Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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"You have to hear this to believe this. The International Criminal Court in the Hague is contemplating issuing arrest warrants against senior Israeli government and military officials as war criminals.

This would be an outrage of historic proportions.

International bodies like the ICC arose in the wake of the Holocaust committed against the Jewish people. They were set up to prevent such horrors, to prevent future genocides.

Yet now the International Court is trying to put Israel in the dock. It's trying to put us in the dock as we defend ourselves against genocidal terrorists and regimes, Iran of course, that openly works to destroy the one and only Jewish state.

Branding Israel's leaders and soldiers as war criminals will pour jet fuel on the fires of anti-Semitism, those fires that are already raging on the campuses of America and across capitals around the world.

It will also be the first time that a democratic country fighting for its life according to the rules of war is itself accused of war crimes.

The Israeli army, the IDF, is one of the most moral militaries in the world.

It takes endless measures to prevent civilian casualties, measures that no other army takes.

It does so while fighting a terrorist enemy which uses its own civilians as human shields.

You know the truth. Hamas places its weapons, its terrorists in hospitals, schools, mosques and throughout civilian areas. They do this in order to win immunity and to maximize civilian casualties.

So, while Hamas shows no care for the lives of Palestinians and steals humanitarian aid meant for civilians, Israel is facilitating a surge of humanitarian assistance to Gaza. And we do this to ensure that the Palestinian population’s humanitarian needs are met.

Rather than commend Israel for abiding by the rules of war while fighting an enemy that violates every rule of war, including holding 133 Israeli men, women and children hostage, who's the ICC targeting? The democracy called Israel.

And in targeting Israel, the ICC would be
targeting all democracies because it would be undermining their inherent right to defend themselves against savage terrorism and wanton aggression.

Clearly, this threat by the ICC is not an attempt to enforce the law.

Israel is not even subject to the court’s jurisdiction and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law.

Rather, this ICC attempt is an attempt to paralyze Israel’s very ability to defend itself.

The government and people of Israel reject outright this grave threat to our security. This grave threat to our very existence.

And I want to assure you, no ICC action will impact Israel’s iron clad determination to achieve the goals of our war with Hamas terrorists: We will destroy Hamas’s military and governing capabilities in Gaza, we will release all our hostages, and we will ensure that Gaza never poses a threat to Israel again.

Israel expects the leaders of the free world to stand firmly against the ICC outrageous assault on Israel’s inherent right of self-defense. We expect them to use all the means at their disposal to stop this dangerous move.

Six months after the terrible Hamas massacre of October 7, eighty years after the horrors of the Holocaust, the Jewish state calls on decent people everywhere to reject this outrage by the ICC, to stand with Israel as we fight the barbarians of Hamas and Iran, and as we work to secure a more peaceful world".
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This guy has a lot of balls to keep the comment section open.


" if you are not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being opressed and loving the people who are doing the opressing.
Malcom X


Offended by everything. Ashamed of nothing.


God is never pleased with those walking in the paths of destruction.


We have investigated ourselves and found ourselves not guilty of all war crimes.


He must think the entire world is stupid!!!


Straight to the Hague, with or without Putin. Whichever we can catch first.


I bust a gut laughing at the IDF being one of the most moral militaries in the world


"When a person understand that God is the proprietor of everything, the friend of everyone and the enjoyer of all he becomes very peaceful. This is the actual peace formula. No one can have peace as long as he thinks, I am the proprietor."


How does it feel to be labeled as pariah state of the world??


We're now in the year 2024. People will go back to this video and what happened since October the 7th. We're in the middle of history.


"Its all the college students faults and professors with dangerous ideas". - i believe another infamous leader also believed that too


History repits itself, they say.
League of Nations also turned a blind eye long ago.


Exactly what is wrong with Pslestinian statehood? The ancestry of Palestinians in the area of Israel goes back 12, 000 years. If Israel can be a nation then so can Palestine. Don't be a racist.


If only he can call his good friend (Rothschild) now. Ask what happens with him now in the other dimension.


I think Benji here is trying everything to stay in power..


Are we become so stupid that he thinks that he can lie like that?


Seconds in, I was expecting the Skip Ad button 😕


Benito didn’t choose his lamp post either.


Ain’t that Ethnic populism speech Similar to our man with a quarter moustache 😂😂
