparents were robbed extremely violently before i was born. my mom was around 15 at the time. a group of armed and masked robbers completely destroyed their front door, beat my grandpa unconscious, destroyed all telephones and then started asking about a safe. my grandma told them they didn't have a safe, and then they hit my grandma too, but my grandma insisted they didn't have one, and then the robbers just left with nothing. my mom ran to the window to see them speeding off in a nondescript van with no license plates. grandparents were physically ok afterwards, but the group of robbers were never caught.

the thing is, my grandparents did have a safe. a safe very few people knew about... grandma was just too tough. they think they know who was behind the attack but nothing could be proven.


Last year, I was working out of state for a few months so I left my wife at the house. She said a few times she looked out the windows and saw a man standing in the shadows under our tree along side the street quite far from the street lights. She asked me to order 2 solar pv motion lights for her which helped. A few mornings after I did come home we opened the guest room attached to the garage and clearly someone had slept on top of the bed and left in the early hours. True story.


Even locked doors, people can get in. Years ago when my parents were out, we had an Atari 2600 I was playing adventure on when power started going out in different sections of the house, not all at once like a black out. I was 13 and brother 8. Went and opened our basement door, which thank God was solid with sheet metal, something all homes in my area were built with. I took 3 steps down the basement stairs when I saw a set of shoes visibly sticking out near the boiler room, as if someone was trying to hide by the breaker box. I quickly walked back up, closed the basement door, and locked it, taking the key that we normally leave in the lock. Pulled my brother off my game he took over and told him to come with me now and not to say a word. Went next door and neighbor called the police. They got there in a few minutes and searched the house and found no one except for the storm bay window, was the the latch pulled through the wood, showing it was forced open. Whoever it was left the same way. I called my parents who rushed home and police took prints off the breaker box and breakers, but at that time, no one was caught. Few days later, a woman was found murdered in their home, they assumed was robbery gone bad. Weeks later it was found to be the husband and that his prints matched the ones on our breaker box. Turned out, the woman was divorcing the man after she caught him cheeting so he killed her and staged it to look like a robbery, and it was the police beliefs he broke into our home to kill my family, so he wouldn't be suspect, being multiple killings. Similar thing happened with a sharp shooter few years lator. Shot and killed a few people, to hide the fact he shot his own wife.


The way you keep the delivery so sharp is really impressive, massively inspiring for us new true crime channels to keep growing, massively hats off to you, love your work


I've been watching you for probably about a year now, maybe a little longer. Love your content. Always look forward to you uploading. Keep it up!


Locking a door but hiding in a different room is genius.


This dude is growing so fast I remember when he was under 100k now he at 500k keep going and don’t stop


It's always a good time when Chilling Scares uploads!


*Me and my cousins (+sibling) watched this video when we were having a sleepover and i can assure you that we did NOT sleep at all. Keep up the good work Chilling!!*


Chilling Scares is top-tier. Every time you click on his video, you know he put blood, sweat, and tears into delivering the best possible content.


I've got a somewhat chilling family story to share.. My Grandparents had a beautiful Victorian home with a large oak tree in front on Main Street in Napa California. My grandfather's name was John. One particularly dark evening, with no moon out to light the night, my grandmother looked out her kitchen window to the front yard and saw the outlined shadow of a man standing under the large oak tree and facing the front porch and door. John was a pipe smoker and often stepped outside to sit on the porch to smoke his pipe, so my grandmother simply assumed it was him, coming home from a late night with coworkers and stopping out front for a smoke before coming inside. When he didn't come in after a few minutes, my grandmother threw the dish towel she'd been using to dry the dishes over her shoulder and went out onto the front porch, down the stairs and began crossing the dark yard, heading toward who she thought was her husband. The figure was facing her but remained silent, which is probably why her step began to slow as she got closer to him and became more hesitant. When she was about 6 feet away, she said, "John?"... to which the man replied, "Mm-hmm". She knew immediately it wasn't her husband's voice, wasn't her husband at all, and she turned and quickly made her way back inside. The figure stayed under the tree for another several moments before finally turning and walking away down the side alley next to their yard. 😬😳


The very first thing I see as soon as I got on YouTube. Exactly what I was hoping for. I love being home alone, so this topic is perfect ♥️


Keep up the good work man. Also maybe some more "creepy storys with video footage" videos pls 👉👈


YES! Just what I needed while I enjoy my lunch. Great work. Great channel.


Great way to start my day. Love his voice and his channel.
