Intermediate vs Advanced Skiing | What's the difference?

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Want to improve your skiing and progress towards expert status?
In this video, 2x Olympian Kaylin Richardson identifies the difference between intermediate and advanced skiers. Use these tips and learn how to ski better next time you're carving up the slopes.

Skier: Kaylin Richardson
Location: Valle Nevado, Chile
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the magic of skiing is it gets easier as you get better


Precise, short and clear message. What a delight to watch and learn. Thanks a million.
Next stop... practice


listen ive been skiing for 10 years and this is some good ass advice


This is really great advice. We all KNOW to put pressure on the front of the boot, but you are absolutely right, when we lack confidence, what we KNOW sometimes goes right out of the window. This really helped me. Can't wait until next weekend...I'm am going to go for it!


Great info!!! As a retired ski instructor I have taught a lot of intermediate skiers, experts have the skills learned over time and thousands of miles. The biggest issue I have seen in the intermediate level skier is thinking they are better than their skills actually are which leads to higher speeds and next thing the weight goes back, the uphill ski gets clung on to, the panic takes over and they learn the hard way.
We all are taken by surprise because skiing is a dynamic responsive experience and snow conditions can change in a split second. The advanced level skier has gotten there through experience, through instruction of proper ski techniques, and at least in my case a lot of bruises, cuts, and ACL repairs. Slow down, ski in control, it’s not just the “code” it’s how you can live for another day.


Great tips and without a doubt the best advise she gave was keeping your hands forward. As a advanced expert it is one of the first tips I give to any intermediate skier I’m spending the day with.
When your hands drop and get behind your hips it rotates you onto your heals and thus you are on your ski tails.
My favourite line is “ put your hands out front and grab the steering wheel and don’t let go”. Was out with a friend yesterday and taught him that by the end of the day his skiing had changed dramatically. Great turns everyone.


Excellent advice... As someone who has been skiing and snowboarding for 35 years, I absolutely agree with the sediments of your statements. I find that confidence with most Intermediate is a huge limiting factor in their skills progression.


The “you got this!” thought is demonstrated at 1:54 when you take your skating strides to start. If someone is hesitant to start, if their first motion is a skate stride, it tells their body “it’s on!”


This is a perfect description of my skiing ability. The mind gets clogged, the hips and butt get low and back, and the heels feel the pressure. I know I should press forward on the boot but I just can't get my body to commit. Thanks for the video!


The only thing that stops me to get on the next level is the cost of health care in the US.


The best advice ! It is same in music! After the hard work, it comes the most important: confidence and trust. Thank you !


A truly gifted communicator.Confidence and wisdom in a bite sized chunk.


I have transition to the front of my boot but my fall downs are epic 😀, also made skiing so much more fun to be aggressive on the slopes. Thanks for the video!


Great video, thanks. Confidence is 80% of my ability to ski in an advanced way. I don't have to think about moving my weight to the front edges....once lost, I start sitting and become frustrated.


might be the best 2 min ski instruction vid ever.  

I'd like to add that any intermediate skier wishing to progress would be far better off spending their money on lessons/coaching rather than the latest too wide, excessively rockered (so you can ski more terrain but still be a poor skier) ski that bests everything before it (so the marketing goes).


That totally resonates with me! I don’t really classify my style of skiing except for the fact that I “charge.” Whatever terrain I’m riding I want to hit it hard, so thinking “charge” puts my body, especially lower body in the right position. If my lower body is in the right position, everything else falls into place.


loved the key sentences of being forward on the skis by being on the balls of the boot pressing forward hugging the tongue of the boots with the shins of the skiers lower leg at the same time emphasizing the importance of ankle flex。good job giving the crucial points in such a few short sentences


This is exactly what I needed to hear before I head out tomorrow. Last time it was consciously telling myself to keep my torso faced down the hill and head up, this time it'll be checking to make sure I'm not leaning back because of comfort level. Awesome tip!


So many people are afraid to go fast enough to be dynamic. The control and confidence you get from carving is wonderful, but it takes a leap of faith to let the skis run and take the time needed to make round turns.


This was the perfect video. I’m a skier and I consider myself pretty decent. I can hold my own for the most part, but I want to ski in a more advanced manner. I’ve been stuck at intermediate for like a year 😂
